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Caught Speeding In Australia In Somebody Else's Car


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Over the New Year period I was caught speeding in Victoria, paying the fine is easy enough, but does anybody know how I can claim the demerit points so they don't go to the owner of the car?


Err I'm not sure about Victoria but in New South Wales there are instructions on the back of the speeding ticket if you weren't driving or want to contest it.

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Same thing happened to me (almost, I took his demerit points as they don't appear on UK licences). I had to write to the court that issued the fine and confess to driving the car. Friend paid the fine and I took the points. YOu have to do it quickly though, they don't mess around once the process starts.

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Over the New Year period I was caught speeding in Victoria, paying the fine is easy enough, but does anybody know how I can claim the demerit points so they don't go to the owner of the car?


The owner of the car will receive the fine in the mail. On the back of the fine is a statutory declaration form that the owner can fill in with the details of the actual driver.

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No personal attack Leisurely.I was speaking from my experience.Drove my mother's car back from Sydney airport as she was tired and couldn't continue the trip.Ran up the back of someone near home and police were not so kind.I learnt my lesson.

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No personal attack Leisurely.I was speaking from my experience.Drove my mother's car back from Sydney airport as she was tired and couldn't continue the trip.Ran up the back of someone near home and police were not so kind.I learnt my lesson.

I'm going back to live in OZ soon and find this riviting but Thai Related???

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No personal attack Leisurely.I was speaking from my experience.Drove my mother's car back from Sydney airport as she was tired and couldn't continue the trip.Ran up the back of someone near home and police were not so kind.I learnt my lesson.

I'm going back to live in OZ soon and find this riviting but Thai Related???

Being Thia-related apparently does not have much to do with anything. I posted a thread similar to many I have seen on this same board that offer alternatives to people who are forced to leave Thailand due to changing bank and immigration laws: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?ac...highlite=kampot

It was promptly closed as being "Not related to Thailand", and yet this thread and many others remain open even though it is not even remotely connected with Thailand.

How about a little consistency among administrators? Maybey no single administraor should have the power to close threads without obtaining concurrence from another. Even the Thai press allows more free speech then this.

Yeah, I know the rules say you can object to another administrator, but that seems a bit like the fox guarding the henhouse.

This post will be a real test of censorship vs. free speech on this board.

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Why don't you get rid of or combine the least used forum with another and start a non-Thai affairs one?

There's thousands of people here with a mass of knowledge from all over the world that could be shared, and the Thai 'purists' wouldn't have to look at it if they didn't want to.

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I would imagine that a lot of members, living in Thailand, do visit Australia. I've been there December/Janaury. In this sense it is interesting for members living here to see what could be happening on a short trip out of LOS.

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No personal attack Leisurely.I was speaking from my experience.Drove my mother's car back from Sydney airport as she was tired and couldn't continue the trip.Ran up the back of someone near home and police were not so kind.I learnt my lesson.

I'm going back to live in OZ soon and find this riviting but Thai Related???

Maybe I should have titled the thread "I'm in Thailand and got caught speeding while in Australia, now I am back in Thailand and would like to know what I can do so the car owner doesn't cop the demerit points"

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No personal attack Leisurely.I was speaking from my experience.Drove my mother's car back from Sydney airport as she was tired and couldn't continue the trip.Ran up the back of someone near home and police were not so kind.I learnt my lesson.

I'm going back to live in OZ soon and find this riviting but Thai Related???

Where you moving to in Oz?

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Why would you want.....

Surely yourfriend has a relative who doesn't drive anymore....


Great advice, I would go with this. :o

Yeah, a bit out of sorts when I typed that. What was I doing? ah remember now. Typing & watching a video at the same time. Speaking of which, gotta go, the honey snot, oops, the action scene is coming.


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Why would you want.....

Surely yourfriend has a relative who doesn't drive anymore....


Great advice, I would go with this. :D

Yeah, a bit out of sorts when I typed that. What was I doing? ah remember now. Typing & watching a video at the same time. Speaking of which, gotta go, the honey snot, oops, the action scene is coming.



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