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Democratic U.S. Senator Gillibrand to launch 2020 White House bid


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Democratic U.S. Senator Gillibrand to launch 2020 White House bid

By Amanda Becker and Daniel Trotta



U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) makes an appearance on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert in New York, NY, U.S., January 15, 2019. Courtesy Scott Kowalchyk/CBS/Handout via REUTERS


WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand told CBS' "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" that she would file paperwork on Tuesday night to explore a run for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2020 election.


Colbert, during the taping of an episode that will air on Tuesday night, asked Gillibrand, who has been taking the steps to begin a presidential campaign, if she had anything she would like to announce.


"Yes," the lawmaker from New York said. "I'm filing an exploratory committee for president of the United States tonight."


The formation of an exploratory committee will allow Gillibrand, 52, who is known for spearheading efforts to change how Congress handles allegations of sexual harassment and became a prominent voice in the #MeToo movement, to begin fundraising and organizing her campaign.


"I’m going to run for president of the United States because as a young mom I’m going to fight for other people’s kids as hard as I would fight for my own," Gillibrand said to applause.


She has hired several top political aides in recent weeks, fueling speculation her jump into the 2020 fray was imminent.


There is no dominant early front-runner in what is expected to be a crowded Democratic nominating race to take on President Donald Trump, the likely Republican nominee.


Texas Democrat Julian Castro, a former San Antonio mayor and top U.S. housing official, formally launched his White House bid on Saturday. Former U.S. Representative John Delaney has been running for more than a year. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts formed an exploratory committee last month and Representative Tulsi Gabbard said Friday that she will run for president.


Some in the party believe an establishment figure who can appeal to centrist voters is the way to victory. Others argue a fresh face, and particularly a diverse one, is needed to energize the party's increasingly left-leaning base.


Gillibrand was a member of the centrist and fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition while in the House of Representatives. Her positions became more liberal after she was appointed to fill the Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton in New York when Clinton became former President Barack Obama's secretary of state.


Gillibrand then won the seat in a special election and was re-elected to six-year terms in 2012 and 2018. She has attributed the ideology shift to representing a liberal state versus a more conservative district.


As a senator, Gillibrand was outspoken about rape in the military and campus sexual assault years before the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment and assault first arose in 2017.


In late 2017, as she pushed for a bill changing how Congress processes and settles sexual harassment allegations made by staffers, some prominent party leaders criticized her for being the first Democratic senator to urge the resignation of Senator Al Franken, who was accused of groping and kissing women without their consent.


During the same period, Gillibrand said Hillary Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, should have resigned from the White House after his affair with intern Monica Lewinsky, which led to his impeachment by the House. Some criticized the senator for attacking the Clintons, who had supported her political career.


Gillibrand backs a Medicare-for-all bill championed by Democratic Party liberals. She was the first senator to call in June 2018 for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) amid controversy over Trump's separation of families entering the country at the U.S.-Mexico border.


"I believe healthcare should be a right and not a privilege," Gillibrand told Colbert.


In a dig at Trump, Gillibrand said the first thing she would do if elected to the White House is "restore what's been lost" like the "integrity and compassion of this country."


"You have to start by restoring what’s been lost, restoring our leadership in the world, addressing things like global climate change and being that beacon of light and hope in the world," Gillibrand said.


Trump and Gillibrand have sparred publicly in the past. In December 2017, the president targeted her with a sexually tinged tweet, calling her a "total flunky" who had "come to my office 'begging' for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them)."


Gillibrand shot back immediately on Twitter.


"You cannot silence me or the millions of women who have gotten off the sidelines to speak out about the unfitness and shame you have brought to the Oval Office," she wrote.


(Reporting by Amanda Becker in Washington and Daniel Trotta in New York; Editing by Colleen Jenkins, Jonathan Oatis and James Dalgleish)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-01-16
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17 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Wonder if the Democratic Party will select their candidate honestly this time? Or fiddle it like they did to select Hilary and thwart Bernie's chance.


That was a combination of Mrs C bullying and Bubba's clout.  I think the only support they get from within these days are the hardcore faithful from Bill's presidency: Brazile, Carville, et al.  This bs about Bernie having a race problem comes from Bill calling in favors from the Old School Civil Rights crowd in 2016, IMO.  Think back, the first campaign Black Lives Matter tried to disrupt was Bernie's -- wouldn't you think they'd go after the GOP?  Unfortunately the media still plays on it.

I don't think anyone actually likes the Clintons, recall how quickly all the Dems went over to Obama in the 2008 primaries.


Gilly here ain't goin' nowhere, ditto she did herself in with Al Franken.

Castro, I just don't see him going far, too slick.  Same with Newsom.  I like Corey but not presidential material.  Sherrod Brown always sounds like he's drunk (maybe he is?)  Kamala Harris?  Hmmm....


Waiting to see who on the GOP side has the guts to run against El Naranjo.



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I'm not a fan. Reason -- I'm not feeling her women's focus. Obama didn't run to be only the president of black people and he certainly wasn't. Not saying I'm not open to a woman president. Hillary would have been 1000 times better than "trump" and I'm still extremely Klobuchar curious. Kamala Harris seems very strong and is currently in the top tier for what that's worth (not very much). She has some right wing prosecutor baggage that is going to be a real problem with progressives and rightfully so. She'll have to convince people that isn't her anymore. Klobuchar has also been a prosecutor but I'm not aware that she has similar baggage as Harris. Anyway, Gillibrand, no thank you. Also, face it, if Biden runs he is going to be formidable. 

Edited by Jingthing
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She won't get the nomination. She has quite considerably changed her positions on a number of issues to fit in with her constituency. This would come back to haunt her. She lacks a broad swathe of support in the party. She doesn't have 'star' status and representing New York will work against her as in the primaries she may not be seen as someone who can score the wins in the Midwest necessary to win the electoral college if she were nominated.


No big deal, at least 20 serious candidates will explore a run. I think the Democrat Party has already announced some streamlining ideas so the platform doesn't become too cluttered.



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Biden all the way the country has had enough of Donald the field will thin out as time progresses

He's the choice if we want a very experienced scrappy fighter that can go head to head with the Twitter troll queen.   There are a lot of competing desires about what sort of candidate to run. As long as the democrats don't get overrun with purists it will be possible to pick a more than good enough candidate that is massively better than "trump" and can also beat him.


I don't see many on the possibilities list which is very large that can't meet that bar.


For purists of course they are never happy by definition.

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I wish Kamala Harris had a better academic and prosecutorial record, or that she had shined as CA AG, but that is not the case. I know Kirsten - no surprise she screwed over Franken and is wed to the Clintons. No thank you.

I already can see Biden losing 2020 because he's not a woman or a minority and his main selling point is "I can defeat Trump" . I don't sleep much anymore, and am considering Thai citizenship.

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I wish Kamala Harris had a better academic and prosecutorial record, or that she had shined as CA AG, but that is not the case. I know Kirsten - no surprise she screwed over Franken and is wed to the Clintons. No thank you.


I already can see Biden losing 2020 because he's not a woman or a minority and his main selling point is "I can defeat Trump" . I don't sleep much anymore, and am considering Thai citizenship.

Funny I love Franken and thought he was presidential timber. He got screwed by unlucky timing. He didn't do anything worthy of losing his career.


I don't agree Biden would lose but I see no reason to coronate him into the nomination either. I've read even the democratic front runners now only have a 20 percent chance of winning the nomination.


Let them fight it out. What a show it will be but hopefully the end result is unifying.


Thai citizenship? Hmm. Would they have you?


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Re Thai citizenship - if I bribe the right people and say I've come to loathe democratic elections, I think I have a shot.

Funny I love Franken and thought he was presidential timber. He got screwed by unlucky timing. He didn't do anything worthy of losing his career. 
I don't agree Biden would lose but I see no reason to coronate him into the nomination either. I've read even the democratic front runners now only have a 20 percent chance of winning the nomination.
Let them fight it out. What a show it will be but hopefully the end result is unifying.
Thai citizenship? Hmm. Would they have you?
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11 hours ago, Briggsy said:

I see you guys over there in St Petersburg are doing your normal cluster attack of non-factual low-intelligence consecutive posts.


Say what?

He's supposedly in Thailand, my guess is somewhere between Bkk and Pattaya.




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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Funny I love Franken and thought he was presidential timber. He got screwed by unlucky timing. He didn't do anything worthy of losing his career.


I don't agree Biden would lose but I see no reason to coronate him into the nomination either. I've read even the democratic front runners now only have a 20 percent chance of winning the nomination.


Let them fight it out. What a show it will be but hopefully the end result is unifying.


Thai citizenship? Hmm. Would they have you?


Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




Franken has the intellect to be a great POTUS. Very humorous too.  More on Al and her. 


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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Funny I love Franken and thought he was presidential timber. He got screwed by unlucky timing. He didn't do anything worthy of losing his career.


I don't agree Biden would lose but I see no reason to coronate him into the nomination either. I've read even the democratic front runners now only have a 20 percent chance of winning the nomination.


Let them fight it out. What a show it will be but hopefully the end result is unifying.


Thai citizenship? Hmm. Would they have you?


Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




No, they probably wouldn't have him.

But let him take consolation from Groucho Marx's famous quip... "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member."

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Funny I love Franken and thought he was presidential timber. He got screwed by unlucky timing. He didn't do anything worthy of losing his career.



Franken presidential timber?  In what ways precisely? because he was increasingly progressive?

Unlucky timing? no double standards here, as long as they are a progressive, it is OK?

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22 hours ago, pegman said:

Franken has the intellect to be a great POTUS. Very humorous too.  More on Al and her. 



The Mueller watchers say it has been hinted at that Stone will be included in the indictment body count.

The slightest whiff of any connection with anyone that is part of this dumpster fire will do her in.

These people who crossed polarities (like Steve Schmidt and Nichol Wallace) usually know they have to show how they are no longer part of the other side, Gilly here seems pretty casual about it. 

I've seen her on talk shows twice so far since she announced, on a scale of 1-5 I rate her sincerity as a 2.

She said these both times:

"As a young mom..."  She's 52.  Early retirement age IMO (for those who desire to :smile:).  It's the little lies that keeping coming back to git ya, toots.  Like the way Al Gore invented the internet.

"I worked with Ted Cruz to pass a bill..."  Make of that what you will.  Did he grow the beard at her suggestion?  :wink:





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