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After Chiang Mai, where to emigrate ?


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Natal and Fortaleza Brazil have good air quality! I would choose that destination before Portugal for many reasons, but I could choose Portugal for being in Eu for other reasons. 



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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

Natal and Fortaleza Brazil have good air quality! I would choose that destination before Portugal for many reasons, but I could choose Portugal for being in Eu for other reasons. 

Fortaleza was a superb spot 30 years back but these days the crime is rampant but yes being on the coast air quality would be good.

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2 hours ago, Hummin said:

Natal and Fortaleza Brazil have good air quality! I would choose that destination before Portugal for many reasons, but I could choose Portugal for being in Eu for other reasons. 



What's the Overseas earning tax position in Portugal? - I was led to believe they Tax it, but then read something a little while back that said they no longer tax it.



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On 2/15/2019 at 10:05 AM, Hummin said:

Natal and Fortaleza Brazil have good air quality! I would choose that destination before Portugal for many reasons, but I could choose Portugal for being in Eu for other reasons. 



Fortaleza is rough. All of Bahia is rough. Hell, Brazil is rough.


I was robbed twice there, both times right outside of my nice hotel. Once by gun and once by a knife. No way would I live in that region of Brazil.

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6 hours ago, dcnx said:

More pollution, more visa nonsense, and Chinese cultural rudeness.


I do associate extreme rudeness (from a frame of reference/bias/prejudice of my own upbringing in the southern part of the US, and long-term adult living in Chiang Mai) with Cantonese China, and Hong Kong, but my experience in Kunming in travelling around the city on foot, and by rent-a-bicycle, was very different. Of course, that experience cannot be generalized to the reality of living there as expat.


Pollution, yes, but I can't think of any city in SE Asia I'd want to live in that doesn't have a pollution problem. The Indian "hill stations" of Manali (north), and Ootacamund (south), attract me (elevation, natural beauty), but, my experience there (1976) is probably of little value in knowing what they are like, now. I "fell in love" with Manali, but abhorred its glut of burnt-out western pot-heads, and fatuous spiritual "seekers."


So, the fantasy ticket outta-here I look for has: altitude (I wanna  chill), large enough population to support cultural activities, expat scene with more than riff-raff, academic center with library, cost of living comparable to Chiang Mai. 


Currently looking at Baguio in the Philippines.



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Portugal, Indonesia both countries to consider.

However why not do the soft option. Take your vacation during the hot season.  This is like a no brainer. You can go cheap and head to Bali via the Air Asia BKK Denpasar route. No annoying KL stopovers. Indonesia has reverse weather patterns from Thailand, you would be getting in on the end of the rainy season. By moving east in the archipelago you can get less rain if that bothers you.

I’m heading to the Aegean mid-April. This year catching more of the hot season than normal but … plan your trip plan your country. Make sure you can pay all bills, then go. Do you need to get rid of a G Friend? Wife? That can be arranged. :thumbsup:

My G, has an EU passport so I am most definitely looking at and getting information on Portugal and Greece. However likely I will let immigration make those decisions for me. BTW some old CM friends spend a year in Vientiane of all places and now are in Portugal. However, given Brexit, they may lose the right to be there long term. Keep options open.

Last thoughts. Years back a TEFL person I know was offered a job in Kunming. He couldn’t take it because of the food. “Oily and rather hard”. I’m not sure what he meant by that. He was a Nigel, but I don’t think his eating habits that finicky.

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1 hour ago, Dante99 said:

Dalat in Vietnam

To me, Dalat sounded very good in theory. Cool climate, picturesque French colonial buildings.


Went there last summer.


There is a large lake in the middle of town with swan boats that one pedals by foot.

Very nice looking in pictures.

The reality: the pictures don't reveal that the water is brown and stinks.

There are people fishing along the shore, ignoring the dead fish floating belly up a yard away from where they are standing.


The pictures also don't reveal the incessant noise from all the vehicles circling the lake (and everywhere else in Vietnam), who honk their horns constantly rather than use brakes and slow down.


Some or perhaps most restaurants still allow smoking inside, which I didn't encounter anywhere in Thailand or Malaysia.


Overall, was very disappointed.

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3 hours ago, orang37 said:

The Indian "hill stations" of Manali (north), and Ootacamund (south), attract me (elevation, natural beauty), but, my experience there (1976) is probably of little value in knowing what they are like, now.

Manali these days is full on tourist town with traffic to match but Old Manali is worth a look but there are no retirement visas/extensions in India. Haven't been to Ooty since 80's but the toy train still runs I believe. 

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On 2/23/2019 at 12:59 AM, Acemaker said:

Lagos is nice.

Are you nuts? Last I heard the harbor is almost totally sludge from sewage run-off from and unrestricted petroleum waste; the government is as corrupt as anywhere; the the disapproving customs officials carry AK-47's not stamps to express their disdain for westerners.


When I was in Senegal in 1982, however I found the women even more appealing than the Thai women. But I understand the political situation is constantly in upset and, despite the influence of the Peace Corps and the UN, 

the amount of disease and poverty is getting worse. 

Africa is is off my list of potential havens.

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