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Netizens disagree with official numbers: The miracle 20% rise in tourist numbers [Opinion]


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Netizens disagree with official numbers: The miracle 20% rise in tourist numbers

By The Thaiger



A story from The Thaiger yesterday stirred up a lot of suspicion that the Ministry of Sports and Tourism are being ‘flexible’ with the truth.


The story quoted the Sports and Tourism Minister saying that, since they introduced the visa-on-arrival fee waiver (for 21 countries), the numbers of arrivals has surged 20%. He said in his quotes that the ‘bounce’ came mostly from Chinese and Indian tourists.


But some of our readers didn’t go along with the PR spin out of the Minister’s office. Here’s a few of the responses (we’ve corrected a few spelling and grammar errors)…


Totally bulshyt! I am 9 years in Thailand  I didn’t see so less tourists like this year – GZ


Full story: https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/netizens-disagree-with-official-numbers-the-miracle-20-rise-in-tourist-numbers

-- © Copyright The Thaiger 2018-11-30
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I suppose the people spouting the figures are in danger of losing their jobs.

After all , I keep reading how many millions of baht are spent promoting tourism and if they are not coming a scape goat has to be found.

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A lot of the Chinese have invaded Cambodia. Not such a great thing as the beaches  crater mostly to Chinese only, Khmer businesses and workers are being pushed out and Chinese crime is rampant. Hun Sen and his cronies are selling off a lot of properties for huge profits to Chinese developers. At least Thailand hasn’t  sold out all there coast and islands to the Chinese. Can’t wait to get back to Thailand and enjoy the beaches without shoulder to shoulder Chinese tourists. 

Edited by morocco
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The problem for Thailand is that most of the Chinese who have been here are unlikely to return anytime soon.  Overcrowded beaches, dangerous ferries and buses,abusive Thais etc.

Those that will come will be newbies and their numbers will slow as the economy slows in China.

The Chinese dont spend much anyway. Whats the big deal??  Only big numbers obviously. All quantity no quality same as Indians.  No Chinese and few Russians and Indians drink in soi bars  so thats pretty much curtains for Pattaya.

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3 minutes ago, NE1 said:

I don't think the Tourism ministers care about how much people spend here , it is all about numbers coming through the gates. 



Arrivals ! 555

It would be so nice to know how many are really true tourists.

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3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...the numbers of arrivals has surged 20%..."


I have been visiting/living in Thailand since the mid 90's, and not once have I seen the tourism numbers go "down"


If (repeat 'if') the Thai government were to be believed in this, there would literally be no room to actually lay down anymore.


BS piled on BS piled on BS piled on BS piled on BS piled on BS



Yep, agree with the above. Actually seeing (physically) numbers change isn't possible with any accuracy unless you are doing a head count 24/7, at all points of ingress. Patterns change.


The line in bold above is something that I don't understand. Why are they so anal about reporting figures every week? This IMO is what gets them into so much trouble, producing figures that simply don't make sense, and for what exactly? Does their budget increase with more numbers, do they get a bonus for more people visiting, or what? The hotels have their own system for assessing visitors.


And just on the point of numbers, I traveled through DM yesterday on my way back to Phits, and I didn't see one 'flag waver', focal points for the Chinese tours, during the 3 hours I was waiting for my flight. Obviously there were people there, but the airport was quiet.

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2 hours ago, mikebell said:

The big spenders are mainly European/American.  The Government should encourage retirees from these countries by allowing them to buy a house and get a visa without 800,000 in a Thai bank.  They have to have a minimum spend of 65,000 a month.  Why can't anyone in Government see this?

EU residents spent 84 % of their tourism expenditure on trips inside Europe (79 % inside the EU).  Asia 6%


Chinese tourists spend $782 per trip.  Non Chinese $486

https://www.nielsen.com/content/dam/nielsenglobal/cn/docs/Outbound Chinese Tourism and Consumption Trends.pdf





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3 minutes ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

This is what I've been thinking about recently, why lie? What worth is it to lie to everyone that everything is ok. Surely if the ship is sinking, the best thing to do is to acknowledge it and recruit help to fix things. Instead of ignoring reality and going down with it, actually address it instead of trying to cover it up. 

This post gets BEST of THREAD award in my books.

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