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Security In Bangkok To Be Tightened


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i gotta believe that malaysia is secretly funding and training these groups, it is to their advantage.

The new Malaysian prime minister (Abdullah Badawi?) is alot more pro western than Mahatir Mohamad.

Also the three southern most states want independence of Malaysia and Thailand - Malaysia is probably worried that if Thailand gives them back to Malaysia there will be a big rise in islamic fundamentalism in the enlargened Malaysia - the 2 north eastern most states in malaysia - Kelantan and Trenganu practise quite strict islam with girls being stoned for not wearing head scarfs or too shorter skirts - and the religous police are quite active there for muslim men with thai muslim girlfiends and polygamy without the first wive's approval !

You're getting a bit carried away Bob, I lived in Kota Buru (North East) for some time and if stonings were going on the stone throwers would be thrown in prison! Islamic law is not in force, it is Malaysian law which is and this is stricter I'll grant you. The usual 'punishment' for 'transgression' is a court summons and then a fine (Brit style). The religious police are active throughout Malaysia.

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Has anyone been to Northern Malaysia recently? They look to me to be running headlong into money; Western European and USA money; errr ummm, not religious fanaticism.

There is no doubt whatsoever, in my alleged mind, that there are Islamic extremists organizing and operating out of Malaysia. Yes. But does the Malaysian govt. support or allow the activity? I bloody well think not, there is far too much of that modern goodness to lose now. Malaysians are getting very comfy with the nice fit of those shiny new shoes, and they aren't giving them back.

Can anyone spell M O T O R O L A ? Or how about I N T E L ? The normalization and spread of money across the entirety of Western Malaysia has generated the effect that the Muslim population had hoped for, the balancing of Chinese urban control.

Now, even the hint of Malaysian terrorist support is going to get people hanged, or shoved before a firing squad. Watch. Malaysia is NOT a 3rd world country. It is NOTHING LIKE THAILAND. Hello? Things have changed since the last go round with blanketed trials and hidden agendas. Malaysia is not going there any more.


Now, on the other hand, BKK is an easy target. Pure and simple. Planes, trains, and automobiles. Too many to control. And, no I certainly don't think this is a case of the BKK Governor whistling for the dobermans just to chase ghosts for fun and profit. The situation is real.

Thailand is in trouble, al Qaeda has been able to penetrate and manipulate local Southern Thailand Islamic grievances since 1998. The seeds were planted a long time ago, and the fruit is ripening today.

Agreed 'blam', and IMHO I think the solution to the problem lies in your opening sentence..money, ie economic development. I am certainly no expert on Malaya/Malaysia but it seems to me that the area has had its fair share of 'insurgents' over the years...communist, then so called muslim insurgents. But this seems to have slowly dwindled away due not to the iron fist approach but economic development. Remember Northern Ireland, similar type news went on for years. But now, due to the economic standard of living rising, people are too busy to plant bombs. "Sorry, I have to go to work today, and tomorrow I have to pick up my new car/tv!" I think there are too many young unemployed/underemployed people idley sitting about, failing to achieve any sort of recognition in their lives and easy prey to those who have grievances.

And where do the grievances come from? Who knows, but they are increased by the results of the 'iron fist' treatment handed out by a previous Thai PM. Dont you think you would become more radical/anti government and be more likely to join one of these groups if your brothers/father had been humiliated, handled like bags of <deleted> and suffocated to death in trucks along with 70 odd of your fellow villagers. The US military has proven time and time again (except to themselves) in places like Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, that counter-insurgency only breeds more insurgency. The more the insurgency increases, the more chances there are that their efforts will be aided by outside forces, particularly if you can find a unifying/common denominator such as religion. Along with this the peace loving locals are threatened, and have little choice but to reluctantly aid or at least not interfere in the operations of the insurgents.

And remember, peaceful people dont set off bombs in crowded areas in the name of peace. They are silent and therefore unnoticed. So we therefore think all muslims are bomb carriers.

If something could be done to increase the economic well being of this area, and if some sort of reconciliation could be made to provide some justice for the wrong done to those people (maybe a Saddam type 'crimes against humanity' trial involving that particular PM) then there may be a chance for peace.

Well, thats my thoughts anyway.

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Does anyone else feel like it was the southern insurgency who was most likely responsible for the new years eve bombings in bangkok? they did the samething on chinese new year.

With the Thai Benny Hill Police Show that we have, it's unlikely that the truth will be known. Ever.

The only way to get some breakthrought regarding the identity of the perpetrators of New Year Eve bombings is, unfortunatly, a new wave of attacks in Bangkok.

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Thailand: Possible Bombings in Bangkok and the Real Threat

February 23, 2007 19 59 GMT


The Australian, Canadian and British governments issued warnings to their citizens Feb. 23 about possible militant attacks in Bangkok, Thailand. The move followed a wave of bombings in Thailand's southernmost provinces and a Thai defense minister's warning of a security threat to the capital from militants based in the region. Although a meaningful threat from southern militants is unlikely, the possibility does exist of attacks in Bangkok by rival political factions.


Warnings of militant attacks in Bangkok issued by Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom on Feb. 23 came a day after Thai Defense Minister Gen. Bunrod Somtad warned that insurgents in Thailand's four southernmost provinces might extend their attacks into the capital. While the possibility exists of bombings in Bangkok, they likely would be the result of an ongoing power struggle between rival political factions in the wake of the September 2006 coup that deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The Australian warning specifically stated that attacks on transportation targets and crowded areas would occur Feb. 23. The head of Thailand's Special Branch police division, Lt. Gen. Thiradet Rodphothong, said there was no specific intelligence suggesting that attacks will take place Feb. 23 in the capital, but rumors to that effect circulated throughout the city. The U.S. government did not issue a specific warning, leaving its standing advisory about security in Thailand unchanged (which essentially is to avoid nonemergency travel to the southern provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala and Songkhla).

The warnings in Bangkok come amid a wave of militant violence in the southern provinces. On Feb. 21, suspected insurgents burned down the largest rubber warehouse in Thailand's Yala province. On Feb. 18, more than 30 bombing attacks against schools, karaoke bars and power stations killed eight people in Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat provinces. While roots of the insurgency in the south are varied and complex, the insurgents have not demonstrated the ability or desire to hit targets in Bangkok or Thailand's lucrative tourist industry. Bombing attacks have occurred in Bangkok -- most notably the New Year's Eve bombings in December 2006 -- but these attacks probably were related to internal political friction in Bangkok and not the insurgency in the south.

Currently, the competing elements of the military junta running Thailand are using the violence in the south and the threat of violence in Bangkok to discredit one another. Some of these officials are Thaksin loyalists, which adds to the schism, and the factionalization has made it hard for the ruling junta to get anything done since Thaksin's overthrow. Demonstrating progress in resolving the issues in the south would give credibility to whatever faction is able to accomplish it. A rival faction, on the other hand, would get credit for making it appear that problems in the south not only are not being solved but also are actually getting worse -- and are spreading to the capital. By making very public statements about potential militant bombings in Bangkok, a rival faction could be turning up the heat on those responsible for securing Thailand's political and economic center.

This infighting can be seen in the contradictory statements coming from the rival factions. The day after Bunrod warned foreign embassies in Bangkok about possible attacks by southern militants, Thai Interior Minister Aree Wong-araya said he believes the southern insurgents will not extend their campaigns to the capital.

Either way, the threat of bombings, wherever they originate, gives each side a pretext to bring more security forces into Bangkok. Briefing foreign diplomats on the security situation in the capital, Bangkok police outlined heightened security measures that would be put in place, including more police checkpoints and more active intelligence gathering. These precautions might be intended to thwart militant attacks, but they also could be used to keep tabs on rival factions.

As internal battles in Thailand's post-coup government continue, more small-scale political bombings could occur in the capital over the next few months, but they are likely to have more to do with Thai politicians than Muslim separatists.

I will leave any conclusions to be drawn from this up to the reader.

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The thing that leaves me to believe that the New Years eve attacks were the work of "rival factions" is that was designed to be an economic attack rather than cause massive loss of life. The bombs were placed in strategic tourist and commercial sites.

Another very compelling thing to me was that neither the train station or the Northern bus station both which were packed with people travelling for the holidays were targeted. The majority of those people were supporters of the overthrown government.


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"The thing that leaves me to believe that the New Years eve attacks were the work of "rival factions" is that was designed to be an economic attack rather than cause massive loss of life. The bombs were placed in strategic tourist and commercial sites."

Um... this is exactly what has been happening in the south.

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"but these attacks probably were related to internal political friction in Bangkok and not the insurgency in the south."

Saying something does not make it true. As of now, there isnt any evidence that suggests the New Years Eve bombings were political except for the fact that the CNS said it was so.

The CNS explanatation about why it couldnt have been southern insurgents "They would have gotten lost in Bangkok".

The insurgents in the south have not been going for maximum loss of life - what they have been doing is using grenades and small bombs to cause confusion.

In Bangkok, a bunch of bombs go off at the sametime - wait, doesnt that sound familar to whats happening in the south?

So please, someone provide some evidence that supports the "rival faction" theory and not southern insurgents.

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Bangkok police remain on full alert

* From correspondents in Jakarta

* February 24, 2007

POLICE in Bangkok remain on high alert after three western nations and Japan warned of possible terror attacks in the Thai capital.

"The Metropolitan Police are on full alert. We have maintained our security measures at the maximum level since the bombs on December 31,'' said Major General Kamol Kaewsuwan, deputy chief of Bangkok Metropolitan police.

Since a wave of bombs on New Year's Eve in downtown Bangkok killed three and injured dozens, including foreign tourists, police have beefed up security at department stores, train stations and Bangkok's new international airport.

The Thai capital was again on fresh alert at the weekend after Australia, Canada, Britain and Japan warned of possible terror attacks in Bangkok and urged their citizens to stay away from crowded places such as shopping malls and stations.

The foreign warnings came after Thai Defence Minister Boonrawd Somtas said Islamic separatists from the country's restive Muslim-majority south could slip into the capital and mount attacks.

But Thai officials said no new security alert had been issued, while the US Embassy in Bangkok left its travel advice unchanged, urging travellers to monitor events and avoid large public gatherings.

Major General Kamol said police had increased security at more than 1000 locations including embassies, government buildings, shopping malls, train stations and popular tourist hangouts since the deadly New Year's Eve bombs.

full story here

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I also agree that the New Year bombings were more likely post-coup struggles..but that doesn't mean it was the Thaksin supporters either..

What scares me is that the southern insurgents are an easy scapegoat. First the govt denied it was the southerners (a little too quickly which made it so much more suspicious - like they already knew who it was). But then they did a 180 degree turn and started blaming them! So why is that scary? Becuase the next one could be a spectacular to REALLY blame them..

There is an incredible power struggle going on right now...don't forget that! And it seems to be getting worse according to the negative reports about the current governments performance..

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"I also agree that the New Year bombings were more likely post-coup struggles.."

Between whom? Give specific names.

Come on SeanBangkok. It certainly isn't Sombat and Khampon from Isaan going at it, is it?

Read a bit of REAL Thai recent history and understand the way the system works. A long last name, a Jaew Paw family -- and that's only the insignificant provinces we're talking about.

The real struggle will be going on right now in the plush homes of the long-names in Bangkok. Big-father figure will be doing deals with his 'civil servant friends' to regain the "rights" so rudely taken from them by Thaksin. And the military retirees with little power left in the north and north-centre of the city will be rumour-mongering.

The chinese-thais and the past-thai-military-dictator families are getting ready to have it out. Keep your heads down. You never, ever, want to get in between these guys..(the best you'll ever get is oggling their grand-daughters at the big shopping centres - that's enough for me actually..).

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I still believe the New Year bombings have nothing to do with the South but are linked with old power, same goes for the new warnings in Bangkok, coinciding with more and more criminal charges revealed against Thaksin and TRT members/supporters and the attempt to launch TRT's PTV station plus Chaturon's visit up North, the Thaksin interviews and upcoming speech. All attempts at throwing a wrench into the CNS corruption busting machine.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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I still believe the New Year bombings have nothing to do with the South but are linked with old power, same goes for the new warnings in Bangkok, coinciding with more and more criminal charges revealed against Thaksin and TRT members/supporters and the attempt to launch TRT's PTV station plus Chaturon's visit up North, the Thaksin interviews and upcoming speech. All attempts at throwing a wrench into the CNS corruption busting machine.

How would you know who were or who were not behind the NYE bombings!!!

Edited by Hampstead
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I still believe the New Year bombings have nothing to do with the South but are linked with old power, same goes for the new warnings in Bangkok, coinciding with more and more criminal charges revealed against Thaksin and TRT members/supporters and the attempt to launch TRT's PTV station plus Chaturon's visit up North, the Thaksin interviews and upcoming speech. All attempts at throwing a wrench into the CNS corruption busting machine.

How would you know who were or who were not behind the NYE bombings!!!

Hey, lighten up, he said believe. Most on this thread are speculating on one group or another without any direct evidence and it is also unlikely we will ever know who actually did it, so everyone will continue to speculate as does most of the country.

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Bangkok on 24-hour alert for possible terror attacks

THAILAND'S military-appointed government has put Bangkok on security alert after intelligence reports warned of possible attacks on the capital.

Lieutenant General Prayud Janocha, who is responsible for security in Bangkok, said his troops were on a “24-hour watch” ahead of the Makha Bucha Buddhist holiday this weekend.

He said the military's analysis also pointed to threats on March 13-15, the anniversary of a Muslim Malay separatist group, and a Thai water festival in April.

“The measures followed analyses from our intelligence units which anticipate that attacks might come on those days,” Gen. Prayud said.

He said hundreds of troops were on standby and could be deployed quickly to Bangkok, where a series of bombs killed three people and wounded 38 on New Year's Eve.

The embassies of Australia, Canada and Britain last week issued travel advisories for their citizens to be on extra alert.

Defence Minister Boonrawd Somtas said any violence was likely to be engineered by those ousted from power in the bloodless September coup that removed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

“Politics will lead to unrest in Bangkok,” said Mr Boonrawd, who only last week had pointed the finger at southern Muslim militants.

“Our analysis suggests that if political activities pick up momentum, it could get out of control and violence could take place,” he said.

After the New Year blasts, the Government suggested the attacks were linked to politicians who had lost out in the coup.

However, some investigators said later that the coordinated explosions might have been the work of Muslim militants from the far south, where more than 2000 people have died in three years of separatist violence.

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I still believe the New Year bombings have nothing to do with the South but are linked with old power, same goes for the new warnings in Bangkok, coinciding with more and more criminal charges revealed against Thaksin and TRT members/supporters and the attempt to launch TRT's PTV station plus Chaturon's visit up North, the Thaksin interviews and upcoming speech. All attempts at throwing a wrench into the CNS corruption busting machine.

How would you know who were or who were not behind the NYE bombings!!!

Hey, lighten up, he said believe. Most on this thread are speculating on one group or another without any direct evidence and it is also unlikely we will ever know who actually did it, so everyone will continue to speculate as does most of the country.

Thats so right, we will probably never know the real truth, so better to trash the specualtive comments as they have no place in our minds

speculation is the curse of media gossip being flammed by certain powers

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