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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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7 hours ago, bomber said:


sounds like an ex miner probably a scargil fan in his youth

    Tutt Tutt , 

Open University degrees  , are better than nought . 


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2 hours ago, aright said:

Interesting question. I'm not sure the EU would agree a 6-7 mth extension. This would allow carnage by UK MEP Europhobes in their May elections. They will have enough problems with extreme European parties without further pot stirring from Nigel Farage.. I would have thought a 20-24 mth extension would have been desirable from their standpoint...……..it would lock us in to continued contributions and a time frame for changing our mind. This is complete conjecture of course.

yes, it would sort of screw up their EP elections/composition if UK should opt to exit after say 6-7-8 months,

on the other hand, a first rate opportunity for EU to learn about by elections.

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

Orban has crossed the red line’: EU centre-right group to debate kicking out Hungary’s ruling party




Norwegian PM is pressing hard for having his party excluded

interestingly at the same time Norway is seeking Hungary's support for her candidature to UN Sec Council


there is a long ongoing spat between Norway and Hungary re distribution of finances to Hungary

(this is different from EU, part of the EEA stuff - wealth distribution - Norway can pick from a

menu of worthy projects into which pay so and so much money,

Norway picked some NGO stuff in Hungary,

but Norway refused to pay after Orban took over and grabbed control of the NGOs,

the money is piling up in Norway, Orban is getting madder and madder - approaching heart attack)


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2 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN

According to UN projections, Sweden will be a much poorer country by 2030, much worse than what anyone in the Swedish government indicates. The UN report HDI (Human Development Index) predicts a significant decrease in Swedish prosperity.
A direct result of EU ideology. Forget democracy, Brexit ain't gonna
happen, because they cannot afford any upsets to this grand plan.
Pity we cant swap 'that stupid woman' for Orban.

sounds sort of remote and strange to me

Sweden has some rather solid industry,

ABB, Volvo, Scania, Fighter Jets, Saab, lots more

snuff, large condom industry

fisheries - ample farming


but - who knows

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1 hour ago, talahtnut said:

Its a UN report.... whether you like it or not.  And where

does it mention Islam?  If anything the focus of the

EU is anti- White European. The most popular name for

newborns in the UK is Mohamed. Get used to the NWO.


Firstly it's based on a report from 2010, so almost 10 years out of date. It's not a UN report as such, but a paper submitted to the UN, and thirdly, having read it, I can't see anywhere where it comes to that conclusion !


The report - http://ww.rrojasdatabank.info/HDRP_2010_40.pdf



According to the current UN development reports Sweden  is the 7th highest ranked country in the world,not the 25th in 2015 that the website says - I can't see it falling to 45th in 2030 - http://hdr.undp.org/en/countries/profiles/SWE


Don't believe everything you see on the web just because it confirms your own biases

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2 hours ago, bomber said:

another big name brexiteer MP using brexit for personal gain,make ya money in the EU and return home after the pound has crashed with 10-15% extra

What do you mean by this exactly? Using Brexit for personal gain? Make money in the EU and return home after the pound has crashed? Who is doing these things - Liam Fox? Any evidence? 

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43 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

Blame it on Trump trade wars

nothing to do with Brexit


Trump is like a brexiteer and thinks things can only get better...well the figures out yesterday proved he got it wrong.

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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

I suppose that you really mean is: the problem with Brexit is that it is such a stupid idea that none of your so-called sensible people expected that there would be a vote in favour. This doesn't really make them that bloody sensible now, does it?

Which is a fair point!

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2 hours ago, elliss said:

          Quite right , 

However  expats who have chosen to leave their  UK homeland , 

should not be allowed to vote on UK elections , aka democracy .  


   Get over it  and move on .  in your new homeland , aliens .   BJ ..

    800 K  bht , will do nicely . Welcome  to thailand .  555 




So should expats be allowed to vote in the country they have moved to then?


Or is everybody who has left their country of origin a traitor and therefore excluded from the democratic process forever?

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42 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

What do you mean by this exactly? Using Brexit for personal gain? Make money in the EU and return home after the pound has crashed? Who is doing these things - Liam Fox? Any evidence? 

read the article

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37 minutes ago, bomber said:
1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

What do you mean by this exactly? Using Brexit for personal gain? Make money in the EU and return home after the pound has crashed? Who is doing these things - Liam Fox? Any evidence? 

read the article

I did.  So can you answer the questions, because your comment after that article didn't make any sense. 

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5 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

I did.  So can you answer the questions, because your comment after that article didn't make any sense. 

part of his department are moving to brussels,enough said,bye bye brexit britain hello better brussels

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5 hours ago, Loiner said:

She then got rid of the Brexiteers when she and Merkel did their deal. She tried to force them to accept the deal at chequers one Sunday evening by taking their phones and cars away.

How exactly did she achieve that? “You will only get back your iPhone X either Tinder and Candy Crush after you’ve signed my deal”?


4 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Its a UN report.... whether you like it or not. 

No, speisa.com is not an UN report, it’s a far-right hogwash website. 


4 hours ago, talahtnut said:

The most popular name for

newborns in the UK is Mohamed. Get used to the NWO.

And I’ve heard the most popular color is blue. Scary. 


4 hours ago, nauseus said:

The truth is you seem to be overlooking the fact that May and Ollie had their own agenda from day one and that Davis was not allowed to do his job.

Did they chain him to his chair, his car and phone taken away? Where was Merkel? 


I will certainly miss all this conspiracy theory hogwash once the whole nonsense is over. Though I’m sure the loons will find a new hobby; chemtrails maybe? You guys are hilarious. 


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20 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

The article was about Ernst & Young, the consultancy firm hired to help promote Britain. And you said: 


"another big name brexiteer MP using brexit for personal gain,make ya money in the EU and return home after the pound has crashed with 10-15% extra"


So nothing about a big name MP who is "using Brexit for personal gain", and the rest of your comment makes even less sense. Had a drink have we? ???? 



so a firm from the UK he hired to promote britain has fled britain for brussels,sounds about right...no drink iam afraid,spoonies was tickets only with bulldog tatoo's needed to get on the waiting list.????

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52 minutes ago, bomber said:

so a firm from the UK he hired to promote britain has fled britain for brussels,sounds about right...no drink iam afraid,spoonies was tickets only with bulldog tatoo's needed to get on the waiting list.????

woz dat 90 or 99 % ? 

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