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Trump would not intervene if Whitaker moves to curtail Mueller probe


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43 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Oh, just wait. Mueller is putting together charges, and Trump is going to fall from "grace", in a very hard fashion. Just wait. Trump has more skeletons in his closet that a Papuan Highlander cannibal.

Or Imelda Marcos had shoes...

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7 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

yet nothing so far connected to Trump collusion. sorry cnn and msm is for the brainwashed  braindead as the devil is in the details. dig a little deeper and it truly is a "nothing burger" as admitted by Van jones and others at cnn.


“Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.” - Lavrentiy Beria. “




That's a lot of meat for a big nothing burger. Considering the National Security Adviser etc are some of the people pleading guilty.

How can any patriotic American say this is not at least worth looking into?


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11 minutes ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

Nothing from the investigation has been revealed so how could there be any proof of collusion yet? No proper investigation gives out details before an investigation is complete!!!

You and your FOX news bunch just keep singing the same lies.

Once the investigation is released you will see if there was collusion or money laundering or treason or whatever.

To keep repeating Trumps lies about no evidence of collusion at this point is just more lies!! STOP IT!!! 

I thought it was Russia. now its whatever we can get him on?

Thats the issue with open ended investigations

"Show me the man and I will give you the crime" was a famous Stalin era quote

from head of his secret police. Perfectly applies if your goal is to find something,

anything "whatever"


This is desperation tactics imo 

im looking forward to the report though. 


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46 minutes ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

Ok just about enough of your brainwashed or brain dead comments.'


Save the lies for your con man in chief to spew.

That is a hell of a lot of witches!!!!

Including 25 Russians who they will never try, a lawyer, a schnook who was set up and some misc minor criminals. Oh and Manafort, hes just a thief. And this is what has roiled the American body politic for two years. I for one cant wait for the report.

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36 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

yet nothing so far connected to Trump collusion. sorry cnn and msm is for the brainwashed  braindead as the devil is in the details. dig a little deeper and it truly is a "nothing burger" as admitted by Van jones and others at cnn.


“Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.” - Lavrentiy Beria. “




On the off chance you are interested in the FACTS, but I doubt it.


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Also the original scope of the case was ti investigate Russian involvement NOT COLLUSION, as well as any other illegal activity that is uncovered during that investigation.

Collusion is the word Trump keeps throwing out there to distract the small minds of those that blindly follow him.

His method is to keep repeating the same lies over and over until he beats you into submission with it.

From your posts I can see it works on many weak minded people.


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Wow...the deniers are strong with this thread. Mueller would have ended this if nothing to see here. The hammer is about to drop. clap2.gif&key=22269fee262b699c57bd64b2fcd8ecd65113b42061c2f5a19e5d0201d45ec008


Integrity: Mueller Full; Trump Zero

Career: Mueller Professional Patriotic; Trump Spoiled Selfish Entitled Uncouth Hack

Demeanor: Mueller Quiet Calm Thorough Calculating;

Trump Angry Phony Vindictive Loquacious Braggart Immature Ultracrepidarian 

Honestly if the report ever sees the light of day which it might not as the AG is not obligated to release it IF it shows "trump" innocent of collusion, obstruction of justice, and criminal financial corruption I will accept that. Of course I will still want Agent Orange to go away but I trust Mueller that much.


Compare to the "trump" fans. They are ready to keep screaming witch hunt regardless of how severe the findings are.


Now that's deplorable.


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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Compare to the "trump" fans. They are ready to keep screaming witch hunt regardless of how severe the findings are.

And suppose the findings are....nothing. No there there. What are the folks who have invested all of their time hating Trump going to do?

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On 11/19/2018 at 8:38 AM, webfact said:

We will expose any involvement he has in it," Schiff, referring to Whitaker, told ABC's "This Week" program," accusing Trump of appointing Whitaker in order to interfere with the investigation. "This is an attack on the rule of law."

This half wit Schiff said there was collusion as soon as JS recused himself!

On another matter, I'm under the impression Mr.  Emmit Flood, PT legal council was well worth his weight in gold.A brilliant tactician even helped the last POTUS that got impeached Bill Clinton! Unfortunately he was awarded a pass by the senate not reaching a 2/3 majority then BC went on through his term with a high approval rating and to boot screwed the GOP from getting control in the next election! Many don't know that Flood's law firm helped HC in her email scandal.


Back to the new temporary AG! The intentions of Mueller and Rosenstein came out in the wash, the day PT left for Helsinki!

Coming out with that phony stunt of a interview exposing more Russians as PT is on his way to meet Mr. Putin .But that's Ok ! Cause PT and his lawyers learned from that!( Wait for the mid terms which led to JS resigning ,Mr Wittaker replacing him and unrecused ,then PT  easy question and answer time with Mueller!


It all comes down to the report ,not the firing of Mueller.Before the gate keeper of the report was only Rosenstein ,now it must go through JS's temporary replacement(Wittaker) and if Mueller isn't finished by the time Mr. Whittaker 's term is up the new appointed AG will deal with the honest truth,no made up stuff from the Dem's and making sure their aren't any leaks!


The best part for me is knowing that Mr Wittaker has access to all of the sources and methods and intel that Mr.Muller and Rosenstein used and has! No need to fire Mueller ,it's a witch hunt! PT gets out of no collusion and no obstruction ,Why! Because there wasn't any! I bet Mr. Wlttaker can Multi task as well, he's had a direct line with Mr. Huber well over a  year.

Edited by riclag
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4 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

And suppose the findings are....nothing. No there there. What are the folks who have invested all of their time hating Trump going to do?

The OP - literally - answered this question in the previous sentence to the one you quoted. I do hope you're not losing your faculties, you've been one of the more interesting and amusing Trumpeters.

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He's not going anywhere, and if the economy keeps going gangbusters he's a shoo in at the election.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is judging the economy by the Dow. Corporations are raking in the money by the barrel-loads but that trickle down is CEO's pissing on our heads. Yes, unemployment is down but new jobs are overwhelmingly less than 32 hours a week so the employers don't have to pay health care, and receiving a pension is something that happened to your grandparents. The U.S. is the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, but it will be remembered in the history books as the MOST corrupt, MOST greedy nation as well.

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2 hours ago, JCauto said:

The OP - literally - answered this question in the previous sentence to the one you quoted. I do hope you're not losing your faculties, you've been one of the more interesting and amusing Trumpeters.

Dude my faculties were lost 15 years ago when my school closed. Ive lost touch with all of them.


But, interesting and amusing as moi might be,  Im not a Trumpeter. Im a free thinker. My echo chamber is padded with what its, if sos, did you ever thinks, so whats and the thoughts in my box are outside because of long studies in dezinformatsya. I have no emotional investment and a low screech threshold. I remember President Badger Hair when he was an annoying Tabloid staple, which may be before some posters were born. Thanks for smiling!

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5 hours ago, quandow said:

One of the biggest mistakes people make is judging the economy by the Dow. Corporations are raking in the money by the barrel-loads but that trickle down is CEO's pissing on our heads. Yes, unemployment is down but new jobs are overwhelmingly less than 32 hours a week so the employers don't have to pay health care, and receiving a pension is something that happened to your grandparents. The U.S. is the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, but it will be remembered in the history books as the MOST corrupt, MOST greedy nation as well.

I never take any notice of what the gambling for rich folk organisations are saying. Less people on food stamps is what counts and yes, it's shameful that they are being exploited by the rich, but rotting at home is worse than working for less than one is worth.

However, I can think of several countries that are more corrupt than the US, but greedy, probably the US does take that crown.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

A few, but NONE that actually colluded with Russia over the election. 

Time for the circus to provide a show, or close down.

Nor will anyone be charged with 'collusion' because collusion is used as a general term about contacts which may be illegal.   There is no specific law about collusion.   But they are guilty as hell...and it's a pretty sure bet that Trump is as well.


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43 minutes ago, Credo said:

Nor will anyone be charged with 'collusion' because collusion is used as a general term about contacts which may be illegal.   There is no specific law about collusion.   But they are guilty as hell...and it's a pretty sure bet that Trump is as well.


Well, conspiracy is a kind of collusion. 

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Matthew Whitaker Earned $1.2 Million From Group Backed by Undisclosed Donors

WASHINGTON — Matthew G. Whitaker, the acting attorney general, was paid more than $1.2 million in the past few years by a group active in conservative politics that does not reveal its donors, according to financial disclosure statements released Tuesday and other documents.

The disclosure raised questions about who Mr. Whitaker’s financial patrons had been before he joined the Justice Department last year and whether he might have any undisclosed conflicts of interest. And it highlighted the prominence of so-called dark money groups that pursue political agendas and employ members of both parties without being required to make public the source of their funding.


https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/20/us/politics/matthew-whitaker-finances.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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Expect more articles "unleashed" on Whitaker because Whitaker is the "leash" on special counsel. he'll make sure special counsel will not stray too far from the original assignment, which is his oversight authority as AG.

Also Rosenstein on leash, checked from further misbehaving,  wearing wires level misbehaving till investigation report is complete.



Huber next? scheduled to testify dec.5 !!






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