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Saudi teen who fled family leaves Thailand for asylum in Canada


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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

This is a beautiful story, of David vs Goliath. And who triumphed? A young innocent woman, who was systematically abused by a masochistic society, father, and brother, with no respect, honor, or love of women. The fact that she refused to even speak with her father and her brother in Bangkok, says it all. The entire world was presented with this spectacle, and the House of Saud, and contemporary Saudi Arabia ended up with egg all over it's face, looking like a medieval, out of control, machismo oriented, outdated, outmoded, repressive, ugly society, suffering from a nearly complete lack of reform, despite what the gangster MBS would tell us. This, combined with the recent state sanctioned murder of Khashoggi, leaves them in a place of near total isolation. If it were not for their wealth, and oil reserves, they would be a tiny economy, in a forgotten part of the Middle East, and would be of no relevance to the planet. Sharia has to go. It is of no benefit to the world, and is a destructive ideology that does not teach love, but rather intolerance, exclusion, hatred of women, and a total lack of joy. It is incumbent on all nations, to make sure that all immigrants who practice Sharia, and Wahhabism, are denied entry into their countries. There will never be any assimilation, with such an extremist ideology. 


As it stands now, what has Saudi Arabia done for the world lately? What massive charity projects are they using their tremendous wealth for, to improve the lives of the downtrodden, the poor, the sick, and those that are dying around the world? Other than their massive contributions to the extremist Madrasa schools, who churn out extremists, where is the charity?  

Saudi Arabia has donated nearly USD $33billion in global aid in the past 10 years. It also has contributed significantly to NGOs, as well. The Kingdom has made 489 financial contributions totaling $929 million to UN organizations, international entities, and humanitarian regional funds.




There are conflicting reports on the numbers, but KSA provides access to work for a large number of Syrians.

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Saudi Arabia should be marginalised by all civilised countries. What goes there is beyond any imagination.  Killing Khashoggi in such a manner would be enough to call it a terrorist state for me.  Canada really hates Saudi Arabia (probably one of  the reasons why they accepted the girl so quickly) and that should be the case for anyone that values freedom.


Said it once , will say it again. Saudi Arabia is a terrorist state.

Edited by anon7854
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15 hours ago, balo said:

I understand from another thread she is lesbian so she will probably be happy in Canada. 


Anyway I thought she wanted to go to Australia because she had friends living there.  Maybe later. 


i "understand" she has also caused the recent tsunami which damaged some Indonesian shores.

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17 hours ago, balo said:

I understand from another thread she is lesbian so she will probably be happy in Canada. 


Anyway I thought she wanted to go to Australia because she had friends living there.  Maybe later. 


I hope if that's true she will be happy in Canada instead of being stoned to death for her sexual preferences.


Am I misreading your intent?

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9 hours ago, simple1 said:

Saudi Arabia has donated nearly USD $33billion in global aid in the past 10 years. It also has contributed significantly to NGOs, as well. The Kingdom has made 489 financial contributions totaling $929 million to UN organizations, international entities, and humanitarian regional funds.




There are conflicting reports on the numbers, but KSA provides access to work for a large number of Syrians.

About $3 billion a year?

Cool when the Crown Prince buys himself a $2 billion yacht.


The national wealth these 5000 organized criminals who justify their theft with royal titles have stolen runs in the trillions.


Sometimes even the Mafia splurged a little.

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11 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

 <SNIP> Spending a few billion does not make these barbarians any more civilised.

I was responding to the query concerning KSA aid, not KSA's record of human rights. 


KSA human rights abuses are well documented by the likes of the US State Department, yet many Western countries do business with them, so take your concerns up with your local MP / relevant Minister. In addition there are a number of TVF members who have worked / served in their countries military in KSA; perhaps you should ask them what their justification was when KSA human rights abuses have been known for decades.

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On 1/12/2019 at 7:17 AM, kannot said:

Good  luck and dont forget your  fellow  countrywomen and start a campaign to make more folk aware  of the sickness of religion.

The religion itself is not sick. Its the people running it that are sick. Take indonesia and malaysia for example. They are far more relaxed regarding Islam. And have adapted nearly all. Aspects of Islam to modern day society. Its the governments that have control over religion at the end of the day and how it is played out and executed thought the nation. Hell if you truly look back at Christianity even the the very beginnings it has some seriously dark parts to it that would make it no better then the islam you are bashing it those aspects were still being practiced today. But they are not as religious leaders and country leaders haven't allowed it and have modernized the religion as needs to be according to the times. 

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On 1/12/2019 at 9:00 AM, eggers said:

Hang on, she, UNHCR & Thai Gov't were originally saying she wanted to go to Australia, now all of a sudden,"left the building".... going to Canada!! All seems a bit dodgy!! 

Might have seen reports regarding a Saudi footballer held in Bangkok prison trying to do similar refuge in Australia. His story seemed to be dragging out with less assistance from Australia than he originally hoped for. I dont know his full story but maybe she came to beleive Canada was a safer bet she could quickly realize. Australian news services reported that both Canada and Australia had sent ministers to Thailand and were in talks with the UN and the girl. Good luck young young lady at least now you have the freedom to determine your own future as is everybodies right.

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21 minutes ago, brian2f2f said:

The religion itself is not sick. Its the people running it that are sick.

Apostasy..................I mean you either  follow the "great"  (sic)  book or you dont, you cant pick and choose  you  know, after all its the word of god ................all religion is sick...............so god was  wrong?? 


verse, 24:2, that calls for "fornicators or adulterers" to be given lashes as well, but not death, though it is unclear if this refers to married or unmarried sex.

Edited by kannot
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The Saudis, particularly her family, will never forgive her.


They will punish anyone in Saudi who showed any sympathy for her and worse for anyone that assisted her escape or continues to communicate with her. They will use this punishment of sympathisers as leverage to try to get her to return.


They will have people seek her out in Canada, purporting to be friends, and try to lure her into an embassy or consulate or diplomatic residence or private plane or yacht and then force her back to Saudi Arabia against her will.


They will use third countries as agents to detain and extradite her.


They could abduct her off the street.


As we have recently seen, assassination is another tool in their armoury.


They have form in this regard.



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12 minutes ago, brian2f2f said:

would make it no better then the islam you are bashing

ill make  no distinction between any of  them, all equally abhorrent.

Always  find it amazing it can be "adapted"......so  God  said  x but you can adapt  that later when society thinks it doesnt like/want it...........pick and choose.

If anything was ever man made it was religion

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6 minutes ago, brian2f2f said:

The religion itself is not sick. Its the people running it that are sick. Take indonesia and malaysia for example. They are far more relaxed regarding Islam. And have adapted nearly all. Aspects of Islam to modern day society. Its the governments that have control over religion at the end of the day and how it is played out and executed thought the nation. Hell if you truly look back at Christianity even the the very beginnings it has some seriously dark parts to it that would make it no better then the islam you are bashing it those aspects were still being practiced today. But they are not as religious leaders and country leaders haven't allowed it and have modernized the religion as needs to be according to the times. 

i agree with your comments except for "the people running it that are sick". there are two major points (among a dozen otheres) which should be taken into consideration


-Islam exists since less than 1500 years. if you look at Christianity (not only the very beginnings) but all the way to the 1800s and even later you find as much intolerance as in Islam. genocide in the Americas, the 30 years' war 1618 till 1648 which devatasted Europe, burning of witches all over Europe, the inquisition in Spain and last not least the wars between "Christian nations".


-the grip that the House of Saud applies over its population with the help of Wahhabism.


perhaps Islam will adapt and get modernised according to "our times". after all they are more than six centuries "back" living still in their times. but i wouldn't hold my breath.

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22 hours ago, Naam said:

where does it day she is an apostate? :coffee1:

Almost all news outlets carrying the story have reported this.


The following quote from the Independent Newspaper is but one example:



Ms Al-Qunun said she had renounced Islam – known as apostasy and punishable by death in Saudi Arabia

Rahaf al-Qunun

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4 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

She had a Visa for aust cancelled when the truth come out.don,t know if anybody wanted to take her.maybe Canada is a soft touch now and they will give her everything now.

Not sure what you mean by 'everything' - Canada has given her asylum which was the whole idea of the deal worked out with the UNHCR, after they had determined she was a genuine refugee with "a well-founded fear of persecution" (arrest, detention and possibly a death sentence) if she had returned to her home country.

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