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Retirement visa/US citizen

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If I might ask- how did you handle the Police clearance- and how long did it take?  It appears they will accept in LA only an FBI or State Clearance. Some of us long term in Thailand are now considering the O-A Visa they you are applying for but have not been back to the US for some years so timing would be important so as not to sped weeks waiting in the US.
In addition- regarding the medical  - realize the form is used= can any Doctor or clinic do it and could it be done in Thailand.
Thank you or others for any info on this.

I am a WA state resident get my police clearance via the WA State Patrol website. I pay a bit extra to get a notarized copy and it usually arrives in my mailbox within about 10 days.

Any doctor can handle completing the required medical form. I use my own doctor and just drop it off with the receptionist, and he completes, signs and drops it back in the mail to me.

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Thanks for tip about extending pages in passport. (I already sent mine off, but I'll remember your tip when I renew again) Regarding the place across street from Thai Consulate in LA, I'm just sharing what my new friend/expat told me about his experience with the helpful owner. She seemed nice, so I'm inclined to believe.

Good luck on your "process" in getting to Thailand.

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On 3/7/2019 at 9:05 PM, Thaidream said:

If I might ask- how did you handle the Police clearance- and how long did it take?  It appears they will accept in LA only an FBI or State Clearance. Some of us long term in Thailand are now considering the O-A Visa they you are applying for but have not been back to the US for some years so timing would be important so as not to sped weeks waiting in the US.


In addition- regarding the medical  - realize the form is used= can any Doctor or clinic do it and could it be done in Thailand.


Thank you or others for any info on this.

Hi Sorry for the late reply. I'm crazy busy trying to get all things worked out to rent my house.

For FBI there is a website that tells how to do it. You fill in the application on line and pay ($12 I think, maybe $18 - I forgot), then go some place and get your fingerprints taken. In the states you can get it done at a UPS/packaging /mailing store. The FBI site stated they do not accept the electronic finger prints, only the real ink fingerprints on an official card. Finger prints cost me $38 USD. Then snail mail the prints to the FBI. They say it takes 5 business days to process from the time they receive prints. I received email when the received prints (took about 5-6 business days), then I received email with results and "Clearance Letter" which I printed. Email with results and letter came about 24 hours after they received my prints. Whole thing was about 7-8 business days. I believe I will receive a copy of the clearance letter via snail mail as well but printed copy from email looks good. Somewhere I read that you can get your finger prints taken at any police station in the US. And it is possible to get a State clearance letter (not FBI) from the local police station. I'm not sure if State clearance works for visa. Actually I'm not 100 % sure my FBI clearance will work. I've decided not to go to LA to get my visa until mid April. Leaving April 23.

Ok, medical clearance. I don't have a primary doctor here in the States. Mine retired. They were so booked where I normally am seen that to get an appointment with a new doctor would take over 2 months. So I tried to get a clinic to fill out the form. Called around... no, no, no. Lots of places say they do medical clearance for immigration but they only do it for those wanting to get INTO the US, not those going out. Some would look at the form and see the Thai wording and freak because they didn't know if the Thai wording said the same as the English wording right below it. Really people? I found an urgent care place that said they'd do appt and sign for $158, but they wanted me to get a quantiferon TB test first... that's another $150 here in the States. I got them to finally agree on a regular TB skin test and I went and got that done at a funky little medical place I found online for $35. Took 2.5 days for TB skin test. Meanwhile, I found out that an old primary doctor I had seen a few years ago at a different facility, who had moved to Michigan but (because of popular demand) was coming back to California to see patients a couple of days a month, had an opening the next week. Since he had seen me once before, he agreed to do an annual physical (made it free thru my insurance because of my insurance - 1 annual preventative appt per year is free, the intent care appt would have been out off pocket) and I emailed him the form ahead of time and he agreed to sign it.... if I was healthy.... which I am. At the appt he said he didn't need the TB test that I had gotten, and he signed it.

so that's my story. Your's will probably be different. I hear the medical clearance is easy in Thailand. Walk into any doctors office and if you are breathing they will sign. Don't know if that is true, just what I read on blogs. It seems like US doctors take it more seriously... are afraid to sign anything. Ragarding the FBI clearance, that was easy. Fill out form on line, pay money, get finger prints and mail in, about 10 days later get email of clearance letter.

I hope this helps :)

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Just curious.... Why didn't you come to Thailand and enter with 30 days visa exempt, apply for a 90-day Non O visa, put your 800k in Thai bank and apply for your 1 year extension-of-stay after the 800k seasoning at a cost of 3,900 THB (2,000 for 90-day & 1,900 for 1 year) instead of doing everything you posted below. I did mine here... no medical, no police reports, no fingerprints, no traveling to other states in USA; Los Angeles, Chicago, New York or Washington DC. Just asking... Did you know you could do it here? Getting an extra year out of an O-A by leaving Thailand and re-entering before the 1 year O-A expires only saves you 1,900 THB for the 2nd year extension, but it costs to leave & re-enter Thailand to get that extra year, so to me that's a wash. For me, it was so much easier to do it here. Just wondering why you didn't do it here.

7 hours ago, hapy2rtire said:

Hi Sorry for the late reply. I'm crazy busy trying to get all things worked out to rent my house.

For FBI there is a website that tells how to do it. You fill in the application on line and pay ($12 I think, maybe $18 - I forgot), then go some place and get your fingerprints taken. In the states you can get it done at a UPS/packaging /mailing store. The FBI site stated they do not accept the electronic finger prints, only the real ink fingerprints on an official card. Finger prints cost me $38 USD. Then snail mail the prints to the FBI. They say it takes 5 business days to process from the time they receive prints. I received email when the received prints (took about 5-6 business days), then I received email with results and "Clearance Letter" which I printed. Email with results and letter came about 24 hours after they received my prints. Whole thing was about 7-8 business days. I believe I will receive a copy of the clearance letter via snail mail as well but printed copy from email looks good. Somewhere I read that you can get your finger prints taken at any police station in the US. And it is possible to get a State clearance letter (not FBI) from the local police station. I'm not sure if State clearance works for visa. Actually I'm not 100 % sure my FBI clearance will work. I've decided not to go to LA to get my visa until mid April. Leaving April 23.

Ok, medical clearance. I don't have a primary doctor here in the States. Mine retired. They were so booked where I normally am seen that to get an appointment with a new doctor would take over 2 months. So I tried to get a clinic to fill out the form. Called around... no, no, no. Lots of places say they do medical clearance for immigration but they only do it for those wanting to get INTO the US, not those going out. Some would look at the form and see the Thai wording and freak because they didn't know if the Thai wording said the same as the English wording right below it. Really people? I found an urgent care place that said they'd do appt and sign for $158, but they wanted me to get a quantiferon TB test first... that's another $150 here in the States. I got them to finally agree on a regular TB skin test and I went and got that done at a funky little medical place I found online for $35. Took 2.5 days for TB skin test. Meanwhile, I found out that an old primary doctor I had seen a few years ago at a different facility, who had moved to Michigan but (because of popular demand) was coming back to California to see patients a couple of days a month, had an opening the next week. Since he had seen me once before, he agreed to do an annual physical (made it free thru my insurance because of my insurance - 1 annual preventative appt per year is free, the intent care appt would have been out off pocket) and I emailed him the form ahead of time and he agreed to sign it.... if I was healthy.... which I am. At the appt he said he didn't need the TB test that I had gotten, and he signed it.

so that's my story. Your's will probably be different. I hear the medical clearance is easy in Thailand. Walk into any doctors office and if you are breathing they will sign. Don't know if that is true, just what I read on blogs. It seems like US doctors take it more seriously... are afraid to sign anything. Ragarding the FBI clearance, that was easy. Fill out form on line, pay money, get finger prints and mail in, about 10 days later get email of clearance letter.

I hope this helps ????

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Hi hapy2rtire,

Congrats on you upcoming move. I can see by your posts that you are excited. Just have to ask... I read where you have to drive 8 hrs to Thai Consulate in LA, probably stay 1 night minimum in hotel, then drive home and you had to see a doctor for medical, do TB test, fingerprints, FBI report or clearance, plus $200 O-A visa fee, etc. Seems like you are probably spending about $800 or so on gas, hotels, fees, etc. If you did in Thailand you would get 30 days visa exempt, 90-days Non O visa (2,000 THB) and a 1 year extension (1,900 THB) + 3,800 more for multiple re-entry (or 1,000 for a single entry) permit, so you would have to travel more than 4 times per year outside to make the multiple more cost effective. Total cost about $250 for 16 months of stay. Your 2nd 12 mth extension is 1,900 THB + 1,000 single or 3,800 for multiple re-entry. I think it would have been easier and less expensive to do in Thailand. Anyway, have a good move...

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On 3/12/2019 at 11:17 AM, JohnnyBD said:

Hi hapy2rtire,

Congrats on you upcoming move. I can see by your posts that you are excited. Just have to ask... I read where you have to drive 8 hrs to Thai Consulate in LA, probably stay 1 night minimum in hotel, then drive home and you had to see a doctor for medical, do TB test, fingerprints, FBI report or clearance, plus $200 O-A visa fee, etc. Seems like you are probably spending about $800 or so on gas, hotels, fees, etc. If you did in Thailand you would get 30 days visa exempt, 90-days Non O visa (2,000 THB) and a 1 year extension (1,900 THB) + 3,800 more for multiple re-entry (or 1,000 for a single entry) permit, so you would have to travel more than 4 times per year outside to make the multiple more cost effective. Total cost about $250 for 16 months of stay. Your 2nd 12 mth extension is 1,900 THB + 1,000 single or 3,800 for multiple re-entry. I think it would have been easier and less expensive to do in Thailand. Anyway, have a good move...

Hi JohnnyBD,

I've been away from the forum for a few days. You hit the nail on the head... didn't know. Also a little scared. i did not want to get over there and then have to come back for some "visa-mistake". I had decided on a 5 year retirement visa... sounded good to me. Would have to put some money in a Thai bank for a few months but then could take it out (or so I read - I am finding that websites have all sorts of kooky information), then wouldn't have to worry about visa for 5 years... ahhh relax and do what I want. Then I read I couldn't get 5 year visa here in the US, that the best way to do it (per the couple of sites I found) was to get the 1 year O-A here first, then convert to 5 year over there. So that was my plan. Regarding the $'s in gas to drive to LA, my son lives in LA and I want to see him before I go. So I would be driving down there and spending the night in hotel (he lives in dorm) anyway. Regarding rig-ma-role of Tb tests and FBI checks, I was under the impression those were necessary even if you applied from within Thailand. I heard the medical clearance was easier in Thailand... as I said, I read that one could just about walk into any Thai MD office and if you are breathing they sign, but I assumed the FBI clearance would be more difficult from over there. It was actually quite easy here. Getting TB test was a waste because as I said, for a while the only place I could find that was willing to do the medical clearance wanted it. But I am a nurse and had to get TB tests every year for work for over 20 years, so it didn't seem like too much inconvenience at the time, same-same every year, just this year it wasn't free from my work. Yes I've wasted a couple of hundred dollars doing it this way, but my head is clear and my stress level is calm. Live and learn. Next time will be cheaper. 

Thank you all for your help.

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34 minutes ago, hapy2rtire said:

Hi JohnnyBD,

I've been away from the forum for a few days. You hit the nail on the head... didn't know. Also a little scared. i did not want to get over there and then have to come back for some "visa-mistake". I had decided on a 5 year retirement visa... sounded good to me. Would have to put some money in a Thai bank for a few months but then could take it out (or so I read - I am finding that websites have all sorts of kooky information), then wouldn't have to worry about visa for 5 years... ahhh relax and do what I want. Then I read I couldn't get 5 year visa here in the US, that the best way to do it (per the couple of sites I found) was to get the 1 year O-A here first, then convert to 5 year over there. So that was my plan. Regarding the $'s in gas to drive to LA, my son lives in LA and I want to see him before I go. So I would be driving down there and spending the night in hotel (he lives in dorm) anyway. Regarding rig-ma-role of Tb tests and FBI checks, I was under the impression those were necessary even if you applied from within Thailand. I heard the medical clearance was easier in Thailand... as I said, I read that one could just about walk into any Thai MD office and if you are breathing they sign, but I assumed the FBI clearance would be more difficult from over there. It was actually quite easy here. Getting TB test was a waste because as I said, for a while the only place I could find that was willing to do the medical clearance wanted it. But I am a nurse and had to get TB tests every year for work for over 20 years, so it didn't seem like too much inconvenience at the time, same-same every year, just this year it wasn't free from my work. Yes I've wasted a couple of hundred dollars doing it this way, but my head is clear and my stress level is calm. Live and learn. Next time will be cheaper. 

Thank you all for your help.

I understand totally... a little extra money is worth the peace of mind to make the trip so much more relaxing when you have everything done already and don't have to worry. Wish you well in your move. You will love it here I think... some things are so easy. There's scooter delivery for everything, not like US where it's only pizzas. My wife wanted fresh seafood yesterday, so she got online, texted people she know to get some steamed crabs & crayfish delivered directly from the gulf coast (2 hrs away). They steamed them, put them in Styrofoam chest, put them on a bus and wife picked them up at bus station 10 min from our condo in BK (still hot). It doesn't get any easier than that... Enjoy your retirement and if ever in BK, look me up... send me private message, ok... I am from Louisiana, moved here in 2016 after finishing a 40 year career with same company.  

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25 minutes ago, hapy2rtire said:

Would have to put some money in a Thai bank for a few months but then could take it out (or so I read - I am finding that websites have all sorts of kooky information), then wouldn't have to worry about visa for 5 years... ahhh relax and do what I want. Then I read I couldn't get 5 year visa here in the US, that the best way to do it (per the couple of sites I found) was to get the 1 year O-A here first, then convert to 5 year over there.

You are finding a lot of incorrect information. The non-ox 10 year visa application can only be done at a embassy or one of the official consulates. Immigration here will not issue one as shown on some websites. That is false info that came out when the OX visa was first approved. 

The requirements for the non-ox visa is here on the LA consulate website. http://www.thaiconsulatela.org/service_visa_detail.aspx?link_id=85

The only thing immigration here will issue is a one year extension of stay based upon retirement.

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4 minutes ago, JohnnyBD said:

I understand totally... a little extra money is worth the peace of mind to make the trip so much more relaxing when you have everything done already and don't have to worry. Wish you well in your move. You will love it here I think... some things are so easy. There's scooter delivery for everything, not like US where it's only pizzas. My wife wanted fresh seafood yesterday, so she got online, texted people she know to get 2 kilo steamed crabs & 2 kilo crayfish delivered directly from the gulf coast (2 hrs away). They steamed them, put them in Styrofoam chest, put them on the people bus and wife picked them up at bus station 10 min from our condo in BK. It doesn't get any easier than that... Enjoy your retirement and if ever in BK, look me up... send me private message, ok... I am from Louisiana, moved here in 2016 after 40 year career with Dow Chemical.  

If you have that much money and truly want to relax, the Elite visa is the way to go.  The money will be gone forever but it is certainly stress free for those with the cash.

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42 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

You are finding a lot of incorrect information. The non-ox 10 year visa application can only be done at a embassy or one of the official consulates.

The link you provided is what I thought and what I was told.

Regarding the "non-ox 10 year visa application can only be done at an embassy...", do you mean out of country/out of Thailand? Because that is the exact opposite of what I was told by Thai immigrations. I was told by Thai immigrations that it can only be granted from within Thailand. One reason is because of the Thai bank account requirement. It is difficult to get a Thai bank account unless you live there and either have a work permit or a long term lease agreement. Hence you have to be in-country to satisfy that requirement. I have not heard of nor found a way to obtain a Thai bank account outside of Thailand?  And that's why I am going for the 1 year OA rather than coming over with a 90 day, because I figured it would be easier to get a lease with a 1 year visa, then easier to get a bank account with a lease, then wallah, 5 year visa with a bank account.

But now after obtaining some info from this forum and another, and realizing I am planning on traveling a lot while over there, so going in and out over the years anyway, I am questioning whether I need the 5 year visa at all. Basically, I had a plan I thought worked well... still might.... but realizing I don't really need to have it so planned out. There are lots of options ????


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3 minutes ago, hapy2rtire said:

The link you provided is what I thought and what I was told.

Regarding the "non-ox 10 year visa application can only be done at an embassy...", do you mean out of country/out of Thailand? Because that is the exact opposite of what I was told by Thai immigrations. I was told by Thai immigrations that it can only be granted from within Thailand. One reason is because of the Thai bank account requirement. It is difficult to get a Thai bank account unless you live there and either have a work permit or a long term lease agreement. Hence you have to be in-country to satisfy that requirement. I have not heard of nor found a way to obtain a Thai bank account outside of Thailand?  And that's why I am going for the 1 year OA rather than coming over with a 90 day, because I figured it would be easier to get a lease with a 1 year visa, then easier to get a bank account with a lease, then wallah, 5 year visa with a bank account.

But now after obtaining some info from this forum and another, and realizing I am planning on traveling a lot while over there, so going in and out over the years anyway, I am questioning whether I need the 5 year visa at all. Basically, I had a plan I thought worked well... still might.... but realizing I don't really need to have it so planned out. There are lots of options ????


Yes it does mean out of Thailand and that is the catch 22.  You come to Thailand on whatever visa, get a bank account, leave Thailand and apply for a non-ox.

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12 minutes ago, hapy2rtire said:

Regarding the "non-ox 10 year visa application can only be done at an embassy...", do you mean out of country/out of Thailand?

In your case it can only be applied for the states at the embassy or one of the official consulates.


12 minutes ago, hapy2rtire said:

Because that is the exact opposite of what I was told by Thai immigrations. I was told by Thai immigrations that it can only be granted from within Thailand.

Are you sure he was referring to the OX long stay visa. If you asked him about 5 year visa he might of thought you were asking about a Thai Elite visa.


12 minutes ago, hapy2rtire said:

I have not heard of nor found a way to obtain a Thai bank account outside of Thailand?  And that's why I am going for the 1 year OA rather than coming over with a 90 day, because I figured it would be easier to get a lease with a 1 year visa, then easier to get a bank account with a lease, then wallah, 5 year visa with a bank account.

It is certainly not possible to open a Thai bank account anywhere than here.

The OA visa is probably you best option at this time. 

As I wrote you got got some wrong info about the 5 year visa for the OX visa which is really called a 10 year visa since you would get another 5 year visa after the first one if you continued to qualify for it by showing the annual requirements.


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21 minutes ago, AAArdvark said:

Yes it does mean out of Thailand and that is the catch 22.  You come to Thailand on whatever visa, get a bank account, leave Thailand and apply for a non-ox.

Whaaaa? How crazy is that? Geez. Well if I decide on the OX, I'll have to come home and visit kids. Not a bad option but not what I thought nor was told. Thank you for the clarification. AAArdvark... I owe you like 3 dinners ????

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19 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

Are you sure he was referring to the OX long stay visa. If you asked him about 5 year visa he might of thought you were asking about a Thai Elite visa.

Ahhhh, maybe that's it. Maybe he was talking about the Elite visa. Ok, ok, I am really getting confused with the nomenclature. I thought the 5 year retirement visa (10 year because it can be renewed), the non-OX 5 year visa and the Elite Visa were all the same, just different wording. I just looked up Elite Visa... no way! Now I understand why AAArdvark said the money would be gone forever. Whoa, super expensive, and for me not worth the $'s. Nope, not going to do that. But maybe that's what the immigration officer was referring to. Now it makes sense. Thank you both for clarifying.

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Hi JohnnyBD,
I've been away from the forum for a few days. You hit the nail on the head... didn't know. Also a little scared. i did not want to get over there and then have to come back for some "visa-mistake". I had decided on a 5 year retirement visa... sounded good to me. Would have to put some money in a Thai bank for a few months but then could take it out (or so I read - I am finding that websites have all sorts of kooky information), then wouldn't have to worry about visa for 5 years... ahhh relax and do what I want. Then I read I couldn't get 5 year visa here in the US, that the best way to do it (per the couple of sites I found) was to get the 1 year O-A here first, then convert to 5 year over there. So that was my plan. Regarding the $'s in gas to drive to LA, my son lives in LA and I want to see him before I go. So I would be driving down there and spending the night in hotel (he lives in dorm) anyway. Regarding rig-ma-role of Tb tests and FBI checks, I was under the impression those were necessary even if you applied from within Thailand. I heard the medical clearance was easier in Thailand... as I said, I read that one could just about walk into any Thai MD office and if you are breathing they sign, but I assumed the FBI clearance would be more difficult from over there. It was actually quite easy here. Getting TB test was a waste because as I said, for a while the only place I could find that was willing to do the medical clearance wanted it. But I am a nurse and had to get TB tests every year for work for over 20 years, so it didn't seem like too much inconvenience at the time, same-same every year, just this year it wasn't free from my work. Yes I've wasted a couple of hundred dollars doing it this way, but my head is clear and my stress level is calm. Live and learn. Next time will be cheaper. 
Thank you all for your help.

Doe the Thai LA consul have a recommended local clinic in the SoCal area that can do the medical checks?

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Doe the Thai LA consul have a recommended local clinic in the SoCal area that can do the medical checks?

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I would be surprised if the Thai Embassy or any of the Thai Consulates were in the business of recommending doctors.

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On 3/8/2019 at 2:42 AM, hapy2rtire said:

Hey KCM,

Great advice!1 I opened CS accounts about 6 months ago. Thank you

Good move. I have been a Schwab customer for over a decade. Great customer service.


You note that you opened accounts, plural. Did you open High-Yield Investor Checking and Savings accounts? If so, did you get debit cards for each account or just one debit card that is connected to both accounts? I suggest getting a separate debit card for each account. You can use the one for your checking account and keep the one for the savings account in reserve in case you lose the checking account debit card or it is otherwise compromised. If something happens to the checking account card, all you have to do is call Schwab or log into you account and transfer the funds to the savings account until you get a new checking account debit card. I keep a nominal amount in the savings account that would carry me over until I could transfer funds. 



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I would be surprised if the Thai Embassy or any of the Thai Consulates were in the business of recommending doctors.

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So why do agents then exist?
Perhaps a connection to a local physician perhaps one who can easily identify the third stage of syphillis or tropical diseases like elephantiasis unheard of in the Northern Hemisphere would be beneficial.

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18 minutes ago, Date Masamune said:

So why do agents then exist?
Perhaps a connection to a local physician perhaps one who can easily identify the third stage of syphillis or tropical diseases like elephantiasis unheard of in the Northern Hemisphere would be beneficial.

There might be some agents that can assist with getting the paperwork together but they would not be allowed to submit the application.

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