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The thread on the poor Russian girls horrific murder has been closed on the clippings forum.

There certainly was all the usual bashing and Pattaya hysterics, as well as a great number of flamethrowers being used.

However, for people who have to work overseas with friends, loved ones or general interests in the lovely Patters, it really is a subject of most concern.

Could members here please keep us out of country ( for now, please not for long !!! ) types informed of the progress?

All bashers, flamers and the like.........please sod off.

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I breathed a huge sigh of relief when the previous thread was closed.

I just couldn't believe that the ridiculous and insensitive speculation could go on and on... page after page, with members flaming and fighting each other over rival theories.

It seemed to bring out the very worst in human nature.

If this thread could be kept open to provide us with any serious news updates, it would be a good idea.

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i took a drive out jomtien beach road to the hotel in question this morning around 4am. the site is quite far south of the main jomtien beach strip, where the road narrows to two close lanes and the narrow sidewalk by the sea. leafy trees line the beach side of the road so the light from the lamp posts is dim.

the hotel looks like a newly built boutique type hotel, certainly not the fleabag some have intimated. the crime scene was directly across the beach road and no more than 30 meters from the entrance to the hotel.

there must have been over 20 plain clothes police there, with more posted to the north upon approach, and further south towards the beach end.

the waterline to bulkhead beach area is quite narrow there, and it was near high tide at that hour, leaving a very thin strip of beach.

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From the Bangkok Post

Police seek motorcycle guru's help

Determined to leave no stone unturned, police yesterday called in a winner of the Fan Phan Tae (The Real Fan) game show to help solve Saturday's murder of two Russian tourists at Jomtien Beach. Sommart Srisamacharn, 30, winner of the show in 2002 on the topic of motorcycles, was asked to use his expertise to identify the motorcycle the killer used from a security camera image captured at the scene.

He told police the motorcycle was a Honda with a four-stroke engine.

But Mr Sommart was unable to identify the model because the film was unclear. He advised police to make still pictures of the image which could improve chances of identification.

The security camera captured a ''tall man of indistinct nationality'' parking a motorcycle at a beachside footpath, then running up to the two Russian women and shooting them before fleeing.

The victims _ Livbov Svirkova, 25, and Tatiana Tsimfer, 30 _ were on a package tour, arriving in Pattaya on Feb 16. They checked in at a hotel near the spot on the beach where they were found dead in their deckchairs. Each had been shot several times.

Pol Lt-Gen Assawin Kwanmuang, chief of the Provincial Police Bureau 2, said Mr Sommart had shed light on the murder investigation.

Police have offered a 100,000-baht reward for the capture of the gunman.

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Just watched the local tv news. The prime suspect is still the unlicensed thai tour guide that has gone to ground. The cctv footage has not revealed very much re. the identity of the killer. The motor cycle expert that was called in thinks that the bike was a red honda wave. All motor cycle taxi drivers in the Banglamung District were called in for a meeting with police and asked for their assistance. There is still a very large police taskforce working on the case with commanders from here there and everywhere.

Also on the news, Mayor Nerin and TAT were holding meetings re. the damage this incident was having on the tourist trade and stated that Russia had not issued travel warnings for Pattaya but that the U.S and the U.K had.

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**** UPDATE ****

SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News Website: February 28th 2007

Greetings, I'm Sergey Yagupov from

"Komsomolskaya Pravda"-newspaper,

Russia, Novosibirsk.

People in Russia are gone a bit mad

'cause of this issue. And today we got

info, that murderer have arrived

Thailand with a same flight as victims.

To prove this or not, we need to

contact with DCman. Please, if this

possible, find a minute to mail me...

email address removed.

Link To Webpage below:

Link To Pattaya Daily News

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i took a drive out jomtien beach road to the hotel in question this morning around 4am. the site is quite far south of the main jomtien beach strip, where the road narrows to two close lanes and the narrow sidewalk by the sea. leafy trees line the beach side of the road so the light from the lamp posts is dim.

the hotel looks like a newly built boutique type hotel, certainly not the fleabag some have intimated. the crime scene was directly across the beach road and no more than 30 meters from the entrance to the hotel.

there must have been over 20 plain clothes police there, with more posted to the north upon approach, and further south towards the beach end.

the waterline to bulkhead beach area is quite narrow there, and it was near high tide at that hour, leaving a very thin strip of beach.

The hotel that you mention, is not where the two girls stayed, the hotel that the two girls stayed at was called Dragon Beach that is situated 300 mt away.

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***** UPDATE *****

February 28th 2007: 17: 32

SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News


After having a two hour conference, at the temporary investigation headquarters at Anantaya Hotel, Police Commissioner, Police Lieutenant General Asawin, the Region 2 Police Commander in charge of the investigation reported to the assembled media representatives at midnight, 27th February, that they have more information on the murders.

The two Russian victims had apparently had sex within the last 4 days, but without emissions, as none were discovered on an internal examination of the victims. The two ladies were also shown to have a blood alcohol level of over 80%, believed to be largely derived from drinking Thai whisky.

Police Lieutenant General Asawin further told reporters that the two Russian victims had entered Thailand on a 15 day visa on a charter aircraft, flight number SBI 849, which flew into U Tapao Airport on February16th.The two women had used a Russian company to book the flight and also a ticket for the Tiffany Cabaret Show. However, the two ladies later separated from the group, preferring to go it alone.

Police Lieutenant General Asawin also reported that spectators in Walking Street had previously seen the two victims, who were always together. However, they were never followed or molested by locals, Thai or foreigners. The police admit that they are still unclear about the motives for the killing, which could have been robbery, gangsters’ reprisals, or just a local with a grudge. There has long been animosity between Thai “working ladies” and foreigners who come to Thailand to compete in the lucrative sex trade.

Police have used hi-tech methods to bring the new video footage, never previously released to the public, to a higher resolution, making the pictures clearer by 30%. The assailant is believed to have fled up Chaiyapreuk 2, across to an area covered by two villages, Bahn Huay Yai and Cha Ngow, a notorious hideout of local mafia, young gangsters and juvenile delinquents.

After bringing in Sommart Srisamacharn, a winner of the Fan Phan Tae (The Real Fan) game show, an expert on motorcycles, to help identify the type of motorcycle used by the assailant, the police were told by him that the motorcycle was a four-stroke Honda. However, because the image was unclear, he was not able to identify the model. He has suggested that police make still pictures of the image to improve the chances of identification.

Police Colonel Sutin and Khun Ronagit, Deputy Mayor of Pattaya, summonsed every motorcycle taxi driver in the Pattaya area as they began a city-wide inspection of motorcycles. However, out of about 4000, only 1000 turned up. The police are keen to recruit the aid of motorcycle taxi drivers to assist in the investigation. The police would like the taxi drivers to question all their customers in the event that one of them may have information which may be able to identify the murderer.

The reward for information leading to the arrest of the murderer has now been raised to 200,000 Baht. The police have asked for any help from the public, especially from motorcycle taxi drivers who they believe may know the identity of the murderer. They believe the higher reward may lead one of them to inform on their colleague, if that is what he was. The police have promised to keep the identity of any informers secret.

Responding to a question about the threat from Temporary National Police Chief, Police General Seyrepesut Taemiyawait, of reassigned Pattaya police to an obscure location unless the culprit is caught soon, Police Lieutenant General Asawin said, he wasn’t depressed about the threat and could only do his best in the circumstances.

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A little detail that could be revealing:

In the attached picture it is apparent that both victims had a finger-sized bruise on the front of their thighs, at exactly the same level. The usual origin of these finger or thumb-sized bruises on a women's legs is sexual activity, so they are colloquially called "f.ck bruises".

The similarity in size and position of both bruises can indicate that both girls were having sex with the same man, probably the one who took the picture in the flower garden. If the girls were not engaged in prostitution at least it appears they were engaged in sexual activities with someone.


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"If the girls were not engaged in prostitution at least it appears they were engaged in sexual activities with someone."

Well the police report indicates that and that they probably used condoms as there were no emissions - it was days before and do the police know about products like Lactacyd?

Anyway - a couple of young girls had sex on holiday

Anybody on this board young or not who has NOT had sex while on holiday to Thailand?

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Just watched the local tv news. The prime suspect is still the unlicensed thai tour guide that has gone to ground. The cctv footage has not revealed very much re. the identity of the killer. The motor cycle expert that was called in thinks that the bike was a red honda wave. All motor cycle taxi drivers in the Banglamung District were called in for a meeting with police and asked for their assistance. There is still a very large police taskforce working on the case with commanders from here there and everywhere.

Also on the news, Mayor Nerin and TAT were holding meetings re. the damage this incident was having on the tourist trade and stated that Russia had not issued travel warnings for Pattaya but that the U.S and the U.K had.

No warning from the Yanks, nor for us Brits. Checked respective webpages. :o

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It is of course a reality that Pattaya is changing into a worser place than we've all known untill now.

Even though, at least now, I am confident that the police will do everything humanly possible to find the murderer(s) and clear things out. Even though, if I were in their shoes, I'd concentrate less on Walking Street inspections and A-Go-Go's and try to keep concentrated on safety, both for locals and tourists.

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Update on the Russian Double Murder case from Jomtien Beach.

An update now on the continuing investigation into the recent double murder of Russian tourists on Jomtien Beach. This press conference was held on Tuesday Night by Police Lieutenant General Asawin, the Region 2 Commander of Police who is the officer-in-charge of the investigation. He began by mentioning that the CCTV pictures taken from cameras on Jomtien Beach have been sent to a Forensic Lab in Bangkok who will attempt to enhance the pictures. He anticipates the quality of the pictures to be improved by as much as 50% which should give Police a better idea of the identity of the suspected shooter.

Furthermore, the post mortem results have been received on both victims and it has been confirmed that no narcotics were in their systems, however blood alcohol levels were high and there was some evidence of sexual activity within the previous 4 days before their deaths. Finally, a re-enactment of the movements of the shooter and his motorbike on Jomtien Beach have taken place and the CCTV images of this and the original footage will be compared to ascertain the exact position of the bike during the incident.

Further updates are expected soon.

-Pattaya City News

Wednesday 28th February 2007

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A post has just been deleted about the 25 year old who had a profile on a Russian love website. I see this as very important information which should definately be passed on to the authorities. Maybe she met someone on this website, who payed for her flight to Thailand? But the post has now been deleted..

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A post has just been deleted about the 25 year old who had a profile on a Russian love website. I see this as very important information which should definately be passed on to the authorities. Maybe she met someone on this website, who payed for her flight to Thailand? But the post has now been deleted..

yep, the moderator deleted the info I posted, good job!

Edited by bgebhardt
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I have removed several speculative posts in this thread!

The previous thread on this subject in the news section had been closed because of this out of control speculating!

The original poster who started this thread wanted to be kept informed on any news coming out on this case, so that is what we'll do over here.

Continuing the speculation will get this thread closed and will deprive our members not present in Thailand with ongoing updates on this case.

Please keep it clean.


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That is disappointing, although I do understand it may have been deleted for security reasons, but I do think this information is very important and could lead to something in this case.

It is possible that she met a russian man living in Pattaya on this website, he may have paid for her flight (Since the flight was paid for by someone in thailand, and shes never been to thailand before, so how else could she be in contact with someone in this country!) And she may have turned him down when she arrived, which would have obviously made him very angry since he paid the flight.

Maybe this is the reason for the bruises, and why one of the girls told her father she was scared or whatever over the phone.

P.s sorry, posted this after the mod posted the above message. Interesting information anyway. I wont be saying anymore about it as I dont wish the thread to be closed.

Edited by Meg_ken2003
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I have removed several speculative posts in this thread!

The previous thread on this subject in the news section had been closed because of this out of control speculating!

You call it speculating, I call it brainstorming, and it is how difficult problems are solved.

If you want to keep this thread brainstorming-free then why not create a parallell thread where everyone feels free to play detective? This is the power of the Internet!

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Better we leave the brainstorming over to the relevant authorities.

As another poster suggested, if you think you have any leads or information, better to forward them to these authorities!

As I previously noted, the original poster started this thread to be kept informed on what was going on in the investigation, I seriously doubt he started the thread to pool all the brains online at Thaivisa and solve the crime!

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I seriously doubt he started the hread to pool all the brains online at Thaivisa and solve the crime!

Seriously, I don't understand your priorities.

Why is it more mportant to please the one who started the thread (did you even ask his opinion about it?) than solving this crime puzzle?

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bgebhardt - no worries, I'll fwd the url to the appropriate individuals in Patters. :o

It would be a good thing to do if you have the possibility.

The persons running this forum don't want to have the maffia knocking at their front door, something likely if we post a good lead to the murderer.

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Russia ready to help in Thailand investigation into tourists murder

28.02.2007, 12.19

BANGKOK, February 28 (Itar-Tass) - Russia is ready to render assistance for the investigation in Thailand into the murder of Russian tourists in Pattaya, a Russian embassy source in Bangkok told Itar-Tass.

All the local police forces have joined the investigation. The authorities do everything to catch the murderer. However, there is no definite circle of suspects yet. The case is very complicated, since the crime motives are unclear. Various versions are under consideration, including involvement of local and Russian criminals.

Everybody with whom the young women talked after arriving in Thailand are questioned. Russian Consul Vladimir Pronin said nobody of the Russian tourists refused to answer questions of investigators. Consulate representatives and Pronin personally are present at the questioning and help to translate documents that are needed for the investigation.

Tatyana Tsimfer and Lyubov Svirkova were shot dead on the Chomtien beach on February 24. Their belongings were not touched.

A 100,000-bat (3,000 dollars) reward is promised for information about the murderer.

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