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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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10 hours ago, Loiner said:

Maybe its more to do with the EU anti diesel rules?


EU. A spin and subjugation story

incorrect it was UK govts who for some strange reason told their people derv was cleaner than 4 star,anyone with an once of sense knew it was BS,they now tell us it kills 300-400 people a year,thanks UK govt,cannot recall if it was labour or tory

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10 hours ago, evadgib said:

During Sky's Press review this morning a panelist noted that this relates to a THIRTY GRAND Diesel SUV that Nissan had realized was hardly likely to be flying out of the showrooms regardless of Brexit & same could be said of Jaguar/LR etc.


sorry but it will still be built just not in sunderland,£30k or £3k petrol or derv,its just the start like ive said on here many times,expect honda,toyota next,the models have 4-5 year life spans so lets see where the next leaf etc are destined to be built,

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10 hours ago, yogi100 said:


You're assuming this. We are still in the EU, we've not left it yet. We've not established new trading agreements either. Germany is not going to like losing the British market for its exports among which have been one fifth of all cars made in the Fatherland and neither are France, Spain, Italy, nor the Benelux nations. Your post is pure speculation and conjecture.


Unlike your post mine is based on fact, reality and experience because I've been a victim of the importation of cheap scab labour. My colleagues and I were laid off in 2004 for no tangible reason.


We soon discovered that our replacements were Eastern Europeans working for half of what we had been earning. I never worked full time again after that and the tax payer had to fork out to keep myself and my colleagues unless of course unlike myself they found alternative employment. I lost touch with them soon after that.


And incidentally you yourself were included among our benefactors if you were indeed a tax paying British citizen at the time. If you were thanks for your donation. I've no doubt you were happy coughing up to make such a contribution.


There were just four of us who lost our livelihood that day but we were just a few of thousands that it happened to at the time. Since then it's probably been millions.


Think of all that money that British businessmen and their shareholder chums have saved by being able to access the European labour market. It would probably make you cream your pants except it's unlikely that you're seeing a penny of it.


Big companies profits only benefit themselves not you and me. Amazon and Starbucks make billions out of cheap foreign labour in the UK, check how much tax they pay! It's on the internet.

germany may like building the the x-trail tho,????

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10 hours ago, Loiner said:

So nothing to do with Brexit then? Japan can bring their UK factory jobs back home to Japan, because they have a new free-trade deal with the EU. Our partners in Brussels working against the UK interest again.

still its the fault of the EU you say,nissan didnt want brexit and neither did the EU,it was made in the UK,just its a pity it seems not much else is going to be

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3 hours ago, wilcopops said:

There is actually quite a lot of evidence to support this....and it has been widely reported.

Sadly it seems evidence is an anathema to brexiteers

I think however they should find a lot of Brexit demographics somewhat disconcerting - part from the low educational achievement their is the disturbing presence throughout Brextitism of the racist hard right - Racism being the lowest form of ignorance.


Would anyone REALLY want to be on the same side as such abysmal low-lifes?






What are the facts?

Research carried out by leading polling companies in the wake of the referendum found that educational attainment was strongly linked to whether voters supported EU membership.

According to YouGov, 68% of voters with a university degree wanted to remain in the EU, while 70% of voters with only GCSE qualifications or lower voted to leave. Those with A levels and no degree were evenly split. 

These findings largely tally with the results of an Ipsos Mori survey published in September, and with polling conducted by Lord Ashcroft on the day of the referendum. - https://www.theweek.co.uk/89378/fact-check-did-uk-s-better-educated-vote-remain


Higher Education ‘Predominant Factor’ in Brexit Vote





A breakdown of EU referendum data has shown people with a lower education level were much more likely to vote for Brexit.  Almost half of the local authorities which counted votes provided demographic information to the BBC. Analysis showed that how people voted was ‘strongly associated’ with how far they went with formal education. This link was higher than any other measure from the census, including age and ethnicity.


Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2017/02/07/if-you-voted-for-brexit-youre-not-going-to-like-this-6433145/?ito=cbshare

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/


I don't suppose a Brexiteer would appreciate the irony in not knowing about this?

common knowledge the thickheads voted leave,anyway iam going to the pub now and there are nissan workers who drink in it,i wonder if the leave voters are getting the rounds in on the strenght of their bank accounts soon to be bulging with redundancy money,

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common knowledge the thickheads voted leave,anyway iam going to the pub now and there are nissan workers who drink in it,i wonder if the leave voters are getting the rounds in on the strenght of their bank accounts soon to be bulging with redundancy money,
Spoons busy?

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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5 minutes ago, aright said:

Incorrect.....you need to bring yourself up to date. The British Govt promoted diesel many years ago on the basis of perceived judgment at that time. The fly in the ointment came when VW were caught fiddling diesel test results.


In the last week, the company has fired much of its upper management, eradicated all mention of its TDI diesels from its U.S. website, and admitted that 11 million diesel vehicles have software that enabled them to pass emission tests while emitting 10 to 35 times the permissible U.S. levels of nitrous oxides.

Yesterday the German transport ministry announced that Volkswagen had rigged emission tests on 2.8 million diesel vehicles in Germany alone. Switzerland temporarily banned the sale of VW diesels in the country.





What was the Uk govt making decisions based on a foreign companys asumptions.like i said any one with an ounce of brain knew better,never mind lets wait and see what BS the nigerians can con them with when the mighty deal is signed.and dont forget Iran that will be intersting.remember these are the people you have so much faith in.

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14 minutes ago, aright said:

Incorrect.....you need to bring yourself up to date. The British Govt promoted diesel many years ago on the basis of perceived judgment at that time. The fly in the ointment came when VW were caught fiddling diesel test results.


In the last week, the company has fired much of its upper management, eradicated all mention of its TDI diesels from its U.S. website, and admitted that 11 million diesel vehicles have software that enabled them to pass emission tests while emitting 10 to 35 times the permissible U.S. levels of nitrous oxides.

Yesterday the German transport ministry announced that Volkswagen had rigged emission tests on 2.8 million diesel vehicles in Germany alone. Switzerland temporarily banned the sale of VW diesels in the country.





Another point they have know about derv for 2 or 3 years now and still havent adjusted the tax to accout for it..i pay 20 quid still

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6 minutes ago, bomber said:

What was the Uk govt making decisions based on a foreign companys asumptions.like i said any one with an ounce of brain knew better,never mind lets wait and see what BS the nigerians can con them with when the mighty deal is signed.and dont forget Iran that will be intersting.remember these are the people you have so much faith in.

Once again you are missing the point as you do regularly so you can move the argument into your comfort zone. Diesel engines were promoted under the Brown Government. Whether that was right or wrong is a separate issue. The fact is for 15 years after the promotion UK and global diesel sales were ok. they only turned bad when the Germans were caught fiddling emission results. If you want to tie down the reversal in sales blame VW.  

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4 minutes ago, aright said:

Once again you are missing the point as you do regularly so you can move the argument into your comfort zone. Diesel engines were promoted under the Brown Government. Whether that was right or wrong is a separate issue. The fact is for 15 years after the promotion UK and global diesel sales were ok. they only turned bad when the Germans were caught fiddling emission results. If you want to tie down the reversal in sales blame VW.  

I havent missed any point...i was well aware petrol was cleaner than derv as i have stated twice now...please get back to the point which was nissan moving production out of the UK of a model it said it would produce here 2.5 years ago,now due to brexit whether wholey or partly they are not.i can see it coming already if/when the rest follow it will be VW s fault.  It will never be brexit according to these people

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17 minutes ago, baboon said:

Yeah, yeah. So don't bother with hospitals when you start pi$$ing blood or the expertise of a pilot at 38,000 feet when the cabin depressurises. Refer instead to the bloke in the Newsagent or the taxi driver nearest you.

The sick part of me hopes you actually do...

Who need an evagucation , knowing stuff only clatters the brain and makes it hurt. :tongue: 

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46 minutes ago, baboon said:

Yeah, yeah. So don't bother with hospitals when you start pi$$ing blood or the expertise of a pilot at 38,000 feet when the cabin depressurises. Refer instead to the bloke in the Newsagent or the taxi driver nearest you.

The sick part of me hopes you actually do...

yep, avoid physicians at all cost, educated sods

avoid nurses, educated sods

(pilots are ok, they don't have much of an education, but grand salary)

never buy medicines in pharmacies, they are manned by degree holders - dangerous

be very very careful of cars, they are largely designed by scholars

driving in UK? stay far away from M1 M25 M4 or whatever - these roads are designed by scholars,

          probably life threatening  to use M25

airplanes? very dangerous - designed by scholars over years, but operated by uneducated plebs,

                so all in all, maybe it might work out to your advantage if you are lucky

TVs, designed by scholars, buy one is OK - but never ever switch it on

and by all means, your mobile - buying a lot is OK, but never ever switch 'em on - dangerous

    scholars are behind both devices and networks


dunno baboon, starting to feel sorry for the UK

how many of these yogii100 beings do you have in the UK?


challenges challenges challenges



Edited by melvinmelvin
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1 minute ago, sirineou said:

Who need an evagucation , knowing stuff only clatters the brain and makes it hurt. :tongue: 

But it isn't even bloody funny, is it? Not when people's worst instincts towards one another are being encouraged and exploited by vile 'human beings' seeking to capitalise on human misery. This state of affairs is disgusting.

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4 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

yep, avoid physicians at all cost, educated sods

avoid nurses, educated sods

(pilots are ok, they don't have much of an education, but grand salary)

never buy medicines in pharmacies, they are manned by degree holders - dangerous

be very very careful of cars, they are largely designed by scholars

driving in UK? stay far away from M1 M25 M4 or whatever - these roads are designed by scholars,

          probably life threatening  to use M25

airplanes? very dangerous - designed by scholars over years, but operated by uneducated plebs,

                so all in all, maybe it might work out to your advantage if you are lucky

TVs, designed by scholars, buy one is OK - but never ever switch it on

and by all means, your mobile - buying a lot is OK, but never ever switch 'em on - dangerous

    scholars are behind both devices and networks


dunno baboon, starting to feel sorry for the UK

have many of these yogii100 beings do you have in the UK?


challenges challenges challenges



'War is peace'

'Ignorance is strength'

'Freedom is slavery'

Orwell cannot rest in peace and is pointing an angry finger at us all in this, the Age of Simple Stupidity...

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19 minutes ago, baboon said:

But it isn't even bloody funny, is it? Not when people's worst instincts towards one another are being encouraged and exploited by vile 'human beings' seeking to capitalise on human misery. This state of affairs is disgusting.

No my friend it is not funny at all.

In a democratic system politicians exploit the the dynamics of well informed vs ignorant,  they know that an informed vote can be easily neutralized by  two uninformed votes , so the cater to the lowest  common denominator.  which brings as to the Hillarys and the trumps and where we are today. 

And that's why China will kick our ass, China's capitalism hybrid is not encumbered by democracy where the uninformed have an equal vote.

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19 minutes ago, madmen said:

Just gets worse

Nissan cites Brexit 'uncertainty' as it scraps plans to build model in Britain


This wouldn't be front page news if it wasn't for Brexit. The plant in Sunderland produces the Juke which is a successful car sold across Europe and as I understand it no jobs are being lost. Am I missing something ?



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This wouldn't be front page news if it wasn't for Brexit. The plant in Sunderland produces the Juke which is a successful car sold across Europe and as I understand it no jobs are being lost. Am I missing something ?
So many warning signs reminds me of the 2008 stock market crash where everyone sat on their hands saying.. "it's all good" untill it was to late.

Sell your homes, liquidate your stocks and exchange your currency to thai Baht

Or sit on your hands untill it's all gone
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Just now, nontabury said:

Correct. No jobs are expected to be lost. Regarding the x-trail, this model has been put on hold,due to market uncertainty, not exclusively to Brexit.

What you will see now,is that every time a company makes a negative decision based on market expectations, the remoaners will delight in putting the blame on Brexit. 

Yes that's how I see. Businesses make investment decisions all the time. There shouldn't be an expectation that they HAVE to invest in the UK.


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1 hour ago, Chelseafan said:

This wouldn't be front page news if it wasn't for Brexit. The plant in Sunderland produces the Juke which is a successful car sold across Europe and as I understand it no jobs are being lost. Am I missing something ?



yes its a minor kick in the balls but there will be more to follow for sure,unless its a soft brekkie and even with that i think the damage has been already been done,     btw iam still waiting to hear where all the jobs are going to come from to replace the lost ones,other than worthless agreements with chile for their wine and some idiotic bit of paper with iran.production of the juke cannot stop today or in 1 year,the factory is geared up for another 3-4 years of production via technology and suppliers,its when the new juke is planned that the shit hits the fan,as it has with the xtrail,ive tried to tell the hospital bound brexiteers on here many times,but all they want is a 15 minute reduction in waiting time to see a doctor,20,000 jobs mean nothing,

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52 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

Yes that's how I see. Businesses make investment decisions all the time. There shouldn't be an expectation that they HAVE to invest in the UK.


dont worry many businesses will chose not to HAVE to invest in the UK,actually you will find very many,the official figures show investment is well down on pre brexit levels.your learning grasshopper,no expectations at all,as Nissan have shown,but get ready for toyota,honda,JAL (already started) ford (already started) following suit.

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5 hours ago, yogi100 said:


People with university and college levels of education are as a rule more stupid and have much less common sense than the average Joe Bloggs because while he has been out experiencing the real world and having to earn his keep the bookworms have spent several years leading a sheltered life gaining academic qualifications that are of  little practical value and also often of little value to the society that he finds himself in.


Usually he's only been able to while away his time receiving more education because he is from a wealthier background than Joe Bloggs and his parents are richer than Joe's. It does not automatically mean that rich folk are brighter than poor people.


It is foolish, arrogant and irresponsible to suggest that they are. It's actually the height of ignorance and has given rise to accusations of what is now referred to as elitism. A classification which many of us now regard with scorn and derision.


As for the accusations of 'racism' EU indigenous citizens are of the same race as the British.

its 1000s of jobs at stake now,joe bloggs,education,rich parents,2 or 3 extra folks in the A+E que,wealth, dont matter,common sense should prevail,but will it?

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