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Video: Find this hit and run driver who upended motorcyclist then went through red light


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The video was shown (repeatedly) on Thai news channels last night. That is probably where he got the footage.


As for Thais helping - I have personally seen it - many times. In Sisaket after a minor motorcycle accident - all the Thais in the area rushed over to assist and steer traffic around the scene.
In Pattaya on Sukhumvit - bike caught on fire. Everyone in the area came over to try and help (yes many were taking pics but there wasn't anything else they could do any ways).

In Chiang Mai, a friend dropped his bike while trying to steer around a hairpin turn at a temple. Whole bunch of Thais ran over to help him get the bike back up (and keep oncoming traffic from hitting the guy).

Same in Pattaya a few years ago. Bunch of people playing Songkran. Bike hit a speed bump (at very slow speed) and teetered over. All the Thais stopped spraying water and ran over to help the rider get up and get his bike up and when they saw he was OK and on his way, went back to playing water again.

On problem people have in the "West" is that all sorts of people will rush to an accident seen - to gawk and look for gory pictures. Traffic jams are common (called "gawker blocks") because everyone slows down and tries to see if there are any bodies. (Here's a hint - people don't watch NASCAR racing because they like seeing the same cars go round and round and round a track 100 times - they go to see spectacular accidents).


Many times (in the West) there are so many "gawkers" that it's hard for people that are trying to help to get to where they need to be. As a former First Aid Attendant, I'd prefer if no one came over to an accident scene unless they were there to actually help. Otherwise you end up with a crowd of people literally standing overtop of you while you are trying to help someone.

The motorcyclist was lucky (this time). Stuff like that happens all the time. Whose to say why the car driver did what he/she did. Could be a host of reasons.
But with that clip on the local news (and Facebook pages), anyone driving around in a white car with a lot of damage on the front-left side of the hood should stand out in the crowd.
It's happened before where someone has waited until the next day before turning themselves in (got to get all that booze/drugs out of the system first).

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2 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

sorry but that is nonsense, I ride around Bangkok all the time, and I always see Thais stop and help if there has been an accident. But I suppose when you have a preconception about people and want to confirm your bias, then you can make dumb blanket statements like this.

i agree

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2 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

sorry but that is nonsense, I ride around Bangkok all the time, and I always see Thais stop and help if there has been an accident. But I suppose when you have a preconception about people and want to confirm your bias, then you can make dumb blanket statements like this.

You're being way too nice..posters like that know nothing about Thailand are ignorant brainless and need a hard boot in the baltic area. My wife is Thai, her family are Thai and I find the post extremely offensive

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

Of course the motorcyclist was using lights...  You can see it clearly on the video - Headlights and tail lights were both working. 


You can see the tail lights at the bike spun after impact. 


There is no doubt whatsoever that the car driver was 100% in the wrong. 

It wouldn't be the first time that a rear light was out/blown & what you see in the clip is the brake light after the impact had slammed it permanently on.

(My point being that riders are rendered invisible by oncoming traffic at night when their tail lights aren't working).

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God I hate hit and run drivers!  Cowardly scum!  I'm sure the victim is feeling pretty sore by now.  Shock and adrenaline does wonders to hide pain.  I pray the victim doesn't have any injuries...  


Screw the driver of the car, POS.

Edited by JMSIII
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3 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

sorry but that is nonsense, I ride around Bangkok all the time, and I always see Thais stop and help if there has been an accident. But I suppose when you have a preconception about people and want to confirm your bias, then you can make dumb blanket statements like this.

Quite right. It is also possible that where the m/c chap went out of the picture someone may have attended him there.

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She was headed home from an assignation and hurrying before her husband woke up. She is sorry but motor cycle driver just got in the way of her left front fender. Will tell  husband some motorcyclist hit her and ran. Life can be so complicated at times.

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6 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

Was the rear light broken on the motorbike? Did the car driver have very dark tint on his windscreen? Was the car driver drunk? Or, tick all three boxes?


Of course,  the driver should have stopped, his is an idiot and should be locked away.

Those questions are perhaps better directed to the police, the driver of the car or scooter driver. Questions such as these seemingly serve no purpose when the post is an appeal to help identify the Toyota.


Of course, I'm not the police or judge and I leave it to those in authority to determine guilt and punishment.

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4 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

sorry but that is nonsense, I ride around Bangkok all the time, and I always see Thais stop and help if there has been an accident. But I suppose when you have a preconception about people and want to confirm your bias, then you can make dumb blanket statements like this.


Maybe, but we are discussing THIS incident, not some other that you've witnessed. Look at the video. No-one is exactly rushing to help. They just stand there.

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2 hours ago, Benroon said:

How do you know the nationality of all the people in that video ?


You xenophobes must have hawk like eyesight 


What a bizarre comment. If you are in Thailand and there are several cars and other vehicles around, the overwhelming chance is that the drivers are all or nearly all Thai.

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5 hours ago, maccastime said:

Did he took the footage?? Great English? Ever heard of a street camera? He must be good if he took the footage while riding the bike???

He may have taken the photo from above while flying ... :whistling:

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10 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


What a bizarre comment. If you are in Thailand and there are several cars and other vehicles around, the overwhelming chance is that the drivers are all or nearly all Thai.

Agree, but from a statistically point of view with more than 30 million tourists each year which is equal to half of the total population it may be a certain chance that the car driver wasn't a Thai especially if it happened in one of the major tourist spots such as Bkk, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Hua hin or Pattaya - which it did ... :thumbsup:

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

He posted the footage on Wednesday in an appeal to netizens to track down the driver of the Altis. 

This is likely the best solution as I would guess the cops don't give a F...….

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8 hours ago, manchega said:

Was that motorcyclist using lights,

I would give benefit of the doubt to car driver


without a doubt


of course if that was a taxi it would be a fifty fifty case 


no prefjudice here

So you would give benefit of the doubt to (the) car driver ..... would that be the car driver that smashed into the back of a motorcyclist that had stopped legitimately at a red light. The same car driver that then careered through the red light without stopping having catapulted the motorcyclist through the air.


Whatever else you do in the rest of your life, please don't apply for a job as an accident investigator    

Edited by Pachalan
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5 hours ago, ttrd said:

Agree, but from a statistically point of view with more than 30 million tourists each year which is equal to half of the total population it may be a certain chance that the car driver wasn't a Thai especially if it happened in one of the major tourist spots such as Bkk, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Hua hin or Pattaya - which it did ... :thumbsup:


We're at cross purposes. I was commenting on people who were there not rushing to help the victim.

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3 hours ago, Benroon said:

Errr no it isn't. Your bias is simply getting the better of you


(In Bangkok its probably less than half !)


You obviously live in a different Thailand to me, and probably most of us. To say the majority of drivers are not Thai is simply absurd and I doubt you could find a single person that agrees with you. There is no point in carrying on this thread with someone who is obviously deluded. 

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20 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

Was the rear light broken on the motorbike? Did the car driver have very dark tint on his windscreen? Was the car driver drunk? Or, tick all three boxes?


Of course,  the driver should have stopped, his is an idiot and should be locked away.

It appears the car driver, as normal, sped up to get through the intersection while the light was changing.


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