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i gotta get out of this place if it's the last thing i ever do

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30 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:




Well you can imagine you are an alpha male having a fantastic sex life with prostitutes who are after your wallet, or just settle down in Thailand and accept the reality you are no game at all. I mean, Marko there kept bragging for months how he had a bi girlfriend, but now the truth comes out that he hasn't gotten any in 6 months.



It's mostly the same same stories here. I'm banging so many chicks here (with a help of a blue pill). You aren't paying for it, your wife must be ugly. Your life is sooo boring. 


I was screwing more Thai women in Canada than here and I'm absolutely fine with this fact. I wouldn't want any of your "exciting" women near me. They are absolutely not interested in old men. Fact.






Well said!

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8 hours ago, BritManToo said:
16 hours ago, sanemax said:

Waking up at 11 am with a prostitute in your bed asking for money

They usually leave before daylight.

At least in some cases it's good that they leave before daylight. I heard some stories about guys waking up ...

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13 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

Not true. There are a ton of noble people in this world.

They aren't in Thailand though.

Noble women, it's been 60 years and I haven't met one yet, anywhere in the world, they must be fairly rare.

Edited by BritManToo
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8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

They aren't in Thailand though.

Noble women, it's been 60 years and I haven't met one yet, anywhere in the world, they must be fairly rare.

C'mon Britman. That's not a reasonable thought. I guess it depends where you frequent. If you spend most of your time in bars then yes you have a far lesser chance to meet a great noble person. For you to say they don't exist in Thailand is, well, wrong. 

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14 hours ago, Stevemercer said:


That looks like Jervis Bay, NSW, Australia. 

Mid North Coast,NSW.Near Forster.


I guess that having read thru' Marco's saga from hell about his marriage first time around I am rather agreeably surprised to still be around for the second.


He seems to go in boots and all..????

Edited by Odysseus123
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33 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

You feel better now that you have scolded the OP who is feeling down and announces to the world his problems. How great you are and smart and a mans man. I want to puke when roosters like you cock like they know it all and put down others. IMO you are nothing more than an egomaniac who thinks he has figured it all out and needs to crow to make himself feel better. Wake up and get a life - a real life not the one you want to convince everyone you live in. 

Oh,,,,,,, somebody hurt a keyboard warriors feelings, so sad, stay in your bubble, but do be careful, because it will burst eventually, the sooner the better though.

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On ‎1‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 12:12 AM, marko kok prong said:

No i said a wood cabin,somewhere cool like NZ south island .lucky i am an Aussie citizen,have you seen Lord of the rings filmed there in NZ stunning scenery,and 4 .5 million people in a country bigger than the uk,don't have that option,sorry for you old chap.

Is it easy to get a vise to live / retire in NZ?


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21 hours ago, NCC1701A said:
22 hours ago, dotpoom said:

That's (seriously, I say this with respect) a bit like what dogs do...bang everything in heat. The OP had dreams of a happy, fulfilling and worthwhile life, making a home for his lady and her children.

   A far more noble desire IMO...than banging everything in a skirt.

I cannot think of anything more horrible than what you just said for ME. I am completely different than you or the OP and advice like this caused a lot of suffering and pain for me. I would die of boredom.  


Isn't it great we both found what makes us happy. And I feel truly horrible for you and the Op.  



was indeed horrible especially the skirt inference remark since lots of babes wear jeans

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2 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

But you are buying women.

It's the when the other person is also into you.

Most of us rent, if anything you're the one that made the purchase.

I'll leave the ladyboys to you, thanks, don't want anyone in me.

Edited by BritManToo
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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Most of us rent, if anything you're the one that made the purchase.

I'll leave the ladyboys to you, thanks, don't want anyone in me.



Meh, I understand the bitterness towards women, especially the good ones. How can you know when you never had one. I don't take your reply personally. It's fine.



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