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1 hour ago, Lovethailandelite said:

The concept of the system is actually quite clever. If you watch the tutorial, you can apply through the portal anywhere in the world, get the approval for the visa to be issued and then choose a mission, anywhere in the world to collect the visa. UK passport holders will no longer need to be actually in London to apply through the portal. The only proviso on collecting the visa, will be determined by the Embassy/consulate where you wish to collect the visa being switched over too the system. The idea is to have all Thai embassy's and consulates worldwide switched over within 2 years. That isn't hard to do. It's simply software installed on a local terminal and an Internet connection. Once the switch starts, and it already has with China, it will be a gradual changeover as the system is proved. The UK and France switch over in April and then I think it will be swiftly followed by other country's through 2019. IMO, they will be followed by Vientiane and KL as they have recently switched to a an appointment system anyway. 
For instance, you are in London but will be travelling to KL before visiting Thailand. You apply for the visa, get the approval but rather than going to London, you choose to collect the visa in KL while you are there before travelling too Thailand.
Of course though, due to digital fraud, there is always liable to be a check on your hard copy's of documents before you actually get the visa put in your passport.
The system is able to handle the majority of visa types, not only tourist visas.

Yes could be a benefit to some but for basic visa such as setv the postal service in home country was also highly liked and efficient for all parties .

Ideally for basic visas and applicants passing online, issue at point of entry is most efficient for all parties plus then you can truly get your visa anywhere in world regardless of whether have thai consulate or embassy at that location .

I too can see pretty rapid switch over for most regional consulates for non regional passport holders as system pretty pointless cost/effort unless do .

Only thing that delay it is hassle and cost as thais don't like technical hassle and don't like loosing/spending money .

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