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I Have A Problem And Need Expert Fortune Teller Advice.


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"Sonthi and other junta leaders flew to Chiang Mai on a Air Force C-130 on 3 November 2006 to visit a prominent fortune-teller and perform a religious ceremony to ward off bad luck over their staging of the coup. The fortune teller, Varin Buaviratlert, had been Sonthi long-time personal fortune-teller, and had foretold Sonthi's rise to become Army Commander."

Does anyone have this guys phone number? A family memeber of mine is in very bad condition and I would like to know how much longer he will live, and I have some other questions. I am willing to pay, as I realize he is an expert and has limited time. Thank you.

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"Sonthi and other junta leaders flew to Chiang Mai on a Air Force C-130 on 3 November 2006 to visit a prominent fortune-teller and perform a religious ceremony to ward off bad luck over their staging of the coup. The fortune teller, Varin Buaviratlert, had been Sonthi long-time personal fortune-teller, and had foretold Sonthi's rise to become Army Commander."

Does anyone have this guys phone number? A family memeber of mine is in very bad condition and I would like to know how much longer he will live, and I have some other questions. I am willing to pay, as I realize he is an expert and has limited time. Thank you.

Not sure, but I have magic beans for sale. And a bridge.

PM me a photo of your most recent tea-leaves, and your palm. I'll give you a reading.

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If you dont believe in the power of fortune telling, then please dont bother trolling this thread. Many, many people understand and believe in fortune telling. When I was in New Orleans in 1982, a fortune teller predicted that I would marry a women within 3 years, and that she would be pretty and a blonde - and it all turned out to be correct. I have used them many times, but not in Thailand.

If the leader of Thailand trusts this fortune teller with such responsibility, then I trust he knows what he is talking about. Show some respect.

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"Sonthi and other junta leaders flew to Chiang Mai on a Air Force C-130 on 3 November 2006 to visit a prominent fortune-teller and perform a religious ceremony to ward off bad luck over their staging of the coup. The fortune teller, Varin Buaviratlert, had been Sonthi long-time personal fortune-teller, and had foretold Sonthi's rise to become Army Commander."

Does anyone have this guys phone number? A family memeber of mine is in very bad condition and I would like to know how much longer he will live, and I have some other questions. I am willing to pay, as I realize he is an expert and has limited time. Thank you.

Not sure, but I have magic beans for sale. And a bridge.

PM me a photo of your most recent tea-leaves, and your palm. I'll give you a reading.

Geez, Kmart. that was my line.

I can tell this bad condition person will not live past his last day. Who has limited time, the relative or the fortune teller?

This thread is more thought-provoking than Typing for Terry.

Guess the bad luck prevention ceremony didn't work so good, huh, Sean. I know a seer in Penang.

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I thought this thread was a wind-up. Apparently it isn't.

I've checked my corns and, apparently, this thread is going to descend into chaos and merriment.

Bendix, you been chanting with Terry or what? What happened to our debate team? You guys keep this kitchen slop up, and we will lose against the willie wonkas on any issue, even the correct way to scrub my cat's molars while fending off homosexual TV house and garden hosts that wanna steal all my plants. A week at Suan Mokkh? Double passes to The Departed? Pedicure at the Spa?

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PM me a photo of your most recent tea-leaves, and your palm. I'll give you a reading.

kmart, I only use tea bags but here is my palm

I can work with that. Its enough for a sooth-saying specialist like myself to be getting on with...

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Saying that those in the government of Thailand have faith in some thing isn’t much of an endorsement is it really.

Have you thought of having a local monk splash some water on your relative, or some such procedure?

What exactly do you need to know how long the person has left? If the fortune teller tells you that your relative will be off your hands a week on Friday are you going to mark it on your calendar?

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If the leader of Thailand trusts this fortune teller with such responsibility, then I trust he knows what he is talking about. Show some respect.

yep - they listen to tellers alright! :o

Chavalit Yonchaiyudh was notorious for consulting fortune tellers. As was Nancy Reagan.

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If the leader of Thailand trusts this fortune teller with such responsibility, then I trust he knows what he is talking about. Show some respect.

yep - they listen to tellers alright! :o

Chavalit Yonchaiyudh was notorious for consulting fortune tellers. As was Nancy Reagan.

Any idea who George Bush's fortune teller is?

Oh, I forgot. God told him to do it.

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If the leader of Thailand trusts this fortune teller with such responsibility, then I trust he knows what he is talking about. Show some respect.

yep - they listen to tellers alright! :o

Chavalit Yonchaiyudh was notorious for consulting fortune tellers. As was Nancy Reagan.

Any idea who George Bush's fortune teller is?

Oh, I forgot. God told him to do it.

dubya listens to the bank tellers as well.. :D

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Some of us don't believe in religion either but won't mock those who do.

I don't mock the belief, nor the fortune tellers.

If it can help.

What I mock however is the link, typical among thais : "If Sonthi, the leader, sees this fortune teller, then he must be really good".

I find this "reverence" , this blind fascination toward the "leader"... rather irritating.

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Some nice answers here to someone concerned about a sick family member.

Some of us don't believe in religion either but won't mock those who do.

thank you very much for your insightful reasoning MR AQUIENSCE, as to ingnore the lord will lead one into hells fury. :o

one must reach out and embrace the almighty.

but to keep on topic, yes i agree with you.


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"Sonthi and other junta leaders flew to Chiang Mai on a Air Force C-130 on 3 November 2006 to visit a prominent fortune-teller and perform a religious ceremony to ward off bad luck over their staging of the coup. The fortune teller, Varin Buaviratlert, had been Sonthi long-time personal fortune-teller, and had foretold Sonthi's rise to become Army Commander."

Does anyone have this guys phone number? A family memeber of mine is in very bad condition and I would like to know how much longer he will live, and I have some other questions. I am willing to pay, as I realize he is an expert and has limited time. Thank you.

If Sonthi and the other junta leaders had to fly over to see the fortune teller, I'm sure you're going to have to take your family member to Chiang Mai. Otherwise I'm sure Sonthi would have had his fortune told via 'remote control' as well.

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"Sonthi and other junta leaders flew to Chiang Mai on a Air Force C-130 on 3 November 2006 to visit a prominent fortune-teller and perform a religious ceremony to ward off bad luck over their staging of the coup. The fortune teller, Varin Buaviratlert, had been Sonthi long-time personal fortune-teller, and had foretold Sonthi's rise to become Army Commander."

Does anyone have this guys phone number? A family memeber of mine is in very bad condition and I would like to know how much longer he will live, and I have some other questions. I am willing to pay, as I realize he is an expert and has limited time. Thank you.

If your family member is terminally ill then I don't think anyone on this planet can tell you when they will die. I spent quite a while working with the dying and they usually go when they decide to give up. Nobody can predict when this will happen. Not a doctor or a fortune teller. Maybe I'm wrong?

Are you trying to find out when they will die so you can be there?

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I am very sceptic as well of fortune/future tellers.

But I have met once in my live a lady that not only accurately told my past but also gave insight in my future (all correct).

She just grabbed my hand and started telling I never gave any reply to what she told untill she was finished.

2 years ago when my father was in hospital and terminal I made arrangements to go backhomeland (From BKK to SG first then to Holland).

On board to SG I had a dream where my father asked me if he had to wait for me.

I sort of told in my dream that if he was in great pain it was beter not.

I woke up and noted the time.

As soon as I was in SG I called my family and asked them if he died at that time, and they confirmed.

That evening I had another dream in which I became my father (feeling his feelings/fear and noticing the surroundings).

The next morning before my departure to Holland I called my mother to confirm my dream and what I experienced.

I saw him wearing a blue shirt and I heared my brother asking the nurse to give some more morfine.

My mother was stunned how I knew about that.

Look at Discovery channel, psychic detectives and see some remarkable results.

So now I do believe that there are some people on this earth that could have some kind of senses that science does not know of.

But I stay sceptical to anyone that claims having such senses.

That swami guy walking in MBK offering to tell me the name of my mother comes to my mind.

Cheers all and to the OP, I hope you find a person with proven records to help you with whatever you need to know.

To those of you that only wanna make jokes about it, please stop breathing for a few minutes as the OP has a serious question, OK?

Edited by AlexLah
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