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Prayut's upcountry tour to go ahead


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17 hours ago, HalfLight said:

I think he should go ahead and do all of his upcountry tours. The more people who see what a useless braggart he is, the better.



Calling all snipers - calling all snipers . . . please report to the leader of the This, That & The Other party immediately. Big totally graft-free money-earning potential here.

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58 minutes ago, JAG said:

I emphatically don't want to see violence. but I think it is becoming more and more likely. I've said before, there will be a catalyst which will cause a reaction. What it will be, I don't know. It wasn't the coup, the prosecution of Yingluck, nor last years events. Probably because the first two were carried out or managed without having to resort to violence, although the threat was in the background. Last years sad event was never, I believed, likely to lead to violence, the grandstanding by the junta was largely ignored by the population, who had their own way of mourning, although the somewhat bizarre finale is, I suspect, an unauspicious foretaste of what may develop. However, sooner or later violence will be used, if not by the current regime then by those waiting in the wings, who will, I am sure, most emphatically will not allow democratic rule to be (re)established. That violence could well be the catalyst.


Once again, I don't want to see violence. I fear it is inevitable.

Great post, JAG. 

All my life I have been a pacifist. But I now take cognizance of the saying: 'If you won't allow a peaceful revolution, you make a violent one inevitable'.

I don't support violence. But some regimes are almost itching, begging, pleading and praying for it to erupt (through their appallingly oppressive behaviour). 

Of course, it helps when they know that in all likelihood only a TINY fraction of the nation's people will ever turn violent against them. That tiny violent minority then provides the best possible excuse (and it always IS an excuse) to clamp down even harder on civil and human rights and liberties.



Edited by Eligius
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3 hours ago, HalfLight said:

No, I mean I've actually bothered to learn about the problem of evil, and you appear not to have done.


Nothing to do with keeping anything vague and mysterious, or with appearing smart, it's a complex subject that needs to be learned and it isn't my job to teach it.


Rob is a (imho) strange character with (imho) dubious values and he evidently doesn't know wherof he speaks. I do. Should I not try to help him? Perhaps not bothering would be better...


And I'm not your mate.





I know, sunshine.


You still quite young aren't you, your posting style & use of certain words 'betray' you. It fails to Impress.


All good fun - eh?


Enjoy the rest of your day.




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11 minutes ago, faraday said:

I know, sunshine.


You still quite young aren't you, your posting style & use of certain words 'betray' you. It fails to Impress.


All good fun - eh?


Enjoy the rest of your day.




Young? Haha.


A bit wide of the mark there fella. But no matter, age is not as important as you might think. I fear the signature has made a suggestion to you, but you've misinterpreted... I confess I had not seen it's potential to do that.


And I'm still not your mate. Sunshine.


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2 hours ago, bowerboy said:


There will never be any uprising from the Thai and here is why:


In countries where there have been uprisings or protests it is because the people there can THINK FOR THEMSELVES....in Thailand many years of training and schooling have removed this capability.


When people think for themselves then they gravitate to others that have formed the same opinion. The groups of people build in number and join to form a critical mass and a leader or organizer emerges.


Without this ability to think then the people must be told what to think and what to do (or at least be paid to turn up to a protest)...Thaksin was one such person who could build and influence an audience (and also ultimately pay them, but don’t. E put off by that because in this moral and ethical vacuum of a country there is simply no other way).


The military will never allow another Thaksin to surface through stifling of free speech, rigged elections and so on.


The ONLY way out is a countercoup ordered by you know who...it could happen and is the only hope

Fully agree. That it is the only way out which would be effective in bringing Thailand crashing into the 18th Century - and that it could happen. Don't know where it is on the scale of probabilities, but I do wish...

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18 hours ago, JAG said:

I emphatically don't want to see violence. but I think it is becoming more and more likely. I've said before, there will be a catalyst which will cause a reaction. What it will be, I don't know. It wasn't the coup, the prosecution of Yingluck, nor last years events. Probably because the first two were carried out or managed without having to resort to violence, although the threat was in the background. Last years sad event was never, I believed, likely to lead to violence, the grandstanding by the junta was largely ignored by the population, who had their own way of mourning, although the somewhat bizarre finale is, I suspect, an unauspicious foretaste of what may develop. However, sooner or later violence will be used, if not by the current regime then by those waiting in the wings, who will, I am sure, most emphatically will not allow democratic rule to be (re)established. That violence could well be the catalyst.


Once again, I don't want to see violence. I fear it is inevitable.

I think there will not be any violence at all, and i am willing to bet on it. I will be willing to bet that there wont be any violence this year for sure. With violence I mean a mass uprising that will oust the junta and the elite. Because that is the scenario many dream up.


I am not sure such an event has ever happened in Thailand and given the willingness to protest I doubt it will happen. You might think its bad here but its not. It would have to become a lot worse before anything happens. It might happen if the economy turns sour. 


I think the uprising is a wishful thinking of the foreigners who view the injustice but fail to see that the Thais don't care as much (only those benefiting care like politicians) because they know in reality id does not matter that much. 


Just my opinion of course, next time ask your neighbor if they are willing to kill and die to bring Thaksin back. I doubt they will. 


Anyway 2 different viewpoints will see who is right this year. So far after many years of junta.. nothing people just go on with their lives.

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20 hours ago, HalfLight said:

No, I mean I've actually studied it (at Uni), and while I may not know all about it, I certainly moved past pre-pubescent insights a while back.

Guess what I studied too, and passed too. Just stop trying to look smart it does not suit you. Before I thought you were ok, now i think your just someone trying to look smart. Keeping things vague so you can't be pinned down on your words. As for my morals, im quite sure they are better then yours. I haven't forgotten your racist remarks about Thais.

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20 hours ago, faraday said:

Yes mate, keep it vague & mysterious, that way nobody will unnerstan' & fink you be smart.



You should not be to bothered with him, if you look closely at his posts you will see him make racist remarks about Thais quite often, its the hallmark of someone who needs to make others look bad to come out good themselves. I discounted him as a serious poster after reading a few of his gems. Not only me but i was contacted by other posters who noticed it too. 

Edited by robblok
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13 minutes ago, robblok said:

You should not be to bothered with him, if you look closely at his posts you will see him decent in racist remarks about Thais quite often, its the hallmark of someone who needs to make others look bad to come out good themselves. I discounted him as a serious poster after reading a few of his gems. Not only me but i was contacted by other posters who noticed it too. 

Now then children . . . let's not spoil an otherwise beautiful day. And, as well to remember that bad-mouthing usually reflects more on the scorner than the scorned. A happy day to the pair of you, I hope.

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2 minutes ago, Ossy said:

Now then children . . . let's not spoil an otherwise beautiful day. And, as well to remember that bad-mouthing usually reflects more on the scorner than the scorned. A happy day to the pair of you, I hope.

I don't care about people flaming me on a forum. Got plenty of remarks from other posters I am still on friendly terms with. Just not with him because of racism, after that i discounted him as a serious poster. Just go through some of his topics where it concerns Thais. I can take quite a lot when its just about me. Last time he got nasty about Thais the mods removed his posts. 

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Guess what I studied too, and passed too. Just stop trying to look smart it does not suit you. Before I thought you were ok, now i think your just someone trying to look smart. Keeping things vague so you can't be pinned down on your words. As for my morals, im quite sure they are better then yours. I haven't forgotten your racist remarks about Thais.

Well, you're allowed to think what you like; it doesn't matter. The condemnation and approbation of fools is irrelevant.


Are you a body builder by any chance?




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2 hours ago, robblok said:

You should not be to bothered with him, if you look closely at his posts you will see him make racist remarks about Thais quite often, its the hallmark of someone who needs to make others look bad to come out good themselves. I discounted him as a serious poster after reading a few of his gems. Not only me but i was contacted by other posters who noticed it too. 


Quite right too. Forget the word 'racist', it's only ever used to try and belittle someone whom you suspect is guilty of not seeing the world in the same way as you do. But overall, this is one of Robs better and more coherent posts. Best to not bother with me at all.


Don't trouble yourself with the bit about 'contacted by other posters', I doubt that, but it's important to all narcissists to think they're the natural focus of other people's opinions. It can be safely ignored. Form your own views, follow your own inclinations.


On, on with the game...


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10 minutes ago, HalfLight said:


Quite right too. Forget the word 'racist', it's only ever used to try and belittle someone whom you suspect is guilty of not seeing the world in the same way as you do. But overall, this is one of Robs better and more coherent posts. Best to not bother with me at all.


Don't trouble yourself with the bit about 'contacted by other posters', I doubt that, but it's important to all narcissists to think they're the natural focus of other people's opinions. It can be safely ignored. Form your own views, follow your own inclinations.


On, on with the game...


No game here but your posts were deleted. Shows enough about you. Anyway you can believe it or not but I was not the only one noticing it. So just show your true self again and you will damage your credibility again. I have no problem with you flaming me, i have pretty heated debates with others and I never care. You just crossed the line (not in this topic)

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21 minutes ago, HalfLight said:

Well, you're allowed to think what you like; it doesn't matter. The condemnation and approbation of fools is irrelevant.


Are you a body builder by any chance?


If you call working out with weights in a gym and trying to stay in shape and minding my food a bodybuilder, then yes I am a bodybuilder. If you think I am a huge mass of muscles.. then no never reached that level as its hard to do natural. 


I just liked the word joke in the AV and never changed it since. too bad the words are cut off now.

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

No game here but your posts were deleted. Shows enough about you. Anyway you can believe it or not but I was not the only one noticing it. So just show your true self again and you will damage your credibility again. I have no problem with you flaming me, i have pretty heated debates with others and I never care. You just crossed the line (not in this topic)

Its a wonderful thing to have friends who will do your bidding - no? The clock is ticking and has been for a while - Posts deleted? That's OK, the management will decide what;s important to them, but it's not really important in the overall scheme of things Rob, people gossip among themselves, it's normal.


Flame you? Why?



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6 minutes ago, robblok said:

If you call working out with weights in a gym and trying to stay in shape and minding my food a bodybuilder, then yes I am a bodybuilder. If you think I am a huge mass of muscles.. then no never reached that level as its hard to do natural. 


I just liked the word joke in the AV and never changed it since. too bad the words are cut off now.

AV? What's the AV Rob? Words cut off?


Me no unnerstan. Me just simple country boy.



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3 minutes ago, HalfLight said:

Its a wonderful thing to have friends who will do your bidding - no? The clock is ticking and has been for a while - Posts deleted? That's OK, the management will decide what;s important to them, but it's not really important in the overall scheme of things Rob, people gossip among themselves, it's normal.


Flame you? Why?



Friends that do my bidding ? not sure what you mean I do my own bidding no need for people to help me with that. Yes people gossip its normal.


If you did not see you flame me then its just your writing style it happens I can get heated to and lose sight of it.

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2 minutes ago, HalfLight said:

AV? What's the AV Rob? Words cut off?


Me no unnerstan. Me just simple country boy.



AV = avatar = that picture you use with your name. 


In my case that ridiculously proportioned bodybuilder. It had the words above the bar

You don't know squat


and below it said.. as a matter of fact I do know squat.


Just an insider word joke that i found funny. If you never worked out then you just won't get it otherwise its a semi nice wordplay. 

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14 minutes ago, robblok said:

AV = avatar = that picture you use with your name. 


In my case that ridiculously proportioned bodybuilder. It had the words above the bar

You don't know squat


and below it said.. as a matter of fact I do know squat.


Just an insider word joke that i found funny. If you never worked out then you just won't get it otherwise its a semi nice wordplay. 

Avatar... OK. Word joke on mine? OK. Never worked out? Now how on earth would you know that? OK, not important.


I do try not to speak about things I know nothing at all about though... recommend it. I must try to reduce the amount of gossiping people do in your ear though, that can't be good. Well, not for anyone who thinks friends are important. Personally I've never thought that. There is no strength in numbers, just the appearance of strength. But you'll find out about that in time I'm sure.


Have a great day with the weights.

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1 minute ago, HalfLight said:

Avatar... OK. Word joke on mine? OK. Never worked out? Now how on earth would you know that? OK, not important.


I do try not to speak about things I know nothing at all about though... recommend it. I must try to reduce the amount of gossiping people do in your ear though, that can't be good. Well, not for anyone who thinks friends are important. Personally I;ve never thought that. There is no strength in numbers, just the appearance of strength. But you'll find out about that in time I'm sure.


Have a great day with the weights.

Word joke on mine not yours. are you sure your reading things correctly ?


There is strength in numbers it has been proven, that being said I am not a group man. 


As for the weights.. just a means to an end.. not ending up fat and bloated. Others can be like that but I hate myself when i look like that. Been there did not like it.

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10 minutes ago, robblok said:

Friends that do my bidding ? not sure what you mean I do my own bidding no need for people to help me with that. Yes people gossip its normal.


If you did not see you flame me then its just your writing style it happens I can get heated to and lose sight of it.

 1. Right. got that.


2. Flame you? Why would I do that to anyone who didn't flame me? Why would I care?


3. Heated, yes, that would fit. Lose sight of it - proportion you mean? Yes, that would fit as well.


Anyway. no more usefulness. Have a great day, must define those abs, never know when it might come in handy with the girls. Or the boys, depending upon your preferences. Nice doing business with you.




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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

Word joke on mine not yours. are you sure your reading things correctly ?


There is strength in numbers it has been proven, that being said I am not a group man. 


As for the weights.. just a means to an end.. not ending up fat and bloated. Others can be like that but I hate myself when i look like that. Been there did not like it.

Evidently I;m not sure I'm reading things correctly. I  never was very good with muddle.


Not a group man...? Ok


Hate yourself... ? Ok.


Over and out - I have known you now, so pass thou on.



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