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French man, 51, arrested for child rape in Thailand


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19 hours ago, simtemple said:

In the UK, vigilante groups entrap and apprehend paedophiles operating on social media. The Thai Police need to do the same. South East Asia is a magnet for European sex offenders.


19 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

He is not an expat.A French teacher residing in Singapore.A tourist.


You could try,even in a one-liner, to get your facts right.

Does it matter, besides he is still an expat.


Dictionary result for expat

  1. 1.
    a person who lives outside their native country.
    "a British expat who's been living in Amsterdam for 14 years"
  1. 1.
    denoting or relating to a person living outside their native country.
    "Gregg is an expat Australian"
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19 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

He is not an expat.A French teacher residing in Singapore.A tourist.


You could try,even in a one-liner, to get your facts right.

in uk if you come to thailand for a holiday and just enjoy your holiday here without doing anything , you will still be called a peado and that you go with ladyboys thats because people over there have no idea and just go by media reports such as this , these people usually have not even been to thailand 

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14 hours ago, manarak said:

maybe you can remind her that old Thai men are number one here for sexually abusing young girls and boys... without even paying, if I remember the press articles correctly.

Yes, but unfortunately "old Thai men" don't need a visa or permission from the Thai government to live here. We do. So every dirt bag like this makes it harder for decent law-abiding foreigners to live here. They should arrest him and the visa agent who helped him stay here.

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So painful to read these comments:


1. Who are the "boys at the stadium" the police are talking about? Is it possible this is where boys go to sell themselves for sex? I don't know, but I am going out on a limb and guess yes. That is why people noticed they had money to spend. They were otherwise destitute and selling themselves. I would be very happy to be wrong.


2. The number one promoters of Thai child prostitution are not the sick f*@ks who come here to engage in it, but the Royal Thai Police who profit from it.


Every Thai brothel that sells Cambodian and Burmese girls to middle class Thai men are protected by the police, and could not do what they do without complicity of immigration. Every gogo bar that pretends it's girls are all 18, 20 or whatever is lying to you and paying the police for the right to do it.


3. Every time we heap abuse on a perv and do not talk about the FACT that the police, the loan sharks and the families are the ones responsible for child prostitution, we are allowing them to continue their evil.



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4 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

I'm curious how it is that you follow the exploits of this pervert. So marriage between a 19 y.o. and 14 y.o. is ok in Thailand? Seems odd.

They all live in the same village as me.


All I can say is in rural Thailand things happen that can be shocking to a westerner, but I keep my feelings to myself.


We used to have a mentally ill man who would attack people. The local hospital could/would do nothing for him so the police ordered his family to chain him to the house. The man was kept chained for years before he died.


During Thaksin's war on drugs the local police officer shot dead a drug pusher outside our house.


You can not look at things that happen hear in the same way as you would in the west. The French paedophile my be able to get of if the family's are willing to accept cash. I know a US citizen who spent time in a Thai prison for under age sex. He paid to get back into the country after deportation and has been hear for years living with no visa and police protection. Its all about money.



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The Thai's Authorities don't need any more excuses to make it difficult for innocent expats who live crime free in their Kingdom. This to me is evil and despicable but I am normal so I know nothing about Frenchie's sexual desires! He will be fine in nick to satisfy his needs but not sure if it's going to be enjoyable! <deleted>!!



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When I read stories like this, I admire the cops involved who don't pull a gun on this kind of scum and blow his brains out. 

I'm glad I never became a police officer. What a sickening job it must be to have to look through those videos recording the evidence. ????

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On 2/6/2019 at 3:49 PM, webfact said:

He allegedly picked up boys aged 13-15 at the Huay Kwang Stadium to have sex with him. A father complained that his teenage son had gone missing and police say they traced him to the foreigner’s hotel. 


The suspect was allegedly caught with two boys aged 14, who were not the missing boy.


Officers said they found a tripod in the room and a computer with pornographic movies for the boys to watch with him. 


Police said they found a video of the suspect having sex with a teenage boy. Two boys reportedly told police they were invited on Facebook by the suspect to have sex with him for Bt800-Bt1,000.


So, the teenagers consented to it? 

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There was a movie out last year about an Englishman who came to Thailand and got jailed (can't recall what for) and became a Thai boxer in prison. In the movie he was played by an actor but the real person was interviewed in a promotional video. What surprised me is he said that sex offenders in Thai prisons are not demonised like they would be in a western prison, so they live amongst everyone else, without fear of being beaten up.


So this guy may not be singled out for harsh treatment. Pity that.

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On 2/6/2019 at 7:04 PM, KiChakayan said:

Well If you came to my hotel room when I am in Bangkok you could find most of the Items on display here. So I am terrified now, since according to you this makes me a criminal...

Thank God I lived in a time where you did not have to use condoms. I was lucky and got away with no diseases in my whole life.

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On 2/6/2019 at 3:49 PM, webfact said:

A 51-year-old French man, who reportedly worked as a French teacher in Singapore, has been arrested in Bangkok for buying sex with teenage boys,

I've bought sex with 19 year old teenage girls for 1000 baht - should I turn myself in? Am 60 , so was 41 years older than the girl, this man was just 37 years older than the boy.  Facetious I am

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1 hour ago, sirocco said:

post 80,


And you brag about it?
This proves that you can not have an approach with girls without charging, without paying them, what.
Sexual misery !!!!!

Supply and demand - am only here to contribute to the Thai economy and provide humanitarian aid.  Yes it is true sexual misery, but someone has to help out to keep the economy thriving. 

fa·ce·tious :
  1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
Edited by Skallywag
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11 hours ago, Skallywag said:

I've bought sex with 19 year old teenage girls for 1000 baht - should I turn myself in? Am 60 , so was 41 years older than the girl

So you compare yourself with someone having sex with a 13 year old ??    There's a big difference you know , a 13 year old in Thailand looks like a small kid.


If you want to have sex with someone over the legal age, do as you wish , but please do not compare your story with the disgusting crime the French man did. 





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17 hours ago, balo said:

So you compare yourself with someone having sex with a 13 year old ??    There's a big difference you know , a 13 year old in Thailand looks like a small kid.


If you want to have sex with someone over the legal age, do as you wish , but please do not compare your story with the disgusting crime the French man did. 





Jeez - can anyone look at the "facetious" statement and the news quote i posted.  News article stated "teenage boys" , yet technically 19 - Nineteen is legal, and still of teenage.  Article could have added the word "underage",  to make it true and accurate IMHO .  Regards, SW


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10 hours ago, Skallywag said:

Jeez - can anyone look at the "facetious" statement and the news quote i posted.  News article stated "teenage boys" , yet technically 19 - Nineteen is legal, and still of teenage.  Article could have added the word "underage",  to make it true and accurate IMHO .  Regards, SW


Try to spin it any way you want. Bottom line is that they were CHILDREN so he should have parts of his anatomy cut off so he can't try it again. End of story.

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