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U.S. shutdown talks falter, Trump threatens emergency powers


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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The Israelis would disagree. They seem quite happy with their wall.


What does that have to do with a wall along the US/Mexico border?  Americans are not Israelis.  Americans are not trying to defend themselves against an Arab state that wants to "drive them into the sea", as the Jews are.  What a ridiculous comparison.  I don't care how the Israelis feel about their wall.  I care about how Americans feel about THEIR proposed wall.


Can we justify any policy by finding some place in the world where said policy is favored?  How did the East Germans feel about their wall?

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21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The Israelis would disagree. They seem quite happy with their wall.

You mean their 400 mi. barrier built on flat terrain guarded by conscripts? Comparing that to Trump's Folly which would have to be 2000 mi. long, crossing mountain ranges and deserts and guarded by people who get paid is disingenuous to put it kindly.


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29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Politics as usual. 


A meaningless response.  What, if anything, do you base that statement on?  Judge Howell, who is a Bush appointee and supported the Patriot Act, has heard Mueller's reasons and apparently feels there is sufficient reason to continue.


Republicans pick and choose their role models (like Mueller & Howell) and then cry "politics!" when the decisions don't go their way.  Priceless.




Edited by attrayant
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2 minutes ago, attrayant said:


A meaningless response.  What, if anything, do you base that statement on?  The judge, who is a Bush appointee and supported the Patriot Act, has heard Mueller's reasons and apparently feels there is sufficient reason to continue.

LOL. Bush hates Trump.

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23 minutes ago, Becker said:

You mean their 400 mi. barrier built on flat terrain guarded by conscripts? Comparing that to Trump's Folly which would have to be 2000 mi. long, crossing mountain ranges and deserts and guarded by people who get paid is disingenuous to put it kindly.


Sigh. It's already been stated that the wall does not have to be built for the entire border.

Perhaps they could put automatic machine guns that kill anything that moves to save the cost of guards, but the anti Trumpers would probably complain about that as well ( for those that have no sense of irony, that is sarcasm ).

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sigh. It's already been stated that the wall does not have to be built for the entire border.

Perhaps they could put automatic machine guns that kill anything that moves to save the cost of guards, but the anti Trumpers would probably complain about that as well ( for those that have no sense of irony, that is sarcasm ).

Thanks for pointing out that that was sarcasm because with the base Trump supporter it's really hard to tell sometimes. Having said that I do believe that for a great many of his rabid "5th Ave" supporters having those "automatic machine guns that kill anything that moves" would be A-OK.

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


But you want more of these "ineffective barriers"?



Then millions of Americans are ignorant, because the borders are already protected.  And if there are any spots where the protection is not as good as it could be, the solution is not a $20 billion wall.


Texas Republican congressman Will Hurd, who has the largest congressional district along the US/Mexico border:


You can't build a wall from sea to shining seal it just doesn't work. It's the most expensive and least effective way to do border security.


Texas Republican John Cornyn:


"I don't think we're going to be able to solve border security with a physical barrier because people can come under it, around it and through it."  He proposed a mixture of barriers and technological border security solutions, but was voted down by the republican-controlled state senate.


Republican senator Lisa Murkowski says it's impossible for Trump to get the funding he needs for his wall because the money simply isn't there:


“If you're going to spend that kind of money, you're going to have to show me where you're going to get that money."


It's only Trump and a handful of deficit-loving republicans who care about a massive, stupid, wasteful wall.

Not according to the CBP! Who knows more about the border then them ! The vast majority  overwhelmingly support a wall and all other kinds of security!

ABC 10 news  source

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1 minute ago, attrayant said:


Are you even thinking before you post?  What has "Bush hates Trump" got to do with anything?  Did Bush hate Trump 14 years ago, when Howell was seated as a judge?

If you don't get it, I don't have the time to explain it. I'm off to what suffices for home and TVF will have to do without my contribution for a while.

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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

Not according to the CBP! Who knows more about the border then them!


Who is "them"?  If you could just quote the line or part of my post that you're responding to, that would help us decipher your posts.



2 minutes ago, riclag said:

The vast majority  overwhelmingly support a wall and all other kinds of security!


The vast majority of "them"?  Is that the vast majority of border patrol agents?  How do you know this?  Have they been polled?

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1 minute ago, attrayant said:


Who is "them"?  If you could just quote the line or part of my post that you're responding to, that would help us decipher your posts.




The vast majority of "them"?  Is that the vast majority of border patrol agents?  How do you know this?  Have they been polled?

You mentioned ineffective barriers in your post!

The them is the experts ,the CBP, who deal with this everyday! According to them they say it's essential watch the video! 

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5 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Who is "them"?  If you could just quote the line or part of my post that you're responding to, that would help us decipher your posts.




The vast majority of "them"?  Is that the vast majority of border patrol agents?  How do you know this?  Have they been polled?



89% according to the article

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