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Damaged roof


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38 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

There - you have your answer.

You will get nowhere - just throw more money after more money - going the lawyer route.

His House - His Rules. As any lawyer, court of law ... anyone here will tell you.

His house-His rules-I leave-He does not want to fix it. His house is destroyed with the rain water coming in-House is unrentable-Intelligent decision. 

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3 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

Rule: Do not rent a house until you know enough to understand or bar taw, tesabaan, and the ten basics of Thai culture.

Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect

Kind of late in the game for me. Care to expand that bit of wisdom? lol

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On ‎12‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 5:45 PM, KevinboyCM said:

I live in a remote area up north. 3500/mo and I paid one month deposit. I live here because I love the area. And again, I fixed the house up with my money.  I painted some; bought drapes, had all new electric put in, fixed up the kitchen area, sealed the whole house etc etc. I do not want to move out ?  lol

I would cut down the tree, and get the roof fixed (as cheaply as possible). Your landlord sounds like a piece of work.


On a completely separate note, when we moved to Thailand two years ago I called our insurance company to cancel our renters insurance. I was asked why I was cancelling and told them I was moving overseas. They told me they cover renters insurance worldwide, so we kept the policy active (USAA).

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10 minutes ago, Ahab said:

I would cut down the tree, and get the roof fixed (as cheaply as possible). Your landlord sound like a piece of work.


On a completely separate note, when we moved to Thailand two years ago I called our insurance company to cancel our renters insurance. I was asked why I was cancelling and told them I was moving overseas. They told me they cover renters insurance worldwide, so we kept the policy active (USAA).

Thanks for the input. I finally found someone who cut all the branches over the house. Three guys four or five hours 1500 baht. I had to do it. There were hundreds of fruit pieces waiting to descend up to 30-40 feet down on the roof. They did not go on the roof. I am still trying to find someone to throw a tarp up there or fix it. I have no choice. Some fools said here to just move. Not easy to do right away besides the investment already made. What? I'm supposed to just watch the water pour in?  At least now no more damage to the roof.  


Renters insurance would not cover roof damage for a house owned by someone else in another country only MAYBE your personal stuff.

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8 minutes ago, Ahab said:

I would cut down the tree, and get the roof fixed (as cheaply as possible). Your landlord sound like a piece of work.


On a completely separate note, when we moved to Thailand two years ago I called our insurance company to cancel our renters insurance. I was asked why I was cancelling and told them I was moving overseas. They told me they cover renters insurance worldwide, so we kept the policy active (USAA).

Thanks for the input. As I said I did finally find someone who cut down the branches over the roof. I think the owner is the problem more than the landlord but she is useless as well. Didn't even respond for four days after texting I had an emergency please help me. NO help at all.

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3 minutes ago, KevinboyCM said:

I had an emergency

What was the emergency exactly?


Leaky roof problems are usually temporarily resolved by moving things so they do not get wet or more wet and placing buckets or tubs to catch the dripping water.

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What good advice did I ignore?

Much more than I would bother repeating. No point, your drama is beyond dealing with. You go on and on about owner, landlord, lawyers, law....

How about just fix the place or leave?

Can't leave because of money invested, google "sunk cost" and read about it.

Sent from my iPod touch using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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10 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

Much more than I would bother repeating. No point, your drama is beyond dealing with. You go on and on about owner, landlord, lawyers, law....

How about just fix the place or leave?

Can't leave because of money invested, google "sunk cost" and read about it.

Sent from my iPod touch using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Bill, I agree with you. Pointless for some.

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11 minutes ago, rumak said:

that bit of wisdom is already more than you can comprehend (to use your word)


with you the saying     I can explain it to you but i cannot understand it for you     APLLIES


keep fighting everyone  (landlord, stupid thailand,  and all the posters (who know a lot more than you do),

because...well of course,  we just do not "get" what you are saying.    Up to you  ????


you are not going to "win" every situation in life.........learn and take your losses.  You hopefully will gain in experience so you can post some helpful thoughts to others , like in

about ten years

Ok. I'll move out. The owner will not fix the house. The rain will destroy the interior. I apologize. That is not stupid. It is brilliant. I stand corrected.

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1 hour ago, KevinboyCM said:

 I have no choice. Some fools said here to just move. Not easy to do right away besides the investment already made.

You always have a choice.

You made the investment without due diligence in making sure that the owner/manager would agree to compensate you.

Come on a Forum, ask for help, and denigrate those who give you sound advice ?

Go ahead - keep throwing more money at what is - at the end of the day - not your problem.

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2 hours ago, Dante99 said:

What was the emergency exactly?


Leaky roof problems are usually temporarily resolved by moving things so they do not get wet or more wet and placing buckets or tubs to catch the dripping water.

Dante. you are clearly a brilliant poster. Suppose it kept raining relentlessly all night or the next couple of days?  Think that might then be an emergency dude? In case you are not aware water expands and goes wherever it chooses increasing damage to the ceiling board etc. Comprende?

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1 hour ago, canthai55 said:

You always have a choice.

You made the investment without due diligence in making sure that the owner/manager would agree to compensate you.

Come on a Forum, ask for help, and denigrate those who give you sound advice ?

Go ahead - keep throwing more money at what is - at the end of the day - not your problem.

So if a tree falls on the roof and destroys the whole roof I should assume I pay for it? Surely you jest. Due diligence. Hey, I have it in my lease they pay for all plumbing problems. The day after I moved in the water pump broke. The landlord did come with a plumber, fixed it and billed me 350 baht. I didn't bitch about it. I let it go. Due diligence doesn't seem to matter here. As one poster stated a lease means nothing here. 


Look, all I needed was some help. Too much to ask for from the landlord?  Apparently so.  And I never denigrated the whole Thai people. Only the stupid owner for not wanting to protect her house. And I am still waiting to hear why it is NOT stupid to not want to protect your house from serious damage when you are warned ahead of time and could do something about it. 

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From your OP -

"Now, I told her over a month ago to get it done again. She told me to do it then the next day she said the owner said she doesn't want to spend any money to fix the house up and I should move if I don't like it.


I have spent 40k in upgrading the house as well as at least a 1000 man hours the last year in fixing up the house"


Either put up with it, or move.

You do not have a leg to stand on legally. The owner will not do it. So - ...


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7 minutes ago, KevinboyCM said:

Look, all I needed was some help. Too much to ask for from the landlord?  Apparently so.

This you know.

Continue to P and M about it - that is productive.

Blame everyone else, but - at the end of the day - you are responsible.

Suck it up.

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1 hour ago, KevinboyCM said:

Dante. you are clearly a brilliant poster. Suppose it kept raining relentlessly all night or the next couple of days?  Think that might then be an emergency dude? In case you are not aware water expands and goes wherever it chooses increasing damage to the ceiling board etc. Comprende?

Oh so now you did not have an emergency as you previously stated, the emergency was something that you imagined could happen if there was a lot more rain.  It was just in your imagination like a lot of what you have posted.


The money you invested in the house is gone, it will always be gone, it is not relevent to any current or future decision making because in all cases it is gone.  But you can not understand that since you repeatedly talk about all the money you put into the house like it has some meaning.  So again your imagination.


Be careful of that expanding rain water, it will definitely get you. And that water that chooses where it wants to go is particularly dangerous.

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2 hours ago, KevinboyCM said:

Ok. I'll move out. The owner will not fix the house. The rain will destroy the interior. I apologize. That is not stupid. It is brilliant. I stand corrected.

Your whole attitude is wrong, you think going to court will solve anything or be fast. It will cost you money and will probably do nothing. It will take forever and in the meanwhile you still have this problem.


So your options are accept that your beaten and fix it or move out.  Its not that hard just take your loss or sink more money into it and accept that that is what you wil have to do again.


You obviously are new to Thailand even Thais that I know who went to court talk about wasted time and no results and you expect it to work here as where you came from (UK probably). It does not and you just have 2 options like everyone has explained you.


Logic does not come into this and should not be of your concern if the owner wants to neglect his house if you move out.

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Your whole attitude is wrong, you think going to court will solve anything or be fast. It will cost you money and will probably do nothing. It will take forever and in the meanwhile you still have this problem.


So your options are accept that your beaten and fix it or move out.  Its not that hard just take your loss or sink more money into it and accept that that is what you wil have to do again.


You obviously are new to Thailand even Thais that I know who went to court talk about wasted time and no results and you expect it to work here as where you came from (UK probably). It does not and you just have 2 options like everyone has explained you.


Logic does not come into this and should not be of your concern if the owner wants to neglect his house if you move out.

"Logic does not come into this and should not be of your concern if the owner wants to neglect his house if you move out."


This more than anything. OP is using western logic to justify his argument. He is winding himself up over it and it's interesting to watch. I guess he learnt his lesson just like the every farang has learnt here over time.


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2 minutes ago, madmen said:

"Logic does not come into this and should not be of your concern if the owner wants to neglect his house if you move out."


This more than anything. OP is using western logic to justify his argument. He is winding himself up over it and it's interesting to watch. I guess he learnt his lesson just like the every farang has learnt here over time.


He is probably a short timer, not much experience yet. He will learn that western logic does not work and the legal route is long and costly. He has a short term problem and the legal route is long term. The owner is uncooperative and will stay uncooperative. He should just accept it as is or change houses maybe getting similar problems again. 

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2 minutes ago, madmen said:

"Logic does not come into this and should not be of your concern if the owner wants to neglect his house if you move out."


This more than anything. OP is using western logic to justify his argument. He is winding himself up over it and it's interesting to watch. I guess he learnt his lesson just like the every farang has learnt here over time.


Well, you are sort of correct.  I am learning that there is no logic here. And what I am inferring here is that it was stupid of me to expect Thais to honor a lease or want to protect their house. And more than that the court system is useless. So why even have a court system.  A friend of mine suggested going to the village head. He said educated Thais might have some logic and see things my way and put pressure on the owner to fix the roof.  


Contrary to what Dante said I call water pouring in to your room from the ceiling an emergency situation.  Then again maybe he likes to swim in water.  

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6 minutes ago, robblok said:

He is probably a short timer, not much experience yet. He will learn that western logic does not work and the legal route is long and costly. He has a short term problem and the legal route is long term. The owner is uncooperative and will stay uncooperative. He should just accept it as is or change houses maybe getting similar problems again. 

I get what  you are saying. I just have a hard time understanding why anyone would allow their home to be destroyed knowing they could stop it from happening. Is this typical of Thai culture? As far as the legal system goes I get that too. I was thinking more in terms of after I pay for the repairs (tree already fixed) can I sue to get my money back?  I would think anyone with common sense would see things my way especially a judge whom I think would have some amount of common sense. I intend to deduct the costs from the rent.


And if the Thais have no concept of logic how does anything get done properly or fairly or legally?


So the only question is if I pay my rent on time can they lock me out for deducting the costs?

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Just now, KevinboyCM said:

I get what  you are saying. I just have a hard time understanding why anyone would allow their home to be destroyed knowing they could stop it from happening. Is part of Thai culture? 

You got idiots everywhere, you got Thai idiots and foreign idiots that wont adapt to the situation they are in. Its not a Thai thing. 


I am not sure if you ever used the legal system in the UK ? I know that in my country the legal way is a long way too. Maybe its different in the UK but i doubt you will get your case settled in the UK in less then 2 months. It will be much longer in Thailand. But even if it was 2 months even a fool would see that the legal option is not an option in your situation.


You can try what you want but if the owner is uncooperative you have 2 options stay and fix it yourself or leave. I don't get it why you make it harder then it is. Do you like tormenting yourself ?

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21 minutes ago, KevinboyCM said:

I get what  you are saying. I just have a hard time understanding why anyone would allow their home to be destroyed knowing they could stop it from happening. Is this typical of Thai culture? As far as the legal system goes I get that too. I was thinking more in terms of after I pay for the repairs (tree already fixed) can I sue to get my money back?  I would think anyone with common sense would see things my way especially a judge whom I think would have some amount of common sense. I intend to deduct the costs from the rent.


And if the Thais have no concept of logic how does anything get done properly or fairly or legally?


So the only question is if I pay my rent on time can they lock me out for deducting the costs?

You're paying it on time but not the full amount as per your lease.

You've taken it upon yourself to pay for repairs and bill the owner.


Either put up with the owner not paying for maintenance or move.


Like others have said, you're making things too hard.

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