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Teach students to tell right from wrong, Prayut urges


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27 minutes ago, robblok said:

I forgot plenty of Shin crimes too and other Democrat and PTP crimes my list was certainly not a total list just a small one to show how hypocrite the junta is. If i wanted to include all corruption and crimes of politicians and junta I am worried the Thai-visa database would overflow.????

But we are only concerned about the current bunch who have their two headed rules and fist on the status quo. 

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2 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

But we are only concerned about the current bunch who have their two headed rules and fist on the status quo. 

Maybe you.. but not me.. I don't see much difference between thieves voted in and thieves that take it by power. Be it that the latter are worse because they are not voted in. But both are not good for the country. 

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4 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Ok, I'll bite; coups are wrong, elections are right. 

Oh yes, mostly if after the elections the elected start using their elections to use democracy for their own profit or for the people that elected them.

As happens in most countries.

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11 minutes ago, robblok said:

Maybe you.. but not me.. I don't see much difference between thieves voted in and thieves that take it by power. Be it that the latter are worse because they are not voted in. But both are not good for the country. 

I was around back in the day when Thaskin's supposed merry black men paid a visit to my mother in laws migrant room rental place up near an area south of Fang Northern Thailand. We had a large front accommodation we stayed in (migrant workers in back) and 2 came to the front of building and sat in my chairs. Stoned cold faces, put ice into my body. I closed my door and did nothing more as they terrified me by their look and looks.. There had been a couple executions a month before about 5 km away, and then after that about 1 km up on the hill in an orchard 3 lost their lives whom 2 were Thai Chinese home and the orchard owners. Need to be said, their home wall was broken down and an undisclosed amount of $ found and taken by the police. It was a shake down execution style. so no, I do not have any love for Thaskin, and I have never ever felt ice in people like that before or after.

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23 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

I was around back in the day when Thaskin's supposed merry black men paid a visit to my mother in laws migrant room rental place up near an area south of Fang Northern Thailand. We had a large front accommodation we stayed in (migrant workers in back) and 2 came to the front of building and sat in my chairs. Stoned cold faces, put ice into my body. I closed my door and did nothing more as they terrified me by their look and looks.. There had been a couple executions a month before about 5 km away, and then after that about 1 km up on the hill in an orchard 3 lost their lives whom 2 were Thai Chinese home and the orchard owners. Need to be said, their home wall was broken down and an undisclosed amount of $ found and taken by the police. It was a shake down execution style. so no, I do not have any love for Thaskin, and I have never ever felt ice in people like that before or after.

I don't have any love anymore for any of them. I foolish to believe the junta at the start, quite soon i saw they were just an other bunch of thieves who did not really care about corruption. They only wanted to enhance their grip on power. 


However its the same with those voted in, they are almost all crooked and I just burn them all off now in posts. It rattles some people if you post against the group they like.


Thailand will only progress if corruption is really taken care of if not.. nothing will change.

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1 hour ago, akirasan said:

. This statement is cringe-worthy: 

You can tell he's really starting to lose his own mental game. 

Anyway, students are as stupid as little P is making them out to be. They know right from wrong, they just don't care. And why should they? Look at the people running the country and what they get away with. 

Typical army man... likes to order people around and not listen. Not that the politicians are much different as they seem to ignore the opposition always too even if the questions about fraud are real.


But Prayut is worse that is for sure he can't handle the media and thinks that everyone should just listen and share his opinion. Only his side can be told in the news. The politicians at least understand that there are other opinions. Not that they agree with them and they also try to silence them (defamation anyone) but they have less power.

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I think increasingly, Thais are learning to tell right from wrong without help from Prayuth (or indeed, perhaps because they've been watching Prayuth).


Perhaps it isn't quite what Prayuth was thinking when he said it though...




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13 hours ago, webfact said:

He said teachers should guide their students to know what is right and what is wrong.

Some teachers don't know it either.


When the same promises are are continually broken, then surely they have become lies! And lies, Mr P.M., are WRONG! 

Leadership starts from the top!!

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17 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"He said teachers should guide their students to know what is right and what is wrong."


The obvious question is: "Who is going to guide the teachers?"


Hopefully not someone who believes it is right to overthrow a duly elected government, and quiet anyone who disagrees with him (wrong). Even when they have incontrovertible proof to support their accusations (right). Bottom line: The teachers will be teaching what they have always taught: He who has the power is right. He who does not have the power is wrong.

Surprised it took so long in this topic responses for someone to point this out. It is a very good, and still unanswered, question.

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Well, while you are at it, teach students to question their teachers, when they are so often wrong. Here, it seems that is unheard of. But, students need to be able to question the methods they are being taught with, and when they are being taught in a poor, or incorrect manner, they should be able to speak up, without the terribly insecure teachers taking offense, or "losing face". 

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Students and the youth, learn most of all from the example being set for them, by their teachers, their parents and the authorities. At present, they are learning how NOT to behave by the authorities, who are the last people in the world that should be lecturing us on morality.

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Maybe he could start by teaching himself what is wrong and what is right. What is wrong he ruling the country unelected and what is right he should stand down and run for free elections. So how could he be a role example to these kids?

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