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Bar girls

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All I read on this site is how bad Bar Girls are, why do 90% of single men go to thailand ? Well not to see the great beaches is it. The constant bitching from you men out there saying how bad these girls are, if it was not for men these poor girls would not be needed. Yes needed, they have become a sad shelf item that can be bought for what we here in England spend on a round of drinks. You people are so crewl to talk of these people like this, okay there is good and bad in every race but seriously do you lot think these people do the things they do just to try and do us out of our fortunes, you must be joking-or are you all just ignorant. I was pleased to go to thailand and meet girls that give a respect to their families rather than the usual mouthfull jost English girls give to their elders including family. I am sure they would rather be sat in the house with their family rather than doing sick things with fat and ugly europeans, who cant get a lady in their own country. Or like me would not consider touch the kind of miserable cold hearted disrespectfull trash that gets in the local night clubs where i am from. Sorry about the spelling and grammer.
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I have met quite a few lovely honest girls. These have been the ones that haven’t gone on with the “I love you, only you” routine. In fact I have a special girl that I have befriended. She is one of the most open and honest people that I know.

For instance, she openly admits that she has a Thai husband.

Also as we parted on my last trip, she played this game where she imitates (mocks) the other girls, “Brian, while you are away, I not butterfly………….” Then she breaks into laughter and adds “me big airport…”

She has told me about the other girls in her bar, nearly all of them have boyfriends sending them money from overseas each month. Of these, only one of the girls has only one boyfriend sending her money, the rest have multiple. She has 3 guys sending her a total of over 20,000 bht per month.

I asked her why she has never tried to get me to send her money, she told me that because I always tip her well, that it was enough.

Because the financial transactions with bar girls are more closely related to a “girlfriend / boyfriend” relationship in the west than to the western style hooker transaction, so many farangs read into the “relationship” things that just aren’t there……

I certainly don’t hold it against the girls for taking advantage of the situation; they are only taking advantage of “a fool and his money”. And many of these girls are supporting a large number of people in their home villages.

Yes, there are certainly a few diamonds out there, but if anybody thinks that they have fallen in love with a girl that they see for only 4 weeks per year and think that the feeling is mutual, then I say “remove the rose coloured glasses”. Or even better, spend a bit of dosh and have one of the many PIs check her out, just to be sure……

"See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time." Robin Williams

So answer to the question, Are most of these girls bad?.. No, they are just doing what they need to do to improve their standard of living and that of their family. I guess most of them think that the dumb farang can afford it easily.

Sure there are few that take it way too far and fleece the farang of his life savings. (Just note in the Thai newspapers how many farangs fall from high rise buildings in Pattaya after realising that they have been the screwee rather than the screwer)

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I think Brian has got it spot on.

I have a couple of girls that I see regularly when I travel. I know what they do and they know that the only payment is fun/drinks food (no more overhead than a western girlfriend). When I have asked similar questions as Brian about money they say no they have other men for that. The only thing I insist on is seeing thier HIV test results. Sounds a bit ruthless (and not foolproof), I know, but most of the girls in Pat Pong are required to go for 6 monthly checkups so it is a fact of life for them. I don't think this is true for Nana.

In fact another one of my friends works in  lap dancing club in the UK from time to time (she has a 5 yr visa). She insists that I go to Pat Pong instead of Nan for my necessities!

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simonpayne17 sure has the point! If these girls have the choice, they wouldn't want to be with those fat and ugly men! Bad girls? Well you get them everywhere, but the worse are to be found in Singapore and Malaysia when it comes to money! At least Thai girls treat you with more respect!
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At last someone who has the guts to speak out against those that try to abuse and run down the bar girls. I have been lucky in that I am marrying a girl I met on a train from surithani ( not a bar girl but an army captain ) and I must admit that I to had similar feeling towards the girls until I saw and listened to the crap they have to put up with to make a measly few quid to support themselves and their families.

But I am ashamed of the way I felt and my feeling have changed over the numbers of years I have been going to Thailand and am pleased that I can call some of those girls good friends who have come to my aid when needed and I am not talking sexually either ( I love my wife to be and will be married next month ). :o

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  • 1 year later...

I guess i'm out near the ledge for saying this but i've never been with a bagirl maybe because i wanted the girl i was with to love me One of a kind man? Are they better in bed than a Thai girl that does not work in a bar? And how cheap are they I mean Money wise ? No insults intended to anyone

My 4 times to thailand well the last two were spent with my wife, But of course I am a man and looked at the bars i did see I mean the women inside :D I can see why men would be attracted :D i guess i am a virgin to this topic because I went to thailand to see thailand not to go to the bars, I was offered to go with my cousin he lives in bangkok, but it never happend. the invitation was offered during my first 2 trips to thailand.

Just trying to understand that's all Thanks :o

Chok dee to everyone

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Simon: I agree with you 100%. Most of these girls send money home to help their parents. I've heard many people say that they choose the "easy way" to make money - but I disagree. If you think being 'humped' by the likes of many of the 'men' who visit Pattaya is easy, think again. Granted, many of the girls have been at it for a long time, and they become hardened and calloused - but you'll find women like that in any walk of life. There's an old revised saying that goes around Thailand: You can get the girl out of the bar, but you can't get the bar out of the girl. I find it unbelievable that the ones who voice the most negative opinions about bar girls are the biggest whoremongers. You're associating with hookers and yet you complain about the quality of their character???? WAKE UP!!For one, talk about the pot calling the kettle black! What are you expecting? Upstanding honesty, devotion, and love from a girl who does an average of three tricks a night??? The fact is, these women have sex for money. You know that , and you want to cry, scream, kick and yell when you get derailed by them? These aren't nuns or missionaries - they're hardened prostitutes in a country infamous for the sex trade. Hello!!! They're in it for the money!!! At least with them, you know what you're in for (if you're smart enough). If you believe otherwise, more power to them. Would you go looking for love from a prostitute back in the US or the UK? Of course not - so why come here and expect it to be any different??? Stop your bitching, pay your 500 Baht or 1000 Baht or whatever the going rate is, and enjoy yourself for all that money is worth. The other option is to find a nice Caucasian girl from the US or UK to take such good care of you, to be loving, loyal, devoted....someone who is 25 years younger and will love you EXACTLY as you are, for only WHO you are ......... Yeah, good luck.

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its about respect to women everywhere in the world

if your that low and have to pay for it then frankly u dont deserve a girl at all

go have your fun guys, spread the bad reputation Thai girls already have , to me its downgrading and disgusting and u people should be forced into prostitution to see how "fun" it really is

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I find it unbelievable that the ones who voice the most negative opinions about bar girls are the biggest whoremongers. You're associating with hookers and yet you complain about the quality of their character???? WAKE UP!!For one, talk about the pot calling the kettle black! What are you expecting? Upstanding honesty, devotion, and love from a girl who does an average of three tricks a night??? The fact is, these women have sex for money. You know that , and you want to cry, scream, kick and yell when you get derailed by them? These aren't nuns or missionaries - they're hardened prostitutes in a country infamous for the sex trade. Hello!!! They're in it for the money!!!

True. It always amazes me how many guys marry a BG and then act all shocked when she turns out to be a hooker.

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I find it unbelievable that the ones who voice the most negative opinions about bar girls are the biggest whoremongers.  You're associating with hookers and yet you complain about the quality of their character????  WAKE UP!!For one, talk about the pot calling the kettle black!  What are you expecting?  Upstanding honesty, devotion, and love from a girl who does an average of three tricks a night???  The fact is, these women have sex for money.  You know that , and you want to cry, scream, kick and yell when you get derailed by them?  These aren't nuns or missionaries - they're hardened prostitutes in a country infamous for the sex trade.  Hello!!!  They're in it for the money!!!

True. It always amazes me how many guys marry a BG and then act all shocked when she turns out to be a hooker.

Rainmoron , you are an ###### , excuse me but I probably was when I was your age.

Live another decade , and then maybe people will be interested in your opinion.

It's true that we cannot see who is behind each others postings , but you shine out like a beacon of hypocrisy.

When I come next to Los , you will be second in line for a slap , behind Erco of course.

Tara til then



ps keep practising the guitar ( I can play most things etc )

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Bar girls are a gift from above, be grateful.

Buenas dias Senor. One of my workmates told me that a 'Dirty Sanchez' is the same as a 'Rusty Fishhook.' Is this so?

"Hey Blondie, All I wanted was dee money!"

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