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Prem advises Prayut to befriend enemies, critics


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Most of the Western Democracies would certainly apply.


Things are never what they appear to be. 


....and most everything you know is wrong.

Speak for yourself, you seem to think you know, your statement quite clearly proves you do not know what you are talking about. Corruption happens the world over. Not one western society comes close to Thailand when corruption and abiding the rule of law is concerned.


The number of coups, the state of the country's army and police, and the joke that the Thai justice system is, are all undeniable proof of the fact that your statement is untrue.


As I said, Thailand probably even is worse than neighbours Cambodia...


Not many countries where the subject would ever reach a position of elder state man is all I will say..


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3 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

Considering the above, he has done exactly what he was told to do by his people. His people are not the Thai electorate, remember he came to power through the means of staging a coup. 

 Nice that you understand the point I was making.

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I was sitting with my Thai son and his friends, there all 20 and at university , this will be the first time for them to vote, i asked them what they thought, and they all told me they would vote against Prayut as they say they want him out, and he is no friend of the students and younger people, its nice to hear there views and i hope they vote Prayut out for there future, but sadly it looks like its been rigged in his favour already.

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2 minutes ago, lee68 said:

I was sitting with my Thai son and his friends, there all 20 and at university , this will be the first time for them to vote, i asked them what they thought, and they all told me they would vote against Prayut as they say they want him out, and he is no friend of the students and younger people, its nice to hear there views and i hope they vote Prayut out for there future, but sadly it looks like its been rigged in his favour already.

Rigged, as the majority of "elected" Parliamentary seats have already been designed by appointment - weighing towards the ruling military's favour, naturally. 


Seems to be a deadening silence regarding this important item.

Why bother with a national election?



Provincial, Amphoe, and Tambon elective process have more diversity and merit - 

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1 hour ago, Cadbury said:

Change will not come easy. Sadly the country will need to slide into anarchy before any reformation comes to pass. 

Poverty is good business for some, and don't forget the Thai population has been cowed into submitting to just about anything by several decades of relentless propaganda, which accelerated courtesy of the CIA while they were losing the Vietnam war for the USA. Same as they lost every war adventure ever since. Except Grenada, and Grenada was largely undefended (as well as being a colony of their biggest admirers, the UK).


Thank God we have the USA to take care of us all.


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5 hours ago, mark131v said:

The real reason this country is doomed to perpetual third world status where the vast majority are serfs for the sinothai elite is creatures like the 2 main headliners, don't expect anything to change until these corrupt hypocrites are purged....

Actually, the people themselves are the problem, these two idiots are just the product of the ignorance and apathy of the Thai people. They willingly give money to Temples that practice a perverted form of Buddhism, one that worships money, which they think is buying them a better life after this one. They willingly worship the elite HI-SO's like they are gods. Corruption is accepted, especially so if they themselves get to enjoy some of the spoils. They couldn't care less about following laws or rules, and will openly fight any attempt to enforce commonsense ones, especially if it effects them. This a "Third World" country , mainly because the people want it that way, they don't want to enter the First World, and will openly fight it.

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10 minutes ago, ocddave said:

Actually, the people themselves are the problem, these two idiots are just the product of the ignorance and apathy of the Thai people. They willingly give money to Temples that practice a perverted form of Buddhism, one that worships money, which they think is buying them a better life after this one. They willingly worship the elite HI-SO's like they are gods. Corruption is accepted, especially so if they themselves get to enjoy some of the spoils. They couldn't care less about following laws or rules, and will openly fight any attempt to enforce commonsense ones, especially if it effects them. This a "Third World" country , mainly because the people want it that way, they don't want to enter the First World, and will openly fight it.

Have got to agree,what you say it's all true!


but, there's always a but.....the majority have started out with decades of indoctrination and an abysmal education system enforcing the hi-so's lies. Thailand was never likely to be an incubator for free thinking and innovation exactly the way those in power want it, but these lying, self serving, hypocrites need to be purged and punished if anything is ever going to change...

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