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Video Player


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I assume you mean a VHS video cassette recorder? I would try the string of shops East of Chang Phueak Gate, along the outside of the moat. They have lots of second hand electronics stuff. A completely new VCR is probably very difficult to find these days. Everyone else has moved on to DVD.

Not sure what you will be using it for, but it might be worthwhile looking at upgrading to a DVD recorder/player if you want to record programs off TV - and if you have old material on VHS cassette, just find a shop that converts it into DVD for you (although I am not sure what shops in CM have this kind of service).

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I've got a couple of old VHS recorders- a sanyo and Panasonic HP10. No idea if they if they work as it's been years since I used them. You can have them for next to nothing if you want. I'm in Sarapee(7 km) if you want to pick them up or I can drop them off somewhere in town. Just Trying to do a bit of house clearance!

PM me Fosa

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Interested in both offers please pm me as Ive joined the forum today and havent quite got the hang of this new fangled technologythingum.

Kids just want to watch their videos. Putting them all on DVD would be a bit silly.

Where can i get a deck for me old 78's

As in 78 rpm records? Man, you really are back in the stone age, aren't you? :o

I have a very nice Sony VHS recorder but will not be ready to part with it until I figure out how to transfer all my VHS tapes to DVD. And no, not violating copyright stuff as most are personal tapes that I am unwilling to simply discard. Too many to have someone else do plus it would take a lot of editing/choosing.

I purchased mine at Siam TV right next to the UBC office inside the moat near the NW corner. I hear that they are not carrying them any more but are willing to order one for you if you talk to the right person. Don't be afraid to ask for a manager or two because, like most stores in Thailand (NCI), sales persons will tell you no rather than ever tell you that they don't know. Surely they must have someone who works in an order department...

If anyone reading these posts knows the best route to take to transfer VHS-DVD, let us know willya?

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If anyone reading these posts knows the best route to take to transfer VHS-DVD, let us know willya?

If you want to do it yourself, the obvious way is to invest in a quality DVD recorder, and dub straight off the VHS player. Alternatively you can go the long route of using a good DVD editor on your computer and remastering your edited version onto a DVD with the aid of a DVD writer.

In the past I have used some of the "cowboys" on the second floor of Computer Plaza, but they are expensive (400 baht a copy) and the results were not particularly good.

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Pantip PLaza CM has a shop on 2nd(?) floor with yellow sign with stuff on like 'CD ,VHS, VCD etc 150B. Ihad some VHS tapes converted to VCD 150B\hour. Pretty good copies considering the age of the tapes, In fact there's loads of these shops all over town (franchise?)


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If anyone reading these posts knows the best route to take to transfer VHS-DVD, let us know willya?

That's an easy question - come down to my shop with your tapes, leave them for a day or two and let me make you an offer you're free to resist. Converting analog tapes to digital media is part of the stuff we do for a living.

Have you watched your tapes, lately? What you can expect from the standard process (capture the video from a VHS-player, digitizing the captured and burning it to a DVD) is that the visual quality of what you see on your screen when playing the DVD is equal to the visual quality when playing your tape - nothing more (and nothing less) ... the copy won't be any better than the original, except for the more handy and longer lasting medium. A ten year old VHS-tape that have sat unused eight years next to a TV-set or stored in a sunbaked Thailand attic won't have much of a picture quality. Colors will have faded, black turned into shades of grey and the favorite scenes might have specks all over them and faces having a sick shade of green. The flaws will still be there after converting.

Feel free to bring your tapes down here, leave them for a day or two (depending on quantity) and I'll be ready to tell whether I'll refuse (due to too lousy input material) or tell what I'll charge for doing what you'd like me to do .... No charge unless we make a deal.

(I've PM'ed Dustoff with contact details ... won't spam anyone that hasn't asked for it)

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