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Britons would now vote to stay in EU, want second referendum: poll


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8 minutes ago, evadgib said:

It was Bill Cash talking to the speaker immediately after PMQs last weds.

It's all very well quoting/misquoting the 1972 Act but the act says nothing about being able/unable to revoke Article 50 once it has been envoked. We must leave in 2 years if Article 50 is in force. It says nothing about our obligations if Article 50 is no longer active. We revoke Article 50 and all bets are off. This has already been confirmed by the European Court.

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7 minutes ago, Loiner said:

These type of jobs are full of migrants.

The particular position I was thinking about was someone who works at McDonalds in my home town. All of his co workers are white British. The local Asian community never apply for jobs there.

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8 minutes ago, Spidey said:

It's all very well quoting/misquoting the 1972 Act but the act says nothing about being able/unable to revoke Article 50 once it has been envoked. We must leave in 2 years if Article 50 is in force. It says nothing about our obligations if Article 50 is no longer active. We revoke Article 50 and all bets are off. This has already been confirmed by the European Court.

Scuppered by (or have I misquoted this too?)...


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Just now, Loiner said:

Not true. Most Brits don't want another referendum, only the Remainers who would like to twist the result of the one we had. Nobody is trying to deny your this - you are simply not entitled to one.

So the OP is a lie then? Very convenient. Always get this from Brexiteers, when they are presented with facts that don't fit their agenda, it's fake news. Remind you of anyone?

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4 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Scuppered by...


Ah yes Douglas Carswell, former MP, who jumped ship from the Tories to UKIP. Generally regarded as an encephalitic idiot. Full of "ifs and buts". If you believe him then you fall into his category.


Give up the Twitter, it's addling your brain.

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15 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Do you ever visit the UK let alone work and live there or just believe what the MSM and the BBC tell you.

I've said before, I visit the UK every year and my wife and 2 children are in the UK workforce. Teebee's post was pretty accurate. Do you accuse everyone who doesn't share your point of view of knowing nothing about the UK?


The BBC, although not completely unbiased, is the least biased news outlet in the world, which is why Trump is constantly dissing them. Where do you get your information from? Russian Twitterbots? Tommy Robinson? Fox News?


Or maybe the British expat, sat at the next barstool to you, with his shaved head, Chang wifebeater vest, tattoos, copy of "The Sun" tucked under his arm and a huge chip on his shoulder. 

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8 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Once again you've attacked the poster (Carswell and yours truly) who forwarded a message that I deemed fit to enhance this board rather than the content his message contained!

When will you lot adhere to the rules you signed up to & expect everyone else to observe?

I understand your sentiments but your post contains one glaring error: "deemed fit to enhance this board" which it certainly wasn't.

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

Theresa's on a promise from Jean Claude Juncker who's on nearly 400, 000 Euros a year himself while his top EU civil servants now receive 20,000 Euros a month, that's 240,000 a year. Fantastic money in anyone's language that dwarfs an MP's salary and our boys and girls in Westminster want some of that action and want to keep us in the EU at any cost to get it. They could not give a sh!t about us! You're a fool if you think they do.

I used to be one who thought the EU officials are been paid way too much. I wanted it to end.


Then I moved to Singapore, where the government workers are paid well and fairly. It took me a while to understand the logic behind it. 


These government workers are paid fairly, not millions, like some business CxO's, but well enough that they are happy. This means that they are not eager to abuse their powers and take corruption money from the businesses. Instead they are doing their job, working for the people, like they should be. 


Another thing in Singapore was that the well educated people who hold a lot of knowledge, actually want to work for the state. Quite different to the rest of us, who want to work for private companies, as the salaries tend to be far higher and the possibilities to advance in our careers are better.


So I started to support decently paid jobs for the government. Simply because those salaries attract talents and reduce the amount of corruption.


I have never worked for my state, nor probably ever will. I support well enough salaries for state workers. Not millions, but good enough. 

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14 minutes ago, oilinki said:

I used to be one who thought the EU officials are been paid way too much. I wanted it to end.


Then I moved to Singapore, where the government workers are paid well and fairly. It took me a while to understand the logic behind it. 


These government workers are paid fairly, not millions, like some business CxO's, but well enough that they are happy. This means that they are not eager to abuse their powers and take corruption money from the businesses. Instead they are doing their job, working for the people, like they should be. 


Another thing in Singapore was that the well educated people who hold a lot of knowledge, actually want to work for the state. Quite different to the rest of us, who want to work for private companies, as the salaries tend to be far higher and the possibilities to advance in our careers are better.


So I started to support decently paid jobs for the government. Simply because those salaries attract talents and reduce the amount of corruption.


I have never worked for my state, nor probably ever will. I support well enough salaries for state workers. Not millions, but good enough. 

Western, Singaporean expats here tell me that the cost of living in Singapore is VERY high (far higher than European countries), but those I know (quite a few) are all wealthy so may be talking more about the cost of 'luxuries' such as housing/cars etc.?  We never talked about the price of food or possible corruption money from businesses there to those in govt., but it probably explains why Singaporean govt. members are paid more than those in Europe?


Going back to Western countries:-

"So I started to support decently paid jobs for the government. Simply because those salaries attract talents and reduce the amount of corruption."


If you believe that, you'll believe anything IMO.....


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2 hours ago, Chartist said:


Remainers don't like the working class it's as simple as that, just look at this thread they're only interested in things like their 'share portfolio' recovering and getting a better exchange rate. They hate the fact we had a referendum where the masses had a chance to be heard, they hate the fact that their vote is equal to that of a white van man. 


The corrupt media like to portray Brexiteers as xenophobic nationalists, too uneducated to know what's good for them. In doing so the real reasons people voted leave have barely been discussed. Successive Tory and Labour governments have traded off our industries to gain a better deal for Londons financial institutions. That's why project fear didn't work, when you've got nothing you've got nothing to lose.

So the 60% in Scotland and Northern Ireland who voted Remain were middle and upper class?


As for share portfolios, anybody with a works or private pension is impacted by that ... no working class people have work pensions?


When London and the general economy suffers it impacts on the tax revenue raised by the Government, the same tax revenues that are used to fund the benefits of those that have nothing. Those that think they won’t be impacted might find themselves hardest hit.

Edited by AlexRich
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2 hours ago, Chartist said:


Remainers don't like the working class it's as simple as that, just look at this thread they're only interested in things like their 'share portfolio' recovering and getting a better exchange rate. They hate the fact we had a referendum where the masses had a chance to be heard, they hate the fact that their vote is equal to that of a white van man. 

The corrupt media like to portray Brexiteers as xenophobic nationalists, too uneducated to know what's good for them. In doing so the real reasons people voted leave have barely been discussed. Successive Tory and Labour governments have traded off our industries to gain a better deal for Londons financial institutions. That's why project fear didn't work, when you've got nothing you've got nothing to lose.

You've got nothing and stuck in Birmingham this winter?

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19 minutes ago, Loiner said:

YES its a lie. The polls and Remain propaganda are full of them. Project Fear and you've all fallen for it.

Remind you of the armageddon that was promised just on the result of Brexit? That was another poll that was not true. To coin a phrase: Fake news.

So the GBP/THB hasn't dropped from 50 to 40 since the vote? The stock market hasn't dropped since the vote? Several large companies haven't made preparations to move operations abroad once we leave the EU. Yep all lies!

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


In the real world 'Evolution and adaptation in social environments doesn't put people back into work. Nor does bringing in masses of cheap foreign labour to permit businesses to make even bigger profits than they ever have done in the past.


You can't provide create employment out of thin air especially when the vast majority of your industries have been sold off to foreign investors or moved abroad.


Our own car manufacturers are mostly gone, as have the companies that made domestic appliances, shipping and most other heavy and light industry. Even HP Sauce is now made in one of the Benelux countries.


More people are employed in the public sector than work in manufacturing. In real terms there are now over 8.5 million economically inactive people of working age in Britain. The politicians have managed to juggle things around and tell us that unemployment is at an all time low of under two million.


That's why most working class Britons distrust, despise and even hate politicians more than they do bankers, lawyers and estate agents. Because politicians are supposed to act in OUR interests.


Do you think us British people are just whinging for the sake of it or do you not see we've got reason to be angry at what's happened in our country in recent decades.

I think the Hard Brexiteers here carry on like an old, (sorry, new) Austin Princess, stuck in whinge, whinge, whinge gear coming right out the car showroom.

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:

The Tories along with most politicians are trying to do an Ireland and Denmark on us in the hope that they can make us have another referendum. The establishment controls the media and they know it. They are playing for time in the hope that we'll weaken and fold.


While Joe Bloggs is having to tighten his belt and worry about having an EE nick his job May and her cronies are secure in the knowledge they will still be getting their 100 grand a year with a wonderful pension and probably more if they win the waiting game and make us remain in the EU.


Theresa's on a promise from Jean Claude Juncker who's on nearly 400, 000 Euros a year himself while his top EU civil servants now receive 20,000 Euros a month, that's 240,000 a year. Fantastic money in anyone's language that dwarfs an MP's salary and our boys and girls in Westminster want some of that action and want to keep us in the EU at any cost to get it. They could not give a sh!t about us! You're a fool if you think they do.

Hello! Its Joe Bloggs giving us a verbal turn on LK Metro.

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2 hours ago, Loiner said:

Thoroughly agree with you that the unemployment figures are a complete joke. 


Have you considered the reason for the average 20 hours / week? It's because there is a minimum 16hrs and max 24hrs threshold for claiming Tax Credits. These type of jobs are full of migrants.

So we have an influx of economic migrants that the Govt, Europhiles and big business can class as being employed and contributing to the economy. In actual fact we have two EEs taking the jobs that should have gone to one local. All while business avoids the costs of full time employees, but we are paying our taxes for two lots of Tax Credits++ and one British worker forced into full benefits for doing nothing.

Hello! Its the Loony Tune Conspiracy Theorists with their figures from hell.

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16 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


That's the point, I live there and see what's going on there with my friends' children and grandchildren having serious employment problems and totally UNABLE to get public housing because it all goes to homeless immigrants.


Housing that mugs like myself spent considerable years of our working lives building on housing estates now full of third worlders because they arrived fully aware that they'd go to the top of the list. While indigenous British people sleep in shop door ways on flattened cardboard boxes at worst or on floor space in churches and reception centres and in doss houses at best.


Surely you can see the injustice in this or you just think it's all they deserve for being the xenophobes, racists and bigots etc that the MSM says they are. In spite of all the liberal elite's propaganda and claptrap Joe Bloggs and over 17 million of his chums came out of their houses and from in front of their TVs in June 2016 and told the elite and their fawning minions to shove their precious EU where the sun does not shine.


You never hear the BBC interviewing these unfortunate and unrepresented people because it would interfere with the liberal multicultural political agenda they have adopted and have tried to brainwash the public with ever since I can remember. They even fine us and can put us in prison if we don't pay for a TV license that largely finances the BBC which is the chief proponent of immigration and multiculturaism in what used to be our country.

Sorry to hear that you and yours are sleeping on flattened cardboard boxes on the street this winter. We'll put a few baht in the tin next time you are here, which looks like a long time coming by the sound of things.

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3 minutes ago, nauseus said:

People in glass houses....

People in modernist glass houses often have their designer property displayed in the Weekend colour supplements. Very London Chelsea and Battersea.

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