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Video: "Heart of gold" rescue worker removes harpoon from stray dog "Me Me"


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Video: "Heart of gold" rescue worker removes harpoon from stray dog "Me Me"




Daily News reported on an attack on a stray dog in Song Phi Nong district of Suphanburi. 


Their story contained more detail, sympathy and comment than if the attack had occurred on a human. 


Some have suggested in Thailand that people care more about dogs than anyone else. There are strict laws about animal cruelty and the public are fed many stories on TV and in the press. 


Sen Sgt Maj Jamrern Kanyarat responded with a Song Phi Nong foundation worker to a call from Wanchai Najampa who lives in Bang Len sub-district.


A stray that he looks after had been shot with an improvised two pronged harpoon and was a pitiful sight when help arrived. 


It was embedded in the back of "Me Me" a two year old bitch. 


Fortunately it had only penetrated 1.5 cm and the foundation worker was seen on a video giving some minor surgery. He then gave antibiotics, cleaned the wound and promised to monitor the situation. 


Daily News called him a foundation worker with a "diamond heart" (heart of gold).


Wanchai said he had looked after four dogs. Another one called Mama was poisoned. 


He said that the reason for the latest attack was probably because Me Me had no collar and runs around the neighborhood barking. 


She had probably incurred the displeasure of people foraging for birds, rats and snakes in the area. 


Source: Daily News




-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2019-02-14
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I am really surprised that there are not any comments of the " better kill all the dogs in Thailand " fraction of TV members yet ... ?

What happened ? Still sleeping ?

If someone would attack one of my dogs , that person would face a serious reaction , I would take that as a personal attack ...


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I am really surprised that there are not any comments of the " better kill all the dogs in Thailand " fraction of TV members yet ... ?

What happened ? Still sleeping ?

If someone would attack one of my dogs , that person would face a serious reaction , I would take that as a personal attack ...


You can't have it both ways, either its a stray dog or its your dog...if its your dog you have to take responsibility for its actions....if someone gets savaged,kept awake all night,falls off their motorcycle etc etc by a stray dog then who is responsible ?


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6 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

I am really surprised that there are not any comments of the " better kill all the dogs in Thailand " fraction of TV members yet ... ?

What happened ? Still sleeping ?

If someone would attack one of my dogs , that person would face a serious reaction , I would take that as a personal attack ...


Your dog bites me or one of my own- it is dead. Sorry. If you choose to escalate the situation. So be it.

Edited by emptypockets
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6 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

I am really surprised that there are not any comments of the " better kill all the dogs in Thailand " fraction of TV members yet ... ?

What happened ? Still sleeping ?

If someone would attack one of my dogs , that person would face a serious reaction , I would take that as a personal attack ...


no wonder you got no friends it was a stray dog

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15 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

People are fed up with the lack of animal control, I expect to see more of this type of behavior. 

That does not justify  wanton cruelty to a small puppy. It's quite telling that you seek to justify such deviancy. The person who did this thinks nothing of running down someone in a crosswalk and driving off.


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8 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Your dog bites me or one of my own- it is dead. Sorry. If you choose to escalate the situation. So be it.

Big words. You are just so very intimidating until you come up against someone who will squash you like a bug. Always the same childish boasts. This isn't recess in the schoolyard and you are not 7 years old anymore.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

That does not justify  wanton cruelty to a small puppy. It's quite telling that you seek to justify such deviancy. The person who did this thinks nothing of running down someone in a crosswalk and driving off.


Where does my post say I justify this? I said people are fed up with lack of animal control, and I expect to see more people take the law into their own hands. Then in your biased mind you start to babble that I'm seeking to justify animal cruelty. That's quite a stretch chump. Then you go on and say whoever did this would also murder people in the road lol, wow, that makes sense! That would be like me inferring you don't have any problem with animals attacking and maiming little children because you don't like dogs being under control of humans. You see the distortion that occurs when the uninformed start to assume?   

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19 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

I am really surprised that there are not any comments of the " better kill all the dogs in Thailand " fraction of TV members yet ... ?

What happened ? Still sleeping ?

If someone would attack one of my dogs , that person would face a serious reaction , I would take that as a personal attack ...


I don't advocate hurting soi dog's in any way shape or form, Killing them humanely is okay, but purposely maiming them is off limits.   Whoever did this needs his ass kicked.

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3 minutes ago, oldrunner said:

My cats don't bite.

I am sure they will if you hurt one of them, for least favorite ex-wife had three cats, all were de-clawed, and after discovering they could scratch all they wanted and nothing happened, they would grab you and bite if they got pissed off...........she took the cats with her when she left.

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