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Hi all,

Recently since the house has been finished we have had some birds move into the roof and set up home. As far as I can see about 4 different places where they have found a way through the "defenses" we installed.

To be honest three of the nests aren't really a problem, but one nest is in a place where the mess they make is spread all over some steps up to the stoop. This is the problem one.

My question is this.. Can I move them or disuade them from wanting to be there ? Secondly will they be nesting for long.. ? If they are gonna be finished after a short while then I'll just leave em to it and block the access when they have gone.


Totster :o


One problem with letting birds nest in your roof is the rubbish they leave behind (including dead chicks) attract rats and snakes.

Best to move them out and block access to prevent access IMO.

Are they sparrows or another type of bird?

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I'd be concerned about the food source for snakes too. Get rid of them now. If there are any eggs, you could lightly boil them - substitute for the ? Phillipino delicacy fertilised duck eggs! :o

I'd be concerned about the food source for snakes too. Get rid of them now. If there are any eggs, you could lightly boil them - substitute for the ? Phillipino delicacy fertilised duck eggs! :o


totster :D


We have sparrows nesting on a regular basis, they're no real trouble as they use a bush on the balcony and the space behind the aircon.

Once they've finished construction and laid some eggs it's 10-14 days before they hatch (you can tell when that happens as the noise level increases) then another 14-18 days before the young fledge (at that point we have young birds flying around crashing into things).

Ours will nip in and out even when we're sat outside, nice to watch.

Remove the nests after they've gone (wear a mask) then bung up their access with something solid.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Thanks for the link guardian... some good suggestions there..


That was the answer I was looking for really, like I said.. three of the nests are fine really, it's just the one thats the problem. I know where they are getting in, so when they have gone, I'll block up the entry points.

totster :o


yeah...we hadda big problem wid nesting sparrows wid droppings everywhere on the front stoop...de wife brutally cleared dem out and plugged up their access...now I see de same family outside de bedroom window on de roof next door; de neighbors throw up crumbs an' such for dem to eat...cute liddle buggers...ye see dem all over de woild...

I'd be concerned about the food source for snakes too. Get rid of them now. If there are any eggs, you could lightly boil them - substitute for the ? Phillipino delicacy fertilised duck eggs! :o

I believe balut was the word you were searching for.


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