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Medical Matijuana...Are foreigners eligible...if so, which visa

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Google is my friend, but not tonight.  I don't partake in the use of giggle-sticks now....not for over a decade.  But I have an upcoming invasive surgery at a

government hospital.  Expected to be on bedrest, unable to walk for a few months, in moderate pain, bored AF and down in the dumps for awhile.  On top of that, I have previously crushed a total of four vertebrae and had surgery on that also.  I deal with the pain, but no one could argue that I have chronic and moderate pain, even severe, I guess.  

I will likely be on aa 30 day entry stamp/extension or a tourist visa at the time of the appointment with the Dr. before surgery.  Then either on a non-O medical visa (if I am luck) or be again on a 3 month tourist visa for medical purposes (idk if that matters anyway) at the time of the surgery.  Are foreigners eligible to get medical marijuana?  Any visa restrictions or policies?


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10 minutes ago, onera1961 said:

I think you should talk to your pain specialist in Thailand. You cannot use foreign Dr.'s prescription, I guess.

Yes, that's what I will need to do anyway.  I'm American from a legalized state, but I live here full time in Thailand.  Just going through some changes, hence the entry stamps and TV.  If I did talk to a pain specialist or my orthopedic surgeon (here in Thailand), is it even legal for them to prescribe weed to a foreigner anyway?  My next appointment is in February (pre-surgery), so I can't ask directly.  This is a government hospital by the way.  idk if the policies on this legalization have been announced.  Hoping someone knows, though.


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7 hours ago, keysersoze276 said:

Are foreigners eligible to get medical marijuana?

I assume they will be when is available which at this time it is not.

7 hours ago, keysersoze276 said:

Any visa restrictions or policies?

I doubt there will be any requirement related to visas or extension of stay.

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There have been announcements that medical use of marijuana will be legal from April 2019, I would not rely on that. It is very advisable to find the best pain relief specialist possible. You not only want good pain relief, you should also want to avoid opioid addiction, a common problem when prescribed pain relief by non specialists.

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