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Brexit bedlam - May's EU divorce deal crushed by 230 votes in parliament


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On 1/16/2019 at 5:43 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

What a ClusterF**k.


The UK is divided. Political parties are divided. The countries that make up the UK are divided. Parliament is divided. Business is divided. Civil Society is divided. Labour unions are divided. Academia is divided.


Yet, when the UK is divided in each and every sector, some say that that you MUST implement the most divisive public policy decision in 50+ years and/or go back and renegotiate with the EU. BTW, just why would the EU decide to re-negotiate? Why does anyone think the EU actually would give better terms? I wouldn't and can't think of any reason to think they would.


Never in my wildest thoughts could I have imagined a country would screw itself over so badly.


When a country is this divided, the only logical course of action is to keep the status quo and scrap the whole thing; perhaps, try again in 10 or 20 years. Sorry to the Brexit supporters, but your country is waaaaaay too divided to do this.


Have the courage to say that this can't be done now. Forcing an uncontrolled hard Brexit down the throats of an unwilling populace will only cause division and discord for generations.



No. It needs a general election to finally let the people to vote.

Not an obscure referendum which has no legal status in Parliament. Nor by the May way.

What she is proposing is not democracy by the people. It is her way or the highway.

She should dissolve parliament now, call a general election and finally let the people have their say.


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UK is a waning country too small to stand alone




“Who will be left weakened by Brexit is the United Kingdom,” he said. “It is already weakening, it is a waning country compared to two or three years ago. It is going to become an economy of middling size in the Atlantic Ocean. It is neither the US nor the EU. It is too small to appear on the world stage on its own.”

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34 minutes ago, tebee said:

UK is a waning country too small to stand alone




“Who will be left weakened by Brexit is the United Kingdom,” he said. “It is already weakening, it is a waning country compared to two or three years ago. It is going to become an economy of middling size in the Atlantic Ocean. It is neither the US nor the EU. It is too small to appear on the world stage on its own.”

The guy is pooping himself in case the Dutch want out too.  Nobody cares what he says.... well except you.

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I read today over the past four quarters UK GDP has risen by 1.3%, France by 0.9%, Germany by 0.6% and Italy by 0.1%.

Things have got worse for Germany, in the last 6 mths their GDP has fallen by 0.1% while the UK's GDP has gone up by 0.8%.

Where France is concerned their figures are overstated. Their growth apparently has been fueled by rocketing sales of yellow vests and stun grenades.


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