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Britons would now vote to stay in EU, want second referendum: poll


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2 hours ago, Spidey said:

Firstly, I suggest that you read the title of this thread. Most Brits already want another referendum. It's May and her government that are trying to deny us this.


Far less jobs for British workers if we leave than if we remain. A number of large companies are already making plans to shift operations abroad, if we leave. Smaller manufacturing companies who currently rely on exporting their produce and partly rely on a supply chain from the EU, will find it more expensive/difficult to import/export and many will fold, causing many more job losses.


Be careful what you wish for.

Yes, heed the polls. Or else.

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Just now, yogi100 said:


And I'm sorry to realise that you're so rude and ignorant and that you don't have a clue what you're making such insulting remarks about.


If the admin boys are reading this your post and others like it should be deleted.

The Brexiteers mantra to the mods: "Please immediately delete any pro remain posts, I have no answer to them"

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8 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Sorry to hear that you and yours are sleeping on flattened cardboard boxes on the street this winter. We'll put a few baht in the tin next time you are here, which looks like a long time coming by the sound of things.


You are aware of the fact that you may not attack a poster, only his or her post.

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2 hours ago, Spidey said:

The particular position I was thinking about was someone who works at McDonalds in my home town. All of his co workers are white British. The local Asian community never apply for jobs there.

There's a thing.

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34 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Western, Singaporean expats here tell me that the cost of living in Singapore is VERY high (far higher than European countries), but those I know (quite a few) are all wealthy so may be talking more about the cost of 'luxuries' such as housing/cars etc.?  We never talked about the price of food or possible corruption money from businesses there to those in govt., but it probably explains why Singaporean govt. members are paid more than those in Europe?


Going back to Western countries:-

"So I started to support decently paid jobs for the government. Simply because those salaries attract talents and reduce the amount of corruption."


If you believe that, you'll believe anything IMO.....


I lived in Singapore for 4 years. 10 years ago. Can't say what is the situation at the moment.


Singapore can be very expensive or living expenses can be quite moderate, depending of person's lifestyle. 


Singaporeans are very proud of the fact that their society has very little corruption. When riding with the taxis, the drivers often mentioned that my country was in the top of least corrupt countries at the time.. they were 2nd. These are the things also we feel proud of. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index


Naturally no country is pure of corruption, but there are better working societies, which we all should learn from. Currently Denmark and New Zealand are on the top. 

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For any visitor from outer space wondering why the Hard Brexiteers are having one of their ritual flurries going off at the deep end, it is for one reason only. It is precisely because of one of the most recent Parliamentary votes. The one removing Hard Brexit as the default Brexit exit in the event of no agreement between the UK and the EU. It is sending them totally bonkers at the thought that their final card bypassing Parliament has been pulled. Call an ambulance!

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14 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Another charachteristic of Brexiteers. Can't take a joke.

It was not a joke and I for one did not laugh.


It was every bit the insult you fully intended it to be. You know it, I know it and everyone who read it knows it.

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22 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

People in modernist glass houses often have their designer property displayed in the Weekend colour supplements. Very London Chelsea and Battersea.

Then they really wouldn't want to be throwing stones, would they?

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21 minutes ago, Spidey said:

The Brexiteers mantra to the mods: "Please immediately delete any pro remain posts, I have no answer to them"


I've made no appeal to any mods. Ask 'em if you like. Stick to the topic and stop trying to be rude and cause trouble you could not handle in the real world.

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23 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

For any visitor from outer space wondering why the Hard Brexiteers are having one of their ritual flurries going off at the deep end, it is for one reason only. It is precisely because of one of the most recent Parliamentary votes. The one removing Hard Brexit as the default Brexit exit in the event of no agreement between the UK and the EU. It is sending them totally bonkers at the thought that their final card bypassing Parliament has been pulled. Call an ambulance!

Ahead of yourself again. No deal is not blocked by legislation. The vote that the real alien here refers to concerns tax adjustments in case of a no deal Brexit.


Apologies to you and your cosmic pals, ET.

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5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Please tell me you're joking!


As far as I can see very few brexiters or remainers report posts - even though the majority of insults come from remainers - but are deliberately 'general' against those supporting brexit....

Well... ????


Let the past be what it was and let's move on. 


While it's actually nice to hear and learn from different ideas and it's actually nice to hear real life learnings from others, let's not attack the person who wrote those ideas. 


Attacking the ideas is perfectly ok and can be quite fun as well. 


There are quite many folks, whose ideas I disagree with, but I still respect their input of giving new things to think about. Yes, you included. I respect honesty and honest people, regardless what or how they think. Dishonesty not so much. That I attack the way I do.

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27 minutes ago, oilinki said:

I lived in Singapore for 4 years. 10 years ago. Can't say what is the situation at the moment.


Singapore can be very expensive or living expenses can be quite moderate, depending of person's lifestyle. 


Singaporeans are very proud of the fact that their society has very little corruption. When riding with the taxis, the drivers often mentioned that my country was in the top of least corrupt countries at the time.. they were 2nd. These are the things also we feel proud of. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index


Naturally no country is pure of corruption, but there are better working societies, which we all should learn from. Currently Denmark and New Zealand are on the top. 

The Western expats from Singapore that I know lived there for decades.


I know bugger all about Singapore as I only went there for a few days to meet up with friends, but I'm trying (and failing....☹️ - it will probably come to me later) to remember what one of my taxi drivers said.  It was an obvious and funny comment about the way the country was over-regulated.


I quite liked Singapore, and found the people very friendly.  But I was only there for a few days and was only making the point that it is very expensive (possibly just for luxuries) compared to European countries and that we have no idea as to the corruption in Singapore.


Plus, if you honestly believe politicians would be less corrupt if they were paid more - then you are deluded IMO!

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1 hour ago, Spidey said:

So the GBP/THB hasn't dropped from 50 to 40 since the vote? The stock market hasn't dropped since the vote? Several large companies haven't made preparations to move operations abroad once we leave the EU. Yep all lies!


No the Stockmarket hasn't dropped since the vote, it rose to all time highs till a recent correction caused by the US China trade war and the unwinding of QE causing a global slow down, nothing to do with Brexit but incidentally even after the retrace it's still higher than it was before the vote. Also which 'large' companies have made preparations to move abroad?

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41 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

For any visitor from outer space wondering why the Hard Brexiteers are having one of their ritual flurries going off at the deep end, it is for one reason only. It is precisely because of one of the most recent Parliamentary votes. The one removing Hard Brexit as the default Brexit exit in the event of no agreement between the UK and the EU. It is sending them totally bonkers at the thought that their final card bypassing Parliament has been pulled. Call an ambulance!

Their naivety is almost childlike - did the really think Parliament would gamble with the economic security of the UK - they should thank them for making adult evidence-based decisions rather than wilfully jumping off a cliff to see if they can fly.  Any street yobbery, if it should arise, which I don't think it will, should be dealt with the full force of the law.  We're staying in now - the process has begun. Leave means Remain and the end of their Hard-Brexit hard-ons. 

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

The Western expats from Singapore that I know lived there for decades.


I know bugger all about Singapore as I only went there for a few days to meet up with friends, but I'm trying (and failing....☹️ - it will probably come to me later) to remember what one of my taxi drivers said.  It was an obvious and funny comment about the way the country was over-regulated.


I quite liked Singapore, and found the people very friendly.  But I was only there for a few days and was only making the point that it is very expensive (possibly just for luxuries) compared to European countries and that we have no idea as to the corruption in Singapore.


Plus, if you honestly believe politicians would be less corrupt if they were paid more - then you are deluded IMO!

At the time I lived there, the over regulation bugged me as well. Not directly as I think it's great that everybody has to obey the same rules, but what it meant to the society itself. Singapore was quite dull at the time. I used to say that every country needs a bit of dirt in it's streets to make it more interesting. Singapore lacked the dirt. 


However, over the past years, Singapore understood that the foreign talents had no fun in the dull citystate and they actually started to work towards getting a bit of dirt to the streets of Singapore. Not to much, naturally.. this is Singapore we are talking about, but enough to make it more attractive and a bit more challenging to the people. 


I really admire the Singaporean government. It's not a democracy but more of meritocracy. It works for the country and for the people. Quite like a well working company, which understands that it's important to take good care of it's workers for the company to perform well. 


Reduction of corruption is based of how the people in the society think. Get the best talents working for the government and they will reduce the amount of corruption by making corruption to be see as a really bad thing among the population. 

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46 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

For any visitor from outer space wondering why the Hard Brexiteers are having one of their ritual flurries going off at the deep end, it is for one reason only. It is precisely because of one of the most recent Parliamentary votes. The one removing Hard Brexit as the default Brexit exit in the event of no agreement between the UK and the EU. It is sending them totally bonkers at the thought that their final card bypassing Parliament has been pulled. Call an ambulance!

All their options are closing in on them. I won’t be able to get up off the floor if we end up with no Brexit at all ... courtesy of the DUP and ERG. 





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6 minutes ago, Chartist said:


No the Stockmarket hasn't dropped since the vote, it rose to all time highs till a recent correction caused by the US China trade war and the unwinding of QE causing a global slow down, nothing to do with Brexit but incidentally even after the retrace it's still higher than it was before the vote. Also which 'large' companies have made preparations to move abroad?

the FTSE 100 is less lower now than 31-12-1999,there will be plenty of large companies leaving if/when brexit arrives,JAL have started,yes some will be bluffing but some wont,therefore even if half do go it will be a major blow,perhaps you can tell us what major companies are planning to come after brexit as ive not read,heard,or seen anything.

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42 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

It was not a joke and I for one did not laugh.


It was every bit the insult you fully intended it to be. You know it, I know it and everyone who read it knows it.

It wasn't me who made the pun. it was funny though!

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1 minute ago, bomber said:

the FTSE 100 is less lower now than 31-12-1999,there will be plenty of large companies leaving if/when brexit arrives,JAL have started,yes some will be bluffing but some wont,therefore even if half do go it will be a major blow,perhaps you can tell us what major companies are planning to come after brexit as ive not read,heard,or seen anything.

Hitachi were going to develop a nuclear business in Wales ... but have decided not to?

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Just now, dick dasterdly said:

Good to hear.


So you're going to stop calling all those with a different opinion to yourself as either:-

1) influenced by russian propaganda

2) russian trolls

3 part of a tiny minority in the uk



Not fully, no. Difference of opinion is great as it gives us possibility to learn something new.


Constantly yelling slogans, which provide nothing new to the discussion, deserves similar kind of answer - this is the opposite what we 'socialists' and 'liberals' used to do for so long and I want to change the way we response to these predefined slogans/trolls. 


But yeah, I'll try to do my best not to go after the person, but to go after the idea. Would you do the same?

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:


And I'm sorry to realise that you're so rude and ignorant and that you don't have a clue what you're making such insulting remarks about.


If the admin boys are reading this your post and others like it should be deleted.


43 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


I've made no appeal to any mods. Ask 'em if you like. Stick to the topic and stop trying to be rude and cause trouble you could not handle in the real world.


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