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Mass Exodus


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I can't help but noiticing just having read the classified section on TV that there are a lot of people who are leaving LOS. Myself included after 6 years. I see on this and other web boards the same thing that many of us for whatever reason have decided that it is time to move on.

For me the decision started about a year ago when I began the Visa process for my Thai wife. As I stated before for me it was a combination of failed business, A young child,so education concerns. Unfavorable exchange rates and the current Visa and business climate.


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I can't help but noiticing just having read the classified section on TV that there are a lot of people who are leaving LOS. Myself included after 6 years. I see on this and other web boards the same thing that many of us for whatever reason have decided that it is time to move on.

For me the decision started about a year ago when I began the Visa process for my Thai wife. As I stated before for me it was a combination of failed business, A young child,so education concerns. Unfavorable exchange rates and the current Visa and business climate.


but I thought the statistics for work permits issued had increased ? on top of that we now have

the Russians with visa free status so even if people are leaving as you say I'm sure there will be

replacements ?

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Hi Midas,

You are absoulutely right! Something I forgot to add to my original post . For every Farang leaving they may be 10 more taking his place. You constantly read posts from guys about how much Baht will I need to live in Thailand? What type of Visa can I get?,etc.etc.

The annual tourist numbers have basically doubled from my first trip in 2000. I just think that for many people here long term 5 or more years they have become disillusioned with everything myself included.

Another interesting thing that I have noted there is a beauty shop in BKK that I used to frequent about a year or so ago. You know the place foot massage , manicure , pedicure. I went there a month ago and asked the older Thai lady that owns the place what happened to all of the girls that used to work there as there was all new girls now. She went on to explain that this one went to England , this one went to Holland , this one went to Finland , this one went to some other land and so on.

Then the other day at my local massage shop I asked the owner where is your sister I not see her for long time. She replied she went to Holland. Seems to me a major export of Thailand are it's women.


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Hi Midas,

You are absoulutely right! Something I forgot to add to my original post . For every Farang leaving they may be 10 more taking his place. You constantly read posts from guys about how much Baht will I need to live in Thailand? What type of Visa can I get?,etc.etc.

The annual tourist numbers have basically doubled from my first trip in 2000. I just think that for many people here long term 5 or more years they have become disillusioned with everything myself included.

Another interesting thing that I have noted there is a beauty shop in BKK that I used to frequent about a year or so ago. You know the place foot massage , manicure , pedicure. I went there a month ago and asked the older Thai lady that owns the place what happened to all of the girls that used to work there as there was all new girls now. She went on to explain that this one went to England , this one went to Holland , this one went to Finland , this one went to some other land and so on.

Then the other day at my local massage shop I asked the owner where is your sister I not see her for long time. She replied she went to Holland. Seems to me a major export of Thailand are it's women.


It's probaby true that there will be replacements, but I can take a guess and say that they wont be staying in the kingdom anywhere near as long as the folks they replaced.

They will be subjected to the same problems and stresses that those leaving thailand have experienced. Those problems didn't exist years ago when those expats arrived on these shores.

If they stay it wont be long term. It will be a whole new ball game :o


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after 7 years we are leaving too. Reason Nr. 1 is my concern about the possible education my children can get.

Reason Nr. 2 I am fed up and tired to think about Visa requirements, and the feeling that here is nothing to rely on.

Besides around our area (Esarn) there are 3 English, 2 Germans and 3 French who will leave too - all in a term of the next 4 to 5 month, and all longstayers.

We like to joke a lot about our quite expensive "holiday homes"


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It would be interesting to see the true stats if they were available as all we seem to hear are from the voices of those that are leaving.

From my perspective, I have lived in Thailand for 8 years, I'm married and am not going anywhere and still very happy ... this sentiment is echoed amongst all my many non Thai friends who live here, are happy and are not leaving either.

The wilderbeast are making a lot of noise as they migrate but the gazelles are quietly grazing in the background. :o

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It would be interesting to see the true stats if they were available as all we seem to hear are from the voices of those that are leaving.

From my perspective, I have lived in Thailand for 8 years, I'm married and am not going anywhere and still very happy ... this sentiment is echoed amongst all my many non Thai friends who live here, are happy and are not leaving either.

The wilderbeast are making a lot of noise as they migrate but the gazelles are quietly grazing in the background. :D

I guess I'm a gazelle, too. I have been living in the Isaan for 15 years, still grazing. :o

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I'm certainly not leaving too. Those who are leaving probably came because they were malcontents in their homelands too (let's face it, Thailand attracts them), and now the world isnt working out for them here, they'll go somewhere else to whine and complain.

You can run away from a place, but not from yourself.

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Me neither.

I really do not see what the Visa situation has to do with it if one is married and has kids...nothing has changed or have I missed something?

I know a lot of people on this forum personally and only know of one that is going out of about 50 or 60

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Well I guess everyones situation is different. I am going back mainly to provide a better education and live to in an English speaking environment.

I could stay if I wanted to ,in fact it would be easier and less costly for me to do so. I guess some of the people who are here probably have nothing to go back to. I still have a home and a job. If not then I guess I would continue to quietly "graze" here myself.


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It would be interesting to see the true stats if they were available as all we seem to hear are from the voices of those that are leaving.

From my perspective, I have lived in Thailand for 8 years, I'm married and am not going anywhere and still very happy ... this sentiment is echoed amongst all my many non Thai friends who live here, are happy and are not leaving either.

The wilderbeast are making a lot of noise as they migrate but the gazelles are quietly grazing in the background. :o

I'm certainly not leaving too. Those who are leaving probably came because they were malcontents in their homelands too (let's face it, Thailand attracts them), and now the world isnt working out for them here, they'll go somewhere else to whine and complain.

You can run away from a place, but not from yourself.

Interesting to compare these two posts. Both staying. One giving simple, straight, even reasons, the other the more normal denigration of anyone with different opinions. Says so much about the posters I think.

Personally, I'm planning to leave unless things turn around. Just have to break the inertia of being 'settled'. Time will tell.

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I'm certainly not leaving too. Those who are leaving probably came because they were malcontents in their homelands too (let's face it, Thailand attracts them), and now the world isnt working out for them here, they'll go somewhere else to whine and complain.

You can run away from a place, but not from yourself.

"Running" back to land / home ownership, legal rights, and parity regarding bank interest rates, for example?

I'm moving on at the end of my contract simply because I feel like a change from here. Thailand will probably never change, and it will always be an option when I feel like a pleasant break from reality.

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I'm certainly not leaving too. Those who are leaving probably came because they were malcontents in their homelands too (let's face it, Thailand attracts them), and now the world isnt working out for them here, they'll go somewhere else to whine and complain.

You can run away from a place, but not from yourself.

Nice generalisation. :o

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I live in farang land.

All the sh*t you chaps ran away from is still here. But 100 times worse.

By all means come back, for a few weeks, and have a look for yourselves. Then go back 'home'.

Yeah well it is moving to thailand faster than need be and the locals have added their own flavor to it.

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If the Bht continues it's rally against the Pound/Euro/and various Dollars from around the world, I suspect more than a few will need to start reconsidering their futures in Thailand. (Plans to remain in Thailand or indeed move to Thailand).

Costs against foreign currencies have risen over ten percent in a matter of weeks, and that excludes Thailand's internal inflation.

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Still here (na Jomtien) too

Make some trips in Europ but I am still happy in Thailand after 4 years despite some xenophobics atitudes here

I am not (yet???) too concerned on Visa changes.I have a retirement visa.

But I prepare a parachute in case.....and I didnt invest a lot here.Only a condo and a car.

So can easely vote with my feet.

My attitude is wait and see now

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My children are Thai citizens (as well as American) and will always have family roots here. I'm building a home on family land that will belong to them long after I am gone from this earth. We may or may not relocate to the US at some point if educational factors for the kids favor such a move, but at this point I would be comfortable staying here indefinitely.

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Well I'm in the middle on this subject - have sold my condo and am getting out of real estate in Thailand for the moment and keeping only the cash on hand here that I need for visa purposes - if someone will just buy my CRV I will have cleared all my Thai based assets and put the funds into offshore UK funds which are starting to brighten up. Will be quite happy to rent for a while and see how things pan out but I guess it wouldn't take too much to convince me that a move into Europe or the UK is sensible. Last time I was in the UK I found myself wandering around the West End looking at buildings and architecture and feeling a sense of history and maturity that I don't experience here. I also find that any time I need something remotely intellectual, academic or up to date business information I am always on the web or the phone back to England. Quite a contrast to three years ago when I regarded myself as a permanent resident.

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I can't help but noiticing just having read the classified section on TV that there are a lot of people who are leaving LOS. Myself included after 6 years. I see on this and other web boards the same thing that many of us for whatever reason have decided that it is time to move on.

For me the decision started about a year ago when I began the Visa process for my Thai wife. As I stated before for me it was a combination of failed business, A young child,so education concerns. Unfavorable exchange rates and the current Visa and business climate.


but I thought the statistics for work permits issued had increased ? on top of that we now have

the Russians with visa free status so even if people are leaving as you say I'm sure there will be

replacements ?

Hence the drive for 'quality' tourists. :o

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Me neither.

I really do not see what the Visa situation has to do with it if one is married and has kids...nothing has changed or have I missed something?

I know a lot of people on this forum personally and only know of one that is going out of about 50 or 60

The visa situation has changed a lot,not only for visa runners,also for married ones,now you have to make a 40k monthly income based on tax,just a few years ago it was just 200k in a bank account!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not lucky ,like you maybe, that I had an extension on a single visa(NON O)before the changed law,but went on multiples(nonO).

So now I have to face it ,I will not leave or anything,but it is more complicated and takes more time to accomplish this.Many under 50,who still do have a good chance to make a kind of career in their homecountry,

will take their chances and leave.I think this is quite understandable and many of them,I think,not necesserally have to be scumbags...............Just think before you write something down,at least considerate it,it is not a small peace of cake!

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