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Folks, I've just registered and come on board. I hope you don't diss me for being a fraud as I'm not an expat living in Thailand, although I've just finished an 18 month stint in Kathmandu.

I'm looking forward to visiting Thailand - a few weeks in August/September initially and longer if it feels right (I'm an English teacher). I like to do my research and be prepared and sites like this are invaluable, so I've had a good lurk!

Before I settle down I want to just chill out and get my rocks off in Bangkok and Pattaya. I'm reading That Book, Private Dancer and I'd like to know how accurate it is - not the story per se but the background and the general picture it paints.

I've read threads here about BG/Falang relationships but I have more specific questions. He compares the three areas in Bangkok and gives his thumbs up to Nana Plaza - fair enough, out of date or beg to differ?

The Zombie Club - is it based on a real one? Are there many just like that? Ranging beyond the book, are there 'fishbowl' scenes? Is it all subdued with the PM cleaning up the image? Will things be quieter or cheaper in the height of the monsoon or not really?

I'm really up for it - I'd really appreciate it if you could help prepare me for what to expect so I don't make a newbie prat of myself.

Thanks in advance

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Hi Andyinkat,

Private Dancer is a good read and I am sure many of us can relate to many parts of it.

For what you have in mind “Money Number One” the single mans survival guide to Pattaya. By Niel Hutchison will have more detailed advice.

However, my advice would be not to research this aspect of Thailand too much, it is best go as an “innocent” and enjoy the learning experience. To know too much about this fantasy world in advance would spoil the experience.

Nana and Soi Cowboy are worth a visit, stay clear of the clubs in Pat Pong, go upstairs in a Pat Pong club at your peril.

Most of all have respect for all. The only real “Prats” are those who are ignorant and treat the girls badly.

Have a Happy… (I’m sure you will)


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'Private Dancer' is not fiction. It's only labeled as such as a rather thin and dutiful fig leaf for the author himself.

Steve Leather really went through all of that more or less as he wrote it. He changed a few names just for the form of it, but it's a true story. That doesn't mean the same thing will happen to you, of course, but for what it's worth, it did happen to him.

Now speaking of prats, the question of whether Leather is a bit of one himself for waving around his dirty undies like this in public is still very much open in my mind. Yes, he did get badly ######ed over by this girl, but then of course he behaved like a moron to get himself into that postion in the first place. It's awfully hard to be very sympathetic. Worse, at least in my mind, when the cold water finally hits him, the petty vengance he takes against the girl is so graceless as to leave you shaking your head. Surely he is a bigger person than that.

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I've read threads here about BG/Falang relationships but I have more specific questions. He compares the three areas in Bangkok and gives his thumbs up to Nana Plaza - fair enough, out of date or beg to differ?


cruise the bars at Nana & Cowboy till midnight then its time to mosey over to the Nana Hotel Disco or the world famous THERMAE pickup joint !


(you dont want to be bothered with barfines ...do you)

usually plenty of gals at both , they cruise in at 11-12 and peaks at around 1. unfortuantly they close at 2 nowadays . But its worth the look to be outside the Nana Hotel at 2 oclock when everywhere closes !!

Zillions of drunken punters and gals fill the streets , its an astonishing sight

they are all looking for someone to take home for the night !!

the street meat market ...

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Yeh, that's the sort of info I was after - cheers Eric.

No barfine - cool, but how do I play it so as i don't get ripped off - I mean, what's a reasonable going rate to pick a beut up at that time and keep her for the night?

Oh, and I'll be checking the health forum soonish but, in a nutshell - AIDS, STD's - what#s the current deal? Just how careful should a guy be?

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Hi Andyinkat,

When I said it is better to experience Thailand as an innocent, well I thought you had “condom sense” don’t go there with out one. And dare I say but if you find a BG who is ok about not using a condom “well its your life” SHORT AS IT MAY TURN OUT TO BE!!!

You seem concerned about the cost, all I can say on this subject is no where on earth will you get better value for money.

The real cost in Thailand is not what you might pay on the occasion, it is the cost like any addiction, of the knowledge once caught in Thailand’s Web you are hooked!!!

For most of us who are hooked, when we leave the Kingdom we are thinking how soon can we get back. In the last 3 years I have been to Thailand 9 times, however if I won a free trip all expenses paid to anywhere in the world Yes it would be Thailand.

Have a Happy…


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I'm hearing you loud and clear re. the condoms fellas. It's just in India they never stopped to suggest using one for a moment - I'd have one in my back pocket but they'd hitch their saris up and have me onto them before I could react.

Actually I'm an English teacher and I've just returned from 18 months in Kathmandu (no sex scene there - the poor things are all carted off to Bombay) - note my moniker, and I'm looking to settle in Thailand next - not primarily for that reason tho'. I just figured I'd spend a couple of weeks getting it out of my system before looking for a job and settling down to a happily mundane life.

But i won't have a lot of money and I won't be earning much either so I am cost conscious. I read prices quoted in various sources that might be out of date; I'm not really up on the state of the Tiger Economy at the present and the pound/baht exchange rate, so I'm wondering in today's terms what the general going rate is for barfines, short time, long time, soapy massage, that sort of thing.

Another question as you're being so helpful; Pattaya - cheaper than Bangkok or no? Girls prettier or no? Ambience better or no? I wondered if the air might be healthier, less congested and maybe cheaper but what do you guys say?

Again, thanks in advance.

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I'm hearing you loud and clear re. the condoms fellas. It's just in India they never stopped to suggest using one for a moment

Sounds like you need to get yourself tested :o

And you were worried what you might catch :D

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"But i won't have a lot of money and I won't be earning much either so I am cost conscious. ..., "

"No barfine - cool, but how do I play it so as i don't get ripped off"

After you're done with the girl, tell her you have no cash and need to use your credit card at an ATM. Let her wait in the Taxi and do a runner. Is this the sort of info you're after?

"Oh, and I'll be checking the health forum soonish but, in a nutshell - AIDS, STD's - what#s the current deal? Just how careful should a guy be?"

Don't bother with condoms, it is not worse than India.

"and I'm looking to settle in Thailand next - not primarily for that reason tho'"

Of course not.

"Actually I'm an English teacher"

"and I'm looking to settle in Thailand next"


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Yeh, that's the sort of info I was after - cheers Eric.

No barfine - cool, but how do I play it so as i don't get ripped off - I mean, what's a reasonable going rate to pick a beut up at that time and keep her for the night?

the rate is kinda negotiable , is she hard up to pay the rent , is she feeling horny , does she like you too much after you have made such an impression , is she drunk , too many factors to pin down . However as a general guideline , you have a choice of shortime , and all night . many girls have thai pimp or boyfriend who will only let them work shortime . so you have to weed out the shortimers and find an allnighter .

Shortimers are a waste of time ,they want to be in a hurry out the door ASAP !

You also have to establish if they have had any babies unless you like droopy tits and big snatches . They will usually tell you honestly but some will lie to you and you discover her body is a disaster zone. you could administer a penalty on the agreed fee if they lie about stretchmarks or monthly period .

Dont push it or force it let things happen naturally , then if you click with someone you are on ! try to establish some raport with the girl .

Establish the rate for the entire night , including what time they will depart in the morning . (could be say 700 -1500 bahts )(the price drops as the night wears on )

You also need to establish should you so desire, if "she will smoke the big bannana ".

to save any arguments later on . most do a few dont .

The girls at the Nana disco are cleaner and tidier than the Thermae ,smarter dressed too .

Thermae girls are more earthy and tacky these days but you never know what you might turn up at these dives . You could find a raving nympho who will go for nothing or a complete dud who is a mercenary bitch , but thats the fun of BKK ,you never know what will happen and could be pleasantly surprised by the outcome .

There are no trannies in these places so no worry there but out on the street there are a few .

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Thanks again Eric. You get all sorts here don't ya - from dead helpful fellas to sTrolls right on top of each other ;-0

Well I finished the book; superbly well written. deserves to be published in money-making format IMHO.

Okay the guy's bitter but it's still a salient warning. I fell into a similar pit earlier this year when I 'married' a beggar from Calcutta. It wasn't about sex and money but I thought I was being a knight in shining armour, delivering her from the gutter and giving her a new life. I suspect many of the lovefools in Thailand go in with the same delusion. Took less than a month for her to lose me my job, my home, all my friends and had to leave the country (without her). She was so insanely jealous that whenever I went out to a cybercafe she assumed I was round some woman's place (I never ever was); she had this belief that ALL the women in the neighbourhood were putting voodoo-type hexes on me to make me fall in love with them so she kept storming off to their homes and beating them up.

I can see the funny side now, and I can see how naive I was, but I was never bitter. I still love and respect beggars; I just wouldn't 'marry' one again. And I think thet's the mentality I'd bring to the BG scene. It would be nice to make some friends amongst them - and conduct the odd honest transaction.

Think I might have a job lined up too - it's all looking pretty good right now.

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I fell into a similar pit earlier this year when I 'married' a beggar from Calcutta. It wasn't about sex and money but I thought I was being a knight in shining armour, delivering her from the gutter
Actually I'm an English teacher
Thanks for the tips. I'm a dead nice bloke; I wouldn't mistreat the girls, I'm just concerned that my naivity might treble prices etc. 

they already know youre on the way andy. they can sense it.they are clever like that.

if the prices are only trebled for you then i think you can consider yourself lucky.

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Thanks for the link bartender I've checked that out.

Sorry - misunderstanding; there's a fella who posted above (below) you and elsewhere calls himself Stroll - I was referring to him.

Anyway through a few e-books and forums I feel as if I've learned a helluva lot in the last couple of weeks; I think I'm semi prepared for what to expect.

This is a great website mind - lots of useful and humerous threads (that geezer being stung for a million baht dowrt! LOL).

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Joined: 2003-07-23


I think I'm semi

if you've only got a semi then you're not quite ready .

Indeed, but I'm not off until two months from now.

But I was commenting from my experience of living in Nepal. Before I went I did six months of intensive research which stood me in good stead, but for all that every day brought new experiences that 'distance-learning' cannot prepare you for. If I said I was prepared I'd be deluding myself and sound complacent.

What I really mean is that with the experience of recent blunders under my belt and the advice from fellas such as yourselves I think I'll manage to avoid any major pitfalls this time.

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But i won't have a lot of money and I won't be earning much either so I am cost conscious. I read prices quoted in various sources that might be out of date; I'm not really up on the state of the Tiger Economy at the present and the pound/baht exchange rate, so I'm wondering in today's terms what the general going rate is for barfines, short time, long time, soapy massage, that sort of thing.

Another question as you're being so helpful; Pattaya - cheaper than Bangkok or no? Girls prettier or no? Ambience better or no? I wondered if the air might be healthier, less congested and maybe cheaper but what do you guys say?

Again, thanks in advance.

Sounds like this thread is sex tourism information, i am sure the Thai Authorities would love all these questions and answers from yet another English Teacher, and yet more Thailand cultural experts...........................................

Polo was Banned from this forum for opposition to sex tourists, personally i wonder why he was banned. This thread is yet another waste of time, and i am also wasting my time even adding more crap that will fall on old tired eyes.

English Teacher in Kathmandu, you will just be another unwanted or uneeded addition to the morons that already exist in Thailand.


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Private Dancer, a great story with a lot of truth in it :o

or alternatively

" The greatest work of fiction since vows of fidelity where introduced to the French marriage ceremony"

Quote from Captain E Blackadder

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