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Trump does not want to hear tape of 'vicious' Khashoggi murder


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5 hours ago, quandow said:

Yet many MORE people (INCLUDING the CIA) told you he DID order the murder.


Oh, I forgot: the pussy-grabber-in-chief is a fan of alternative facts.

"He told me that he had nothing to do with it," Trump said

The "pussy-grabber-in-chief" makes this lame effort at protecting his obviously guilty cronies by using the above noted line. He is incapable of realizing how stupid this makes him look. Or how stupid he thinks the rest of the world is to believe a defence line like this. Who gives a sh*t what he told you Donald? We all know that you are a liar without morals or pride.

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7 minutes ago, Prairieboy said:

If you check the date on your link you will note that the price quoted was in 2007 - 11 years ago.  The price shown below is from Nov 16, 2018!




46adaf710b536ac64a5c581a456a36b4.png Western Canadian Select  14.68

I have already acknowledged my error. And then reacknowledged it in reply to a later post. And now I will re-reacknowledge it.

And maybe someone who has pointed this out will acknowledge why it is that Canadian crude trades at such a huge discount and why that makes it an insignificant player in the world oil market.

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17 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Tar sand oil is indeed a s....ty oil and cannot be processed and refined like light Arabian oil.


Yet, the main reason for the huge discount is mostly linked to transportation.


Not only is it far from the Gulf refineries, but there are no practical means of transportation, such as pipelines, for it.


It seems that Canada made a mistake by devastating a large part of the country (the photos are truly horrific) while making no money from this gigantic project.


Venezuela, which has the largest tar sand oil reserves, has not touched them as far as I know...

Any google search will reveal that a pipeline is needed, There is a glut because it can't be moved. I am not talking about Venezuela.

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3 hours ago, animalmagic said:

Who showed the qualities necessary to become President.

Yes, unfortunately, most do not.


Ok, guess - who may I be thinking of?


So as not to get you into trouble, let's consider my question as rhetorical. :thumbsup:

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On 11/19/2018 at 10:44 AM, Cryingdick said:


Unfortunately the rich do what they want to. I understand the sentiment of what you say but the reality in this world is the rich are above the law. Take a look around Thailand, the USA or anywhere else and it is obvious there are two sets of laws.


This is true: the rich have always had, and still have a milder set of laws governing them. But, because of constant pushback by people (many of them very brave) over the centuries who refused to be resigned to such a situation, things are far less cozy for the rich than they used to be.


Forgive me for the the presumption, but you seem to be in the resigned camp. That camp has never contributed to the progress—imperfect as that may be—that has been achieved so far.

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A Turkish news website has published quotes and the identity of some speakers in two audio recordings revealing the last moments of slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi



Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was forced by his would-be killers to send a message to his son who was held in the kingdom by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Hürriyet columnist Abdulkadir Selvi wrote on Nov. 19 citing latest findings in the Turkish investigation into the murder.


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36 minutes ago, Opl said:

A Turkish news website has published quotes and the identity of some speakers in two audio recordings revealing the last moments of slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi



Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was forced by his would-be killers to send a message to his son who was held in the kingdom by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Hürriyet columnist Abdulkadir Selvi wrote on Nov. 19 citing latest findings in the Turkish investigation into the murder.


Gruesome stuff. So they tortured the poor guy for about 50 minutes.


Hopefully the recording will eventually leak.


Akar replied to a question on whether Turkey would make the recordings public.

“At the moment, no. But it depends on the situation, according to the developments, under the control of the prosecutor,” he said.

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Trump stops CIA from briefing Senate on Khashoggi murder. 

According to Senate staffers there is always an intel person there for a briefing like this. It is totally unprecedented and should be interpreted as nothing less than the Trump administration trying to silence the intelligence community.”


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