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What Does Your Avatar Represent?


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Accurately or otherwise, avatars always give me a mental idea of the personality/age etc. etc. of the poster who has chosen to adopt it as their graphic representation.

So I would like to find out why people choose the avatars they do? Are they significant to you?

For example, who is the bloke on Libyas avatar?

Why is Bino a rat?

Any significance to the mask cdnvik?

So come on fess up, why did you choose your avatar? does it represent something about you/your life?

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Any significance to the mask cdnvic?

It's a mask from the Haida indian tribe who were native to the west coast islands here. The mask is apparently a "secret society mask" although I fail to see how wearing a special mask helps keep it a secret. :o

But I assume they know what they were doing.

Edited by cdnvic
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My Avatar is of one of my moggies, I caught him in this pose (mid self-grooming) as I was walking up the stairs with my camera as I was taking pictures around the house I lived in in the UK for rental purposes, he and his fat uncle are now with me and family in LOS! :o

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Humphrey Bogart.

Of if you like -

Rick Blaine in Cassablanca

Philip Marlowe in The Big Sleep

And my personal favourite....

Harry Morgan in To Have and Have Not

Which of course has the perfect supporting role for many a TV member Eddie

Edited by GuestHouse
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My new one is Lady Wynter. I was on 3 different avatar websites looking for one that was a bit Gothic (was fed up of the cutesy girl & dog) & went with Winter or bad weather (november rain). I liked her. And, as Jet pointed out, she has hair like Jet!! :D

Baaaad girl. Welcome. You are ten steps away from the Gorgon clan. :o

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Although this has been done before, there's a new set of members answer each time (the old hands don't give a flying fart about what [if anything] avatars mean).

I like to think mine represents my no-bull attitude to life, I don't suffer fools gladly, in work I'm a JFDI (Just Frigging Do It) person, engineers can get like that as they get older.

Besides, I thought that as a road sign, it just about sums up LoS :o

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Although this has been done before, there's a new set of members answer each time (the old hands don't give a flying fart about what [if anything] avatars mean).

I like to think mine represents my no-bull attitude to life, I don't suffer fools gladly, in work I'm a JFDI (Just Frigging Do It) person, engineers can get like that as they get older.

Besides, I thought that as a road sign, it just about sums up LoS :o

But, Crossy, with the utmost respect from an upstart TV member, why is the wagon not covered?

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