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US asks Government to ensure reopening of American media outlets

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The United States embassy in Phnom Penh is urging the government to ensure that Radio Free Asia and Voice of America resume their work in the country without obstruction amid the government’s push to reverse perceived democratic setbacks. The Foreign Affairs Ministry on Monday issued an outline of steps being taken by the government to placate the European Union after it began procedures to revoke the Everything-but-arms treaty based upon setbacks to democracy, human rights and media freedom.


Included in the outline was a promise that closed media outlets are free to resume their work within the country. RFA and VOA also shuttered operations after citing an alleged “relentless crackdown on independent voices”. Dozens of other radio stations were also shuttered during the period.


US embassy spokeswoman Emily Zeeberg said on Tuesday that US government officials are aware of the statement by the Foreign Affairs Ministry. “The government of Cambodia should allow civil society and independent media to carry out their constitutionally protected work unhindered, and without threats of arrest,” Ms Zeeberg said. “We also urge it to allow both RFA and VOA programmes to once again be broadcast freely on Cambodian radio stations, consistent with the government’s stated commitment to a free press.”


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50556417/government-asked-to-ensure-reopening-of-media-outlets/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 06/12
1 hour ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Furkin  joke.  

Your comment is crude, juvenile and without academic merit. Your name tag says much.


"Interior Minister Sar Kheng said The Cambodia Daily, VOA and RFA are free to reopen offices as long as they abide by government regulations".


Such as register their identity, obtain publishing licences, and pay income tax on salaries, withholding tax, and company tax on income. None of which the three mentioned above complied with prior to their closure.  Fair enough. Comply or die.


Not that the average Khmer will learn much by listening to the left-wing US slanted diatribe that was served up in the past. Probably the last thing in the world Cambodia needs is the US trying to push its morals and standards onto a population whose largest industry is manufacturing bicycles. 



22 hours ago, Yme said:

Not that the average Khmer will learn much by listening to the left-wing US slanted diatribe that was served up in the past. Probably the last thing in the world Cambodia needs is the US trying to push its morals and standards onto a population whose largest industry is manufacturing bicycles. 

Im curious as to what the link is between manufacturing bicycles and anything else you said?

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