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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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A young girl travelling on a crowded train asked a man if she could have his seat because she was pregnant. The man immediately jumped up and the girl sat down. As the man looked at her he remarked, “You don’t look pregnant, how far gone are you?” 

“Oh, about 30 minutes I hope,” she replied “but it sure is knackering.” 

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“Mr Luckless, before I pass sentence, do you have anyone who could vouch for your good character?” asked the judge. 
“Yes, Your Honour, I do,” he replied. 
“Him over there” and he pointed to the local police officer. 
“But your Honour,” spluttered the officer, “I’ve never met this man in my life.” 


“Exactly,” exclaimed Mr Luckless, triumphantly. “I’ve lived in this town for twenty years and the police still don’t know me. Now doesn’t that show good character?” 

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