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Pattaya Is Not Falangland


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This should be interesting, maybe its just me but after reading some of the threads here, i am starting to think that expats in pattaya seem to think they are living in falangland and not thailand. After reading the novel thread about the subway bashing carry on, i am starting to think that people are forgetting that its not our country, and we really have no say in what goes on . Maybe its not our way, but we have to except it . All i can say is if you cause a thai trouble on your own head be it . Go with the thai ways or go its up 2 u as they say.

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It is best to avoid trouble.

However, their are times when one can and should make a stand for important principles. I am not an aggressive confrontational person. Taking such stands can involve some calculated risks. These stands don't have to take the most aggressive form one can imagine usually. I don't recommend fool hardyness. I know that as farangs we are guests in Thailand and should not expect Thais to simply adopt our cultural views. Of course their are cultural realities that one must take into account. I understand that my way is not the only way. Having said this, I also say that some things are based on basic human rights and decency, that should be universal.

I cannot support the notion that one should never ever stand up for one self if a Thai person is involved. Rather, we should take a stand in an intelligent thought out manner. Trying to be sensitive to the realities of Thailand and Thai culture. In a polite and least aggressive manner possible. We should not be cringing cowards too afraid to ever even say peep. I know that their are situations however awful where discretion will be the better part of valor. We should not be so afraid that we let others play us for fools. Some times the best thing to do may be walk away.

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Always said I love the LOS because it is different and long may it be so. However, this difference does not include accepting death threats from anyone. The Thais have laws which I try to abide by. Thai nationals should and in the most part do, try to do the same. If they don't pull em up, or live in a lawless soceity which you have condoned by your inaction.

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It is sheer nonsense to say just because you are not from this country you have no right to criticise.

Of course, one has to keep a sense of proportion, and criticism of Thai culture, or the way Thais do things are, on the whole, best left to the Thai people themselves.

But basic concerns about human rights, act and/or threats of violonce, or indeed anything that is dangerous or harmful to residents - be they Thais or farangs, is IMO fair game for criticism.

And on top of that I see nothing wrong with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism on any subject, provided it is balanced and fair, and takes into account local culture and practice.

Just because we weren't born here, it doesn't mean we aren't entitled to an opinion on matters that affect our daily lives.

However, ignorant and hysterical rants against Thais should have no place in an intelligent forum, no more than rants against the English by ethnic immigrants would have any place in England.

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It's not a case of being walked all over, I have lived here many years and at times I have held my ground on something that I believe to be injust,

The problem is attitude, the attitude of many farang is I am right because I am farang, I have lots of money therfore I can do what I like in this country. I can drive my fortuner as dangerously as I like because

I am farang.
many Thais in their working day have to put up with this s--t from these ###### farang and it is no surprize that one day they snap.
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thanks mobi i guess you said what i was trying to, please excuse my poor english. I'm not saying its right for thais or anybody to use violence to solve a problem, or to just walk away, but there are ways to do things.

Again maybe just my opinion, but it seems that the benidorm boys have found pattaya, and i know how i would feel if they started to invade edinburgh

and behave like they do.

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It's not a case of being walked all over, I have lived here many years and at times I have held my ground on something that I believe to be injust,

The problem is attitude, the attitude of many farang is I am right because I am farang, I have lots of money therfore I can do what I like in this country. I can drive my fortuner as dangerously as I like because

I am farang.
many Thais in their working day have to put up with this s--t from these ###### farang and it is no surprize that one day they snap.

my point exactly in response to an earlier post. all these farangs charging about in their fortuners and vigos like they own the road? no wonder the much maligned, hard-working, poor baht bus driver is pissed off.

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When I come to Thailand I know I am a guest, I abide by their laws and cultureral differences, I dont 'flash the wedge' I treat all people with the same respect they give me, the same as I give peple who come to the UK

BUT I dont expect to be threatened with violence, I will critisize the mess on a beach, I dont care who left it there, I will give any critisim if it is deserved, but I try not to give offence.

I know some of the laws are weird and strange (but look at some of the laws in the UK and the US) but no matter how strnge they are I try anfd adhere to them

I'm not bothered what others do or think, I got my own priciples and try and stand by them (so dont class everyone by the mindlesss few (or is it the majority?)

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This should be interesting, maybe its just me but after reading some of the threads here, i am starting to think that expats in pattaya seem to think they are living in falangland and not thailand. After reading the novel thread about the subway bashing carry on, i am starting to think that people are forgetting that its not our country, and we really have no say in what goes on . Maybe its not our way, but we have to except it . All i can say is if you cause a thai trouble on your own head be it . Go with the thai ways or go its up 2 u as they say.

If you feel you have no rights ... Well ... UP TO U

What a negative, limp wristed philosophy to live by. :o


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my point exactly in response to an earlier post. all these farangs charging about in their fortuners and vigos like they own the road? no wonder the much maligned, hard-working, poor baht bus driver is pissed off.

The majority of the Fortuners being driven around are owned by Thais. No wonder the much maligned poor farang pensioner on the Honda Wave is pissed off. :o

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my point exactly in response to an earlier post. all these farangs charging about in their fortuners and vigos like they own the road? no wonder the much maligned, hard-working, poor baht bus driver is pissed off.

The majority of the Fortuners being driven around are owned by Thais. No wonder the much maligned poor farang pensioner on the Honda Wave is pissed off. :o

ooo sorry mate! that was YOU i cut off at the top-end of soi hok...

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I often wonder why City Hall does not think of involving the Resident foreign community in developing Pattaya. According to Pattaya People there are in ecess of 50,000 foreigners here in Pattaya. We all have experiences of being in other countries as well as Thailand and between us we know what we like/don't like. So City Hall why don't you tap into this resource on your doorstep? :o Because as far as I know Most Thai people don't know what it is like to be an ex pat so how can City Hall understand the foreign population.

I certainly do not want to turn Thailand into a nothingland, it has to retain its national heritage. But together we might surprise one another!

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I often wonder why City Hall does not think of involving the Resident foreign community in developing Pattaya. According to Pattaya People there are in ecess of 50,000 foreigners here in Pattaya. We all have experiences of being in other countries as well as Thailand and between us we know what we like/don't like. So City Hall why don't you tap into this resource on your doorstep? :o Because as far as I know Most Thai people don't know what it is like to be an ex pat so how can City Hall understand the foreign population.

I certainly do not want to turn Thailand into a nothingland, it has to retain its national heritage. But together we might surprise one another!

Co-operation between the races, now there's a lovely thought.

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