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Condo Bathroom with inspection hole/waste pipe for septic

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My friend lives in a large condominium complex, he has a unit on the ground floor.


In his bathroom I have noticed an inspection hole/waste pipe, it looks as though he has a septic tank beneath his bathroom.

I have had a look through many other ground floor units in his complex and his is the only unit to have this inspection pipe.

Is this legal to have an inspection/waste pipe in his home?

Doesn’t this inspection hole need to be placed in a common area to access, not in someones home?


Can this pipe be relocated, he does not want technicians (workers) annoying him to gain access to this pipe.


Any thoughts/suggestions much appreciated.


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People here could now speculate for several pages without any clear answer... or your friend could go to the condo's office and get a definitive answer there.

This is Thailand, this thing is there, the chance that this will change is close to 0%.

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5 hours ago, edwinchester said:

Bung it up with concrete.....fixed.

That’s the Thai way mate, don’t worry about the consequences - like the solids that should be removed coming up through his toilet, sink and drain holes.


7 hours ago, VYCM said:

Is this legal to have an inspection/waste pipe in his home?

Doesn’t this inspection hole need to be placed in a common area to access, not in someones home?

got a couple more questions for you.


6 hours ago, jackdd said:

go to the condo's office and get a definitive answer there.

this is an extremely optimistic reply.

I thought you lived here in Thailand for quite a while, no such thing as a "definitive answer", they tell you what you want to hear, not the truth.

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