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Brazilian Ju Jitsu/ Self Defence


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I am wondering if anyone knows anywhere in Chiang Mai where they teach Brazilian Ju Jitsu? If not does anyone have any suggestions for other self defence classes?

Jujitsu 柔術 is a Japanese martial art and I am afraid I have not come across any in Chiang Mai.

You are probably looking for lessons in the Brazilian/Angolan martial art / gymnastics / dance form of Capoeira. There was an English guy teaching it some years ago, but he married a friend of mine and took her back to England. I have no idea if there is anybody else doing any teaching here now.

Tae Kwan Do, the martial art from Korea on the other hand is becoming highly popular here. Two of the best places to learn this martial art are a.) Almost opposite Lotus on the Hang Dong road and - b.) At the Korean Dojo just inside World Club land. The former charges, I think, 900 Baht per month for a 1 1/2 - 2 hour lesson on Saturday. At the World Club dojo the cost is 700 Baht per month and you can attend every day, except Sunday, if you wish. Classes there start at about 4pm. (To get to the World Club Dojo, Enter the estate and go through the Guard's station and turn immediately left at the roundabout. The dojo is on the top floor of the large, three storey building on the corner facing you.)

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I am wondering if anyone knows anywhere in Chiang Mai where they teach Brazilian Ju Jitsu? If not does anyone have any suggestions for other self defence classes?

I'm planning to set up a Judo club, I'm a 5thDan ex-National coach and I have three other Black Belt interested in supporting me. At the moment looking into accomodation for a Dojo in Chiang Mai. Contact me via e-mail


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I haven't noticed any BJJ clubs in Chiang Mai but I do know that Ajarn Pedro Villalobos who teaches near Wat Suan Dok has a good knowledge of BJJ as well as being a master in Muay Boran and Krabi Krabong and does teach grappling in his afternoon classes his website is at http://www.ancientmuaythai.com/

He is a very pleasant and talented martial artist.

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He is looking for Grace Ju Jitsu.

A Brazilian family teaches it and the first few years of Ultimate Fighting, someone in this family won almost every Championship match.

It is taught in Bangkok anfd Phuket. :o

My apologies - I know little about these things. But at least it got the thread moving again and hopefully the OP is now getting the info he needs.

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I'll second the suggestion to check with Pedro Villalobos at his school Muay Thai Sangka. I trained with Pedro for more than 1 year and can recommend him as a dedicated martial artist, teacher & good guy in general. The amount of grappling he teaches can vary, not sure how much he's doing now. But the muay boran he teaches is very much geared towards self defense & not towards sport Muay Thai (he does train some fighters but only a few & this is not his focus). Good luck.

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I'll second the suggestion to check with Pedro Villalobos at his school Muay Thai Sangka. I trained with Pedro for more than 1 year and can recommend him as a dedicated martial artist, teacher & good guy in general. The amount of grappling he teaches can vary, not sure how much he's doing now. But the muay boran he teaches is very much geared towards self defense & not towards sport Muay Thai (he does train some fighters but only a few & this is not his focus). Good luck.

sounds intresting. does he teach kicks to the groin, knifedefense, multiple attackers and all the other self-defense stuff?

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roblin, the short answer is yes, no, no & ? I say that Pedro's style is self-defense oriented because his techniques & strategies are not limited by the rules of modern sport Muay Thai. However, what Pedro mostly teaches is empty-hand fighting based on muay boran (& some other styles). In other words, it's still geared towards one-on-one empty-hand fighting. Pedro has lots of experience in Krabi-Krabong & other weapons systems but knowing him as I do, I can say there is very little chance he would teach weapons skills (including empty-hand defenses) to someone unless they were a long-term extremely dedicated student. But don't just take my word for it, go visit yourself & talk to Pedro. He's very open & friendly.

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I found a place called Chay-yai Gym, its a Muay Thai Gym that seems to have a good reputation and they have a guy called Pedro from Brazilian Top Team in Brazil teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I tried one class and im hooked, Pedro Lott was submision champ of Brazil and 3 x champion of Rio. I had done a few classes before but this was much more professional and just a few guys in the class, i will take my son along next week. www.muaythaicamps.com

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i am into self defence myself , but is slacking badly , good food plus a relax life is making me a panda in chiangmai .


the art of self defence , is a control your fear and you able to focus and react . usually in a bar fight , or a sudden attack . many of the so call art help you little beside building your muscle up to help you endure a few sec and give you that extra time to react .

Before you read this . i strongly suggest you slove the problem Talking your way out of it .. cos we are after all out for fun . not trouble

usually in a bar unless outside the area is small and full of object . if you do get into a fight in th bar . and you find it 100 % sure you want to fight . USe the object around you . Table edge , bottle , mug , glass ash tray , chair , Chopstick , pen , is all very dangerous weapon . the 10 Baht COIN is a powerful weapon too if you learn to throw it hard , a hit on any part of the head can seriously crack some skull .

there is a bar fight self defence on the Youtube . you might want to do a search and check it out .

i am more into bone breaking and grab which is out to damage and kill . if i really need to fight .

in my case to defence someone in my family , i see not much reason to fight or create any trouble in a country that i am a guest .

checkout bruce lee book is very helpful and teaches a cross between street fight and self defence .

i am also into a " Baji Chuan " is a close combat skill and some of the move is logical like body check and elbow ram .

all this need you to train to empower your body part to handle impact .

never fight in thai - thai style of fighting is never one on one . if you get into a fight swamp of people gwill come up to you . specially if you are not thai . running is a better choice then fighting . a smart fighter is one that stay alive not a dead one .

If you need too , be ready to go to jail and all the hardship ahead and possible dying yourself . make sure you kill or seriously injury one with a bloody mess . this way you can least shock the rest and hope nobody dare to come in .


lady if you wear heel . that is your best weapon . so is your perfume spray ( combo with a lighter ( only canister type aerosol spray )

i would chicken my way out of any fight , i will say sorry if i must , i will even beg you to stop . but if i find it a must

i will make sure either you die or i die .


make peace not war .

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i am into self defence myself , but is slacking badly , good food plus a relax life is making me a panda in chiangmai .


the art of self defence , is a control your fear and you able to focus and react . usually in a bar fight , or a sudden attack . many of the so call art help you little beside building your muscle up to help you endure a few sec and give you that extra time to react .

Before you read this . i strongly suggest you slove the problem Talking your way out of it .. cos we are after all out for fun . not trouble

usually in a bar unless outside the area is small and full of object . if you do get into a fight in th bar . and you find it 100 % sure you want to fight . USe the object around you . Table edge , bottle , mug , glass ash tray , chair , Chopstick , pen , is all very dangerous weapon . the 10 Baht COIN is a powerful weapon too if you learn to throw it hard , a hit on any part of the head can seriously crack some skull .

there is a bar fight self defence on the Youtube . you might want to do a search and check it out .

i am more into bone breaking and grab which is out to damage and kill . if i really need to fight .

in my case to defence someone in my family , i see not much reason to fight or create any trouble in a country that i am a guest .

checkout bruce lee book is very helpful and teaches a cross between street fight and self defence .

i am also into a " Baji Chuan " is a close combat skill and some of the move is logical like body check and elbow ram .

all this need you to train to empower your body part to handle impact .

never fight in thai - thai style of fighting is never one on one . if you get into a fight swamp of people gwill come up to you . specially if you are not thai . running is a better choice then fighting . a smart fighter is one that stay alive not a dead one .

If you need too , be ready to go to jail and all the hardship ahead and possible dying yourself . make sure you kill or seriously injury one with a bloody mess . this way you can least shock the rest and hope nobody dare to come in .


lady if you wear heel . that is your best weapon . so is your perfume spray ( combo with a lighter ( only canister type aerosol spray )

i would chicken my way out of any fight , i will say sorry if i must , i will even beg you to stop . but if i find it a must

i will make sure either you die or i die .


make peace not war .

You can be a bit scarey sometimes Ta22! :o


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whahahha i am not going to say anything about i am nice or bad .

meet me up someday and you be your own judge .

from what i see . there is no such thing as a fair fight . or fair death , one die and only live once .

i try my best to be as nice as possible and what ever i learn is used for reference , and is alway good to know more .

knowledge is a very powerful thing . and used at the wrong hand can mean great damage . more power mean also mean you need more self control .

the world best fight is not to fight .

Nobody WIN in a fight . so is best to avoid at all cost .

Peace not war .

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whahahha i am not going to say anything about i am nice or bad .

meet me up someday and you be your own judge .

from what i see . there is no such thing as a fair fight . or fair death , one die and only live once .

i try my best to be as nice as possible and what ever i learn is used for reference , and is alway good to know more .

knowledge is a very powerful thing . and used at the wrong hand can mean great damage . more power mean also mean you need more self control .

the world best fight is not to fight .

Nobody WIN in a fight . so is best to avoid at all cost .

Peace not war .

Agree woth you entirely have been a martial arts practitioner for over 20 yrs and the very last thing i tell my students is to fight. its all about state of mind, i beleive if your not looking for a fight if it does happen you can usually deal with whats comming, on the other hand if your out looking for it youll find it and one day youll bite off more than you can chew. just my twopeneth

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BB eyes . is a great martial artist at the same time Actor .

the very fact that you think he is a cowboy - show that he have great acting skill .

i am sure being in person he a of better control .

Here one Trick . for self defence.

If someone Grab you by the NECK with BOTH his Hand .

What you do is Extent Both your hand side way . and swing it toward his ARM .

hitting it as hard as you can on the inner elbow .

This way it will cause his Elbow to BEND .

Imgaine .

his hand on your NECK .

When his elbow BEND his head will MOve toward YOU .

95% pf the people who grab you by your NECK will stare at YOU >

what you do is LOWER your HEAD .

when you SWING your HAND on his ARM . swing back your head and GIve him a Huge HEADBuck . on his FACE .

if done correctly . you can crack his face and nose . creating alot of blood . and most people will stay off you .

pure self defence move .

Make use of your Body parts .

many parts of your body itself is a weapon .

combine . a cool mind . and logic . you can bend , crack , break , and rip people apart if you know how .

while you can do it , don't ever underestimate someone else can't .

Good luck .

peace no war .

i'm the chicken you'll the bull

i drink the cheap beer you drink red wine

you are better then me .

but if you try to kill or harm me . you got to worry cos i might kill or harm you badly too .

This is is non spoken rule

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Don't be silly , the last thing i want in thailand is to get into trouble with anyone .

i'm a friendly guy at least that what i think .. maybe a little edge on my poor speeling

but .... why not you come find out yourself about me :o

i fear death - so the last thing i will do is endanger my life for some silly reason or from words :D

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  • 1 month later...
I am wondering if anyone knows anywhere in Chiang Mai where they teach Brazilian Ju Jitsu? If not does anyone have any suggestions for other self defence classes?

I'll be there in a month, I took BJJ off and on for a year or so here in the us, have quite a few dvd's on the stuff too, I don't know what level you're at. If we can't find BJJ there, maybe a few of us can get together and work on it some. It's a blast. I'd rather work under a qualified instructor, but most of the chokes/joint locks are pretty simple to execute with proper instruction on how to perform them, and my 25+ dvd's on the subject should give us plenty of things to drill.

I'm coming to study Muay Thai, I was recommended an instructor there, but its for full time fighting, like 8 hours a day...I don't know the name of it, my friend is forwarding my email address to the instructor to see if he can/will accept me as a student.

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