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What Have The Thais Given The World ?


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What i said was false? 'A lie actually?' Bring it on freakster!

No need to call names sonny.

You said that Thailand is the 7th largest exporter of Automobiles in the world.

I'll admit that that is probably a true comment,but they are not exactly Thai companies are they.They are companies set up by foreign corporations.

Now what part of that don't you understand?Hmmm?

So are toyota and Nissan thai companies?better tell the Japanese that they are Thai then. :o

I said Thailand is the 7th largest exporter of Automobiles in the world, it was not globeliner, your correct they are not Thai companies (something i never claimed) but the cars they produce are manufactured by Thai people and therefore Thailand is contributing this product to the world as it were.

well, I may have got that wrong,but to say that "Thais" are a great exporter of cars, is to deny that Japanese/yanks are the reason for this.Cheap and educated labour etc, otherwise the companies would never be here.

Thailand are still the biggest Exporter of Rice and coconut products.

No, you're wrong there. In fact, you've all been wrong so far. And where would these car companies be without petroleum? You're leaving out the Arabs. And the dinosaurs for that matter.


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they are a friendly and insular people who have never imposed themselves (at least not in living memory) on their neighbours , they generally mind their own business and resent interference in their affairs by others.

their lack of inquisitiveness in the broader picture is probably why they have never come up with any world shattering inventions or sent men to the moon.

western influence is slowly but surely subverting all the good things about this country

the world would probably be better off with more countries like thailand.

Thailand has little surviving written history. What is known is cobbled together from Western sources and some surviving stelae and the official versions of what the the Chakri Dynasty has to say. So to talk about Thai culture is essentially talking about a vacuum. What there once was, was was mostly lost in the burning of Authyutya in about 1790.

As far as I can tell, their culture is an elaborate system of greng jai -- essentialy Confusian -- under which every one knows their place and kisses the ass above them. If you think that we should follow a culture that has no known written history and no principles to follow then you are an anarchist.

Anarchy lives!

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Oh and I meant to say, the Thais ought to be commended for monopolising the sport and for taking it to an international audience, even if they weren't responsible for its conception or fundamental development.

I doubt any country can take the credit for coming up with the sport of hitting someone else in the head and body 'for sport'.

While doing your google search, you might also want to learn what monopolise means :-)

Fundamentals of Muay Thai as we know it nowadays (technique, strategy, scoring, training, promotion) are, like boxing, mostly within the last 80 years. So...let me know what you discover on Cambodia's contribution to the sport in that period.

BTW next you can do a similar exercise for American Football (rugby), Brazilian Jujitsu (vs. normal jujitsu), Aussie rules (Gaellic football), American Idol (any talent show), Siamese twins etc etc. For instance, I will acknowledge that Siamese twins were not 'invented' in Thailand.

Everyone round the world except Japan in the K1 with their whatever they call it and USA with their dodgy kickboxing pretty much acknowledges that the stand up style of Muay Thai is called Muay Thai. There are some issues for getting into the olympics with a name of a country in the sport, so it may end up being called something else. but for everyone that does it in Thailand, we call it Muay Thai. And that is what trainers and fighters starting in heavily the 70s really started to share with the world.

Kind of like what Scotland did in sharing whisky, except they call it Scotch. Why? Because it is made in Scotland. Other than that, it is pretty much exactly the same as whisky from anywhere else. Better for the most part, but the Scotch is branding. Like a Kiwi fruit. Except that it isn't even from New Zealand, it is actually a Chinese gooseberry that they forgot to trademark. Now Kiwis come from all over the world.

interesting post. now all you need to do is convince the Thais that, yes, the world does actually interact and learn from each other. for ALL our benefit.

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Personally.. I would think any Thai person reading this would find it offensive. :D

totster :o

No worries! They are used to being mocked by farangs. Actually any non-whites are used to. But I can understand that, coz the farangs say they mock people because they actually love them otherwise they wouldn't bother. Come on keep it up, show us how superior you are!

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i am surprised nobody mentioned Pole Dancing ,did they invent it ?

its now a keep fit system which gals pay for to keep fit in the UK and US.

where it doesnt have any sleazy connotations for some reason.

Pole Dancing...A Brief History

Originating in the strip clubs of Canada in the 1980s, pole dancing is now being recognised by many as a valid form of dance. It is thought that the chaste Victorians rebranded May pole dancing as something of innocence as previously it had been a pagan fertility dance dating back to the 12th century.(reference1). The origins of Mallakhamb (meaning "man of power" or "gymnasts pole") which is yoga practiced on a wooden pole and on rope (mainly practiced in India), may date back to 12th century but the discipline is suspected to be formed as recently as 250 years ago. A second discipline directly relating to todays pole dance known as Mallastambha (meaning "gymnasts pillar") using a mainly iron pole was used by wrestlers to build up strength. Mallastambha seems to be no longer practiced. Today pole Mallakhamb is practiced by men and boys and rope Mallakamb (aka Indian rope trick) is practiced by women and girls. An example of Mallakamb in practice can be seen here.

It may also be the case that pole dancing was invented long before pagan times!(reference2).

It seems that throughout history, many dance forms (some with less tasteful roots) have had to strive to gain the recognition and the respect that each deserves. Before they were widely accepted, dance forms such as ballet, the waltz and the tango came under severe scrutiny. Delving into ballet history reveals that at first, females were not permitted to perform.(reference3). Many writings on the subject neglect to reveal this fact.

The waltz also came from such a time (17th century) where the only physical contact or self expression that was accepted in public was the occasional handshake or blush, respectively.(reference4; reference5). The tango emerged from Argentina. A form of self expression and rebellion, it had links to brothels.(reference6; reference7).

More recently, the Cirque du Solei have used Chinese pole acts. Click here to watch a clip. Spinning off from Cirque, a solo male performer uses Chinese pole. As with Mallakhamb and Pole dance, Chinese pole also uses the friction between the skin and equipment. The difference in Chinese pole is that skin must be covered as the pole is covered in a sleeve of rough rubber that allows grip. Many techniques are similar to pole dance, but the performance is less fluid. Recently there has been some tentative crossover.

Much of the aerial work in circus has crossover and uses similar techniques to pole dance. These include corde lisse (a decendant of rope Mallakhamb) and Tissu or silks.

What is interesting is that by not calling the act 'pole dancing', it is deemed acceptable by the general public. Pole dancing should keep it's name and move forward with artistic pole dance by women (à la ballet!). It may even have a suitable home in the Cirque du Solei.

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i am surprised nobody mentioned Pole Dancing ,did they invent it ?

its now a keep fit system which gals pay for to keep fit in the UK and US.

where it doesnt have any sleazy connotations for some reason.

Pole Dancing...A Brief History

Originating in the strip clubs of Canada in the 1980s, pole dancing is now being recognised by many as a valid form of dance. It is thought that the chaste Victorians rebranded May pole dancing as something of innocence as previously it had been a pagan fertility dance dating back to the 12th century.(reference1). The origins of Mallakhamb (meaning "man of power" or "gymnasts pole") which is yoga practiced on a wooden pole and on rope (mainly practiced in India), may date back to 12th century but the discipline is suspected to be formed as recently as 250 years ago. A second discipline directly relating to todays pole dance known as Mallastambha (meaning "gymnasts pillar") using a mainly iron pole was used by wrestlers to build up strength. Mallastambha seems to be no longer practiced. Today pole Mallakhamb is practiced by men and boys and rope Mallakamb (aka Indian rope trick) is practiced by women and girls. An example of Mallakamb in practice can be seen here.

It may also be the case that pole dancing was invented long before pagan times!(reference2).

It seems that throughout history, many dance forms (some with less tasteful roots) have had to strive to gain the recognition and the respect that each deserves. Before they were widely accepted, dance forms such as ballet, the waltz and the tango came under severe scrutiny. Delving into ballet history reveals that at first, females were not permitted to perform.(reference3). Many writings on the subject neglect to reveal this fact.

The waltz also came from such a time (17th century) where the only physical contact or self expression that was accepted in public was the occasional handshake or blush, respectively.(reference4; reference5). The tango emerged from Argentina. A form of self expression and rebellion, it had links to brothels.(reference6; reference7).

More recently, the Cirque du Solei have used Chinese pole acts. Click here to watch a clip. Spinning off from Cirque, a solo male performer uses Chinese pole. As with Mallakhamb and Pole dance, Chinese pole also uses the friction between the skin and equipment. The difference in Chinese pole is that skin must be covered as the pole is covered in a sleeve of rough rubber that allows grip. Many techniques are similar to pole dance, but the performance is less fluid. Recently there has been some tentative crossover.

Much of the aerial work in circus has crossover and uses similar techniques to pole dance. These include corde lisse (a decendant of rope Mallakhamb) and Tissu or silks.

What is interesting is that by not calling the act 'pole dancing', it is deemed acceptable by the general public. Pole dancing should keep it's name and move forward with artistic pole dance by women (à la ballet!). It may even have a suitable home in the Cirque du Solei.

My compliments, A, I knew a dedicated internet surfer would turn up something informative.

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James Bond Island!

Smelly English sweating punters, that want to fight!

Slight correction and you have it spot on!!! :o

'Ey up! What have us fine upstanding English gentlemen done to deserve this slur! I, for one, bathe every month, whether I need it or not!

Edited by qwertz
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when will you people learn not to quote wiki as an authority?


And wintermute even had the audacity to do it again and tried to distort the truth with his own usual BS baselsess theory about Thai company loan sharking. It's pretty pathetic, mute. You could be one of the Fox news anchors or that Iraqi PR minister. The Tokyo district court has already ruled in favor of the Thai company. The court has ruled that Chaiyo should hold the rights of Ultraman anywhere in the world except in Japan. That's the JAPANESE judge who made the ruling, mute. And that's the fact, not something on wikipedia where your distorted and pathetic mind can even edit it yourself and refer to it on here.

For your own pathetic sake, please go get a life mute. Your nagging biased criticism of Thailand always shows you up as a sad lying individual, and yet you still keep coming back for more. How much more humiliated can you get before you say to yourself that you are a sad freak with no life who has to put Thais down on every occasion to make yourself feel better? You pathetic loser parasite.

Edited by ThaiGoon
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Creativity evolves from hardship. It has to. Cultures that were decimated from disease, famine, war, severe winters, and crop rotation (just coincidentally) had to invent the medicines, science, weapons, agricultural science and power sources to survive and then thrive. All through adversity.

That Thailand has been blessed by an abundance of Nature; food; weather; and coastline says a lot about its creative drive. It has never had to bother its arse really. That is why Thai peole are naturally content, happy, and apathetic.

But for Western and Chinese science and merchants; Thai people would still be pointing at the moon.

True. Good point.

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i am surprised nobody mentioned Pole Dancing ,did they invent it ?

its now a keep fit system which gals pay for to keep fit in the UK and US.

where it doesnt have any sleazy connotations for some reason.

I live near Poland, I think it's called a Mazurka.

Endure, thank you for for the censure. I do abhor these petty catfights.

Edited by qwertz
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I thought that was ThaiGoon on his best manner. :o

But TG, since you are both Thai..and educated abroad, you might be able to answer the question put forward in the OP?

I already did. I added a couple and I didn't wanna repeat what others already have said. I guess it would help if you tried to read what's been posted. By the way, I hope you yourself as a person has at least already given the world something?

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I thought that was ThaiGoon on his best manner. :o

But TG, since you are both Thai..and educated abroad, you might be able to answer the question put forward in the OP?

I already did. I added a couple and I didn't wanna repeat what others already have said. I guess it would help if you tried to read what's been posted. By the way, I hope you yourself as a person has at least already given the world something?

He has. It's called an alternative opinion.

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I thought that was ThaiGoon on his best manner. :o

But TG, since you are both Thai..and educated abroad, you might be able to answer the question put forward in the OP?

I already did. I added a couple and I didn't wanna repeat what others already have said. I guess it would help if you tried to read what's been posted. By the way, I hope you yourself as a person has at least already given the world something?

Well, you wrote 'Sufficiency Economy' and 'Ultraman', so I took it as a joke. Or you mean you where serious?

Btw, how do you define 'giving the world something'? Have I worked thousends of hours to give something/s for free for enjoyment for thousends of people? Yes, I have. Have I found a cure for Polio? No. Have you?

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Thailand should come to grips with the fact the greatest thing they have is the world's greatest whores. That, indeed, is an achievement. And one that the we all should enjoy

Jo Mama

Are you by chance Thai?

If so I do not think your Mama would be pleased

With you writing about her on a public forum

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Well, you wrote 'Sufficiency Economy' and 'Ultraman', so I took it as a joke. Or you mean you where serious?

Btw, how do you define 'giving the world something'? Have I worked thousends of hours to give something/s for free for enjoyment for thousends of people? Yes, I have. Have I found a cure for Polio? No. Have you?

No I haven't found a cure for Polio. But I'm an electrical engineering grad student. So I'm probably more likely to contribute to this world than someone who has to go to another country to take advantage of poor girls over there and its relatively low cost of living. :o

Edited by ThaiGoon
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Well, you wrote 'Sufficiency Economy' and 'Ultraman', so I took it as a joke. Or you mean you where serious?

Btw, how do you define 'giving the world something'? Have I worked thousends of hours to give something/s for free for enjoyment for thousends of people? Yes, I have. Have I found a cure for Polio? No. Have you?

No I haven't found a cure for Polio. But I'm an electrical engineering grad student. So I'm probably more likely to contribute to this world than someone who has to go to another country to take advantage of poor girls over there and its relatively low cost of living. :o

Eh? Who's taking advantage of whom? And I always thought it was a two way street.

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