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Vietnam Safe For Americans ?

Jeffery Stanthorpe

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How about you all ?

Feeling the strain of the weekend, have been mulling over of going to Vietnam for a vacation but unsure of the reception I’ll get being an resident of the US of A.

According to internet research I’ve done they’re still communists ? right ? so I guess they don’t appreciate us Americans. ( reckon they’re still sour about getting licked in 1965-75 ? )

Thinking Saigon would be OK as they would be still happy to see Americans since we liberated them back in '75 ;) but up north in Ho Chi Min maybe the welcome may not be as warm as I guess the Viet-Cong are still lurking about or at best the locals have some flaky political ideals.

I would be especially suspicious with people over the age of 50 , reckon they would still remember the conflict and all, and may want to extract revenge on unsuspecting American tourists.

My uncle, Billy Jo, back in the states , flew on Hueys as a gunner for a couple tours, Family folk say “he ain’t right in the head” since he came back, Seems he once had the best looking trailer in the whole park, that was until the drinking , wh*ring and fighting started, bout same time he came back.

He likes to talk about his war stories at family shin-digs but by the time we’re on our second bottle of Jim Beam he starts calling the people of Vietnam “Gooks” or “ Commi Sumbitches” or “Little Yellow F**kers” and other stuff which I don’t care to repeat here on a family forum

Usually my older sister Sue Ellen tries to change the mood at this stage before he gets mean and starts busting up the place. :bah:

Billy Jo even abuses the guys on our side, reckons you can “teach any sumbitch to fly a copter but you can’t just put any honky-tonk in the back on the shooters” said “most the time, those fly-boys had their heads up their goddamn asses,“?? Go figure ? !!! :D

Doc reckons he is suffering from some form of Post War Disorder so I’m wondering if it is prevalent up there in Vietnam with the local indigenous population. :D maybe something I need to look out for.. :D

I also saw some combat time in the forces, got me myself busted up pretty ###### good too !! :o

But don’t suffer no more from any post-combat related mental irregularities or deficiencies. Thank God ! :bah:

Thanks in advance for advice and tips, will check for input later. :D:o

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But don’t suffer no more from any post-combat related mental irregularities or deficiencies. Thank God ! :D

You sure about that?

Because, you got your regional history completely muddled there. It's actually generally accepted that the US got a bad "licking" over there, and in '75 it was not the US which "liberated" Saigon, but the Communists from your allies, sort of the other way round.

Other than that, you will have no problems as an American there, other than the problems you will meet for sure anywhere you go. But i believe that will have nothing to do with your nationality. :o

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hahaha, i love all your posts...

How about you all ?

Feeling the strain of the weekend, have been mulling over of going to Vietnam for a vacation but unsure of the reception I’ll get being an resident of the US of A.

According to internet research I’ve done they’re still communists ?Maybe if you would have make a deeper research you would have seen that it is "SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM (even if they still think a little bit communist) right ? so I guess they don’t appreciate us Americans. ( reckon they’re still sour about getting licked in 1965-75 ? )

Thinking Saigon would be OK as they would be still happy to see Americans since we liberated them back in '75 ;) but up north in Ho Chi Min maybe Another deeper research would have learned you that Saigon and Ho Chi Minh is the same: Saigon is the old name and the new one is Ho Chi Minh and that the city in the North (the capital) is HANOI... the welcome may not be as warm as I guess the Viet-Cong are still lurking about or at best the locals have some flaky political ideals.

I would be especially suspicious with people over the age of 50 , reckon they would still remember the conflict and all, and may want to extract revenge on unsuspecting American tourists.

My uncle, Billy Jo, back in the states , flew on Hueys as a gunner for a couple tours, Family folk say “he ain’t right in the head” since he came back, Seems he once had the best looking trailer in the whole park, that was until the drinking , wh*ring and fighting started, bout same time he came back.

He likes to talk about his war stories at family shin-digs but by the time we’re on our second bottle of Jim Beam he starts calling the people of Vietnam “Gooks” or “ Commi Sumbitches” or “Little Yellow F**kers” and other stuff which I don’t care to repeat here on a family forum

Usually my older sister Sue Ellen tries to change the mood at this stage before he gets mean and starts busting up the place. :bah:

Billy Jo even abuses the guys on our side, reckons you can “teach any sumbitch to fly a copter but you can’t just put any honky-tonk in the back on the shooters” said “most the time, those fly-boys had their heads up their goddamn asses,“?? Go figure ? !!! :D

Doc reckons he is suffering from some form of Post War Disorder so I’m wondering if it is prevalent up there in Vietnam with the local indigenous population. :D maybe something I need to look out for.. :D

I also saw some combat time in the forces, got me myself busted up pretty ###### good too !! :o

But don’t suffer no more from any post-combat related mental irregularities or deficiencies. Thank God ! :bah:

Thanks in advance for advice and tips, will check for input later. :D:o

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This guy's posts might be a bit of light relief, but am I the only one who thinks that a regular supply of this bullshit from the Jeffrey and SeanBangkok do nothing more than dilute the value of thaivisa for newcomers and people genuinely interested in living or visiting the country?

We even have a situation now where mods accept he's trolling, yet do nothing about it.

Strange, very strange.

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This guy's posts might be a bit of light relief, but am I the only one who thinks that a regular supply of this bullshit from the Jeffrey and SeanBangkok do nothing more than dilute the value of thaivisa for newcomers and people genuinely interested in living or visiting the country?

We even have a situation now where mods accept he's trolling, yet do nothing about it.

Strange, very strange.

A new forum for trolls perhaps. :o

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This guy's posts might be a bit of light relief, but am I the only one who thinks that a regular supply of this bullshit from the Jeffrey and SeanBangkok do nothing more than dilute the value of thaivisa for newcomers and people genuinely interested in living or visiting the country?

We even have a situation now where mods accept he's trolling, yet do nothing about it.

Strange, very strange.

thats a very good point MR bendix.

strange indeed. :o

terence :D

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Very safe country for budding artists like you Jeffery but I wouldn't be so sure about your pistolero packing security guard hot shot buddy.

One thing to remember is that the Vietnamese are very warm hearted informal people who like nothing better than entering into close realtionships on first name basis right from the outset. This they have made real easy as they are all called Charlie. So arriving at immigration you can make instant friends by greeting them "Howdy Charlie, know whereabouts I can get a little of that old s#kky f#kky five b#kky homestyle companionship".


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This guy's posts might be a bit of light relief, but am I the only one who thinks that a regular supply of this bullshit from the Jeffrey and SeanBangkok do nothing more than dilute the value of thaivisa for newcomers and people genuinely interested in living or visiting the country?

We even have a situation now where mods accept he's trolling, yet do nothing about it.

Strange, very strange.

True, Bendix, true. But you must admit it is pretty funny.

Nevertheless, I ain't never met no black kids named Billy Jo or Sue Ellen and there ain't never gonna be black honeychiles with names like that because those are names picked by Arkansas hillbillies and white trailer trash. I watched the Clampetts in Beverly Hillbillies, too, Jeffrey. Still, your admirers' comments gave me a laughing jag. You do know how to wind them up.

Buriramboy, you started it. :o

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This guy's posts might be a bit of light relief, but am I the only one who thinks that a regular supply of this bullshit from the Jeffrey and SeanBangkok do nothing more than dilute the value of thaivisa for newcomers and people genuinely interested in living or visiting the country?

We even have a situation now where mods accept he's trolling, yet do nothing about it.

Strange, very strange.

Oh, come on......? :D A bit of light relief, satire, and inoffensive humour on here is a nice change from all the whinging, slander, and e-pissing up the cyber wall competitions normally going on..

Its a very dull Monday here, and Jeffery's post is the biggest laugh I've had all day. :o

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am I the only one who thinks that a regular supply of this bullshit... ...do nothing more than dilute the value of thaivisa for newcomers and people genuinely interested in living or visiting the country?

Because there are so many great threads, aren't there. :o

Edited by Robski
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Don't worry, there are not harsh feelings against (US)-Americans. To the contrary, you are welcome and that little problem back til '75 is forgotten and forgiven. I wondered myself about this, but during all my visits (roundabout 150) was told, 'no harsh feeling and we threw them out with a mighty kick into their behinds, now they always can come back as visitors'.

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Don't worry, there are not harsh feelings against (US)-Americans. To the contrary, you are welcome and that little problem back til '75 is forgotten and forgiven. I wondered myself about this, but during all my visits (roundabout 150) was told, 'no harsh feeling and we threw them out with a mighty kick into their behinds, now they always can come back as visitors'.

but I often wonder if the Vietnamese shake their heads in amazement

as to how the mighty yanks could have made the same mistake the second time :D

Surely the one thing they should have learnt in Vietnam is the importance of " cultural differences "

which obviously they haven't judging by their disastrous actions in Iraq ?

And if they strike at Iran it will be an even more amazing third time because

they wont win there either :o

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Don't worry, there are not harsh feelings against (US)-Americans. To the contrary, you are welcome and that little problem back til '75 is forgotten and forgiven. I wondered myself about this, but during all my visits (roundabout 150) was told, 'no harsh feeling and we threw them out with a mighty kick into their behinds, now they always can come back as visitors'.

but I often wonder if the Vietnamese shake their heads in amazement

as to how the mighty yanks could have made the same mistake the second time :D

Surely the one thing they should have learnt in Vietnam is the importance of " cultural differences "

which obviously they haven't judging by their disastrous actions in Iraq ?

And if they strike at Iran it will be an even more amazing third time because

they wont win there either :o

Midas, please don't start... :D

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I did discuss the Iraq-thing quite often with friends in VN. Strange enough they agree and feel the US should kick *ss. OK, that's biased information from just a few people. OTOH, the same people do admire the USA, send their children to US-universities etc.

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