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Embassy Won't Issue Income Certification - How To Do?

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[Also remember that once you change from 400k in the bank to 40k monthly income you cannot in the future go back to the 400k in the bank. You lose your “grandfather” status.

What do you base this on, Maestro? ... With respect to grandfathering 7.17 (6) only mentions: "... aliens who entered the Kingdom before this Order came into force and granted a permit to stay in the Kingdom." ... No mentioning of grounds for the extension - not even that it must be a non-o, just that it must be based on a non-imm visa (implicitly by clause (1)).

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thought Sunbelt had a way of getting the money to you for a short time to assist you in your visa renewal! Talk to them about it.
We have NEVER, at anytime lent money to someone for a visa.
I think I have read a thread where Sunbelt stated, that you do not lose your "grandfather status" by changing between income and bank balance, as long as you are still extending on the basis of being married to a Thai. I.e. you would be able to revert to savings again later on.

This is correct.


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I have a small official pension from my Government.

every month this pension is collected in my Country by my son who has my notary delegation to do so and every month my son nearly doubles my official small pension and send to me a total amount which would permit me to meet the 65k per month and this would avoid to me the obligation to show also a Bank account.

But my Bangkok Embassy has released to me a declaration concerning only the official small pension, dont taking into any consideration my Bank book showing that I receive every month 65k from abroad. So Im forced to keep for 3 months in my Thai Bank and amount which, added to my official pension, reaches the minimum requested 800k.

My Embassy told me that my son could stop to add money to my official pension when he wants so they have to consider only the official pension.

kind regards.

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