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Lets Talk Thailand


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Yesterday I was listening to a radio commentator here in the North East USA. This guy is a political bomb thrower and touched on Thailand when he was talking about how the American people are sheep to the media.

He touched on Thailand and the change in power. He commented on how the expats there don't even realize that they are on their way out by slight changes in the laws. He spoke about how the western visitors are destroying Thailand by waving their money at them and rubbing it in their faces and use Thailand as a place for old men to go and die.

He went on to say that if you questioned it then look at the laws. Only Thai can own the land, They just made it more difficult for the non-Thai to live there and influence their society. The Muslim south rose-up, a coup was staged and now who sits in the seat of power? A Muslim, and what does Muslim religion and the Western man have in common? Conflict....

The commentator was Michael Savage and I did tone down his venom, that is why I did not use quotes. If I quoted him the post would be locked and deleted.

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Paul, I am not sure why his being a Muslim in charge of the current 'couped up' government has anything to do with it.

Most of these changes where in the pipeline or existance before the coup took place when TRT was in charge.

This Michael Savage fella seems to be just playing the anti muslim card to me and what he hopes to gain from it is anyones guess but it sounds like he is trying to promote his own cause what ever that may be.

What he has said is nothing new or interesting that we don't know already.

Edited by Casanundra
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My guess is that there's a media handbook that outlines which topics and word choices will elicit the greatest amount of audience. Anything that includes Muslims, prostitutes, class warfare are all rich fodder for these consciousless purveyors of bullshit. Nothing gets you market share like conflict.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Yesterday I was listening to a radio commentator here in the North East USA.

Call your radio station and ask that commentator a few probing questions.

Has he ever been outside of the USA?

Has he ever been to Thailand?

If he has, has he been to Thailand in the last 20 years?

Does he personally know any Muslims?

Can he tell you anything about the history of Thailand's southern provinces?

Can he find Thailand on a world map?

Has he even got a passport?

Edited by GuestHouse
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Yeah, Michael Savage is a radio guy that likes to get your blood boiling, but I felt he did have something interesting to say and the Thailand thing came out from left field. And he did predict that once the coup happened that a Muslim would take power. I don't think he is riding the wave of Anti Muslim, he likes to think of himself as a person who can connect the dots and see the big picture.

But I do agree with him that Thailand, for now, wants visitors but does not enjoy the Non-Thai living there. I think they feel there are too many Non-Thai living there.

Paul, I am not sure why his being a Muslim in charge of the current 'couped up' government has anything to do with it.

Most of these changes where in the pipeline or existance before the coup took place when TRT was in charge.

This Michael Savage fella seems to be just playing the anti muslim card to me and what he hopes to gain from it is anyones guess but it sounds like he is trying to promote his own cause what ever that may be.

What he has said is nothing new or interesting that we don't know already.

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Yesterday I was listening to a radio commentator here in the North East USA.

Call your radio station and ask that commentator a few probing questions.

Has he ever been outside of the USA?

Has he ever been to Thailand?

If he has, has he been to Thailand in the last 20 years?

Does he personally know any Muslims?

Can he tell you anything about the history of Thailand's southern provinces?

Can he find Thailand on a world map?

Has he even got a passport?

Easy on, GH. To many questions for my sleepy head. I've never been to Indonesia and only visited Malaysia twice but from what I gather they both have loadsa muslims and it doesn't seem to affect their tourist or expat trade unduly. Your input please, since there must be some fact versus theory there.

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To answer the provocative thread question (I almost wrote threat question), having a Muslim in charge of the junta means nothing in particular to this farang in Thailand.

North-east USA, the self-proclaimed experts on everything in the 50 states, even if they've never left New England, except to attend grade school and fail in several businesses. :o

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Why would I care what he said? Even here on Thai Visa we have a lot of experts who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. One thing did strike a chord with me. I DID come here to die. I'm not planning to do that anytime soon but Thailand is the place I chose to live out my remaining years. I choose to make my own decisions the same as I have done all my life. I have an advantage over some people in that I was never given anything so I have no one to answer to. My life belongs to my to live it as I see fit. I earned every bit of money that I have so it is up to me what to do with it.

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If your interested, here is his bio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Savage_(commentator)

He is a national commentator.

Yesterday I was listening to a radio commentator here in the North East USA.

Call your radio station and ask that commentator a few probing questions.

Has he ever been outside of the USA?

Has he ever been to Thailand?

If he has, has he been to Thailand in the last 20 years?

Does he personally know any Muslims?

Can he tell you anything about the history of Thailand's southern provinces?

Can he find Thailand on a world map?

Has he even got a passport?

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Yesterday I was listening to a radio commentator here in the North East USA. This guy is a political bomb thrower and touched on Thailand when he was talking about how the American people are sheep to the media.

He touched on Thailand and the change in power. He commented on how the expats there don't even realize that they are on their way out by slight changes in the laws. He spoke about how the western visitors are destroying Thailand by waving their money at them and rubbing it in their faces and use Thailand as a place for old men to go and die.

He went on to say that if you questioned it then look at the laws. Only Thai can own the land, They just made it more difficult for the non-Thai to live there and influence their society. The Muslim south rose-up, a coup was staged and now who sits in the seat of power? A Muslim, and what does Muslim religion and the Western man have in common? Conflict....

The commentator was Michael Savage and I did tone down his venom, that is why I did not use quotes. If I quoted him the post would be locked and deleted.

Who cares what foreign commentators say about thailand. They are not thai & do not live here.

Eg. The honourable & ignorant Helen Clarke PM NZ - saying that the coup is absolutley unacceptable, because a democratically elected govt. was forceably removed from office. (demecratically elected - horse sfit, bought would be a better word), to the international community whilst over 90% of thais supported it. Absolutley No IDEA.

Do you really think a muslim in thailand is the same breed that comes from some of the fanatics spawned from Iran. Absolutely not. The one we are talking about is thai first. Patriot second. Soldier third & muslim fourth.

I am not sure you understand who is really in charge in thailand.

Have a guess.......

May the divine bless his being & his generations to come, Bless his soul.


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Yes I know who savage is, what I'd like to know is, has he any direct experience of Thailand or indeed anywere outside of the USA?

Mods, is this thread a duplicate of the 'Venting Septic Tanks' Thread over on the Real Estate, housing, house and land ownership branch?

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I am sure he has. My focus was not so much on him as it was on his message. I can't speak for him and I don't want to speak for him. I only had hoped his words would be a spark that ignited discussion on the future direction of Thailand and what role non-Thai's will play in the country. I think that would be more interesting than a debate about Michael Savage. :o

Yes I know who savage is, what I'd like to know is, has he any direct experience of Thailand or indeed anywere outside of the USA?

Mods, is this thread a duplicate of the 'Venting Septic Tanks' Thread over on the Real Estate, housing, house and land ownership branch?

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STOOOOOOOOOOOOP BULLSHITTING!!!!! U seem to live everywhere cause in your previouse posts you had claimed you are currently living in Pattaya and thats where you wished to be killed as(gay wearing pink I love Boy Jeorge shirt) in the thread of two Russain women !or am I wrong so leave the politics game and stop provocating ppl on such sensitve issues!!

I beg the members of this forum to see and read his previous posts and comments and you can clearly find what lies beneath this post.



Edited by zaza
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My focus was not so much on him as it was on his message.

Yes I see that, and I get his message.

He's a right wing Jew spouting <deleted> about Muslims in a country I doubt he has ever visited and in which they (the Muslims being discussed) are citizens.

Oh but of course, if he's accused of being bigoted he claims to have been provocative in the interest of debate.

He does that better than you do, but it's still feeble thinking.

The bottom line is, the current leader of the Thai military government is two things, he's a Muslim AND he's Thai.

Just like very many of the people in the southern provinces.

Thailand is his country, it is their country. Let they (the Thais) decide what they want for Thailand and let American Talk Radio be known for what it is ... little more than Septic Tank Venting.

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My focus was not so much on him as it was on his message.

Yes I see that, and I get his message.

He's a right wing Jew spouting <deleted> about Muslims in a country I doubt he has ever visited and in which they (the Muslims being discussed) are citizens.

Oh but of course, if he's accused of being bigoted he claims to have been provocative in the interest of debate.

He does that better than you do, but it's still feeble thinking.

The bottom line is, the current leader of the Thai military government is two things, he's a Muslim AND he's Thai.

Just like very many of the people in the southern provinces.

Thailand is his country, it is their country. Let they (the Thais) decide what they want for Thailand and let American Talk Radio be known for what it is ... little more than Septic Tank Venting.

Guesthouse is very smart are you a Muslim or becoming one,

Edited by HenryB
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Oh stop it... I am in Delaware and only visit Thailand for 4 weeks out of the year and I now tend to visit in October & November. I am simply a work-a-day guy who enjoys talking with other folk who enjoy talking about Thailand. Sometimes I know I do not fully express myself clearly when writing and I am working on changing that.

I know that most people would read your posts and hope I skip over it, but I don't have a problem typing a reply to a person that worked so hard to get my attention. :D

And I never expressed a wish to be killed... I already know how I will die... I will be crushed to death when all these windows I opened on my PC come crashing down and Alt+Tab are out of reach :o

STOOOOOOOOOOOOP BULLSHITTING!!!!! U seem to live everywhere cause in your previouse posts you had claimed you are currently living in Pattaya and thats where you wished to be killed as(gay wearing pink I love Boy Jeorge shirt) in the thread of two Russain women !or am I wrong so leave the politics game and stop provocating ppl on such sensitve issues!!

I beg the members of this forum to see and read his previous posts and comments and you can clearly find what lies beneath this post.



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No Henry, I am not a Muslim, nor am in anyway planning to become a Muslim - Despite having read the Qur’an and regardless that I'll probably study Arabic next year, since it seems circumstance is to offer the chance to do so.

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The bottom line is, the current leader of the Thai military government is two things, he's a Muslim AND he's Thai.

Just like very many of the people in the southern provinces.

Thailand is his country, it is their country. Let they (the Thais) decide what they want

Yes, on this I agree... :o

Now I am wondering if Thailand's new leader will remember the mandates of Islam and begin to dismantle the "Red Light Districts", rekindle the social order campaign and begin to slowly introduce laws and policies that will bring a not so happy ending to a massage that use to bring-on a happy ending?

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The bottom line is, the current leader of the Thai military government is two things, he's a Muslim AND he's Thai.

Just like very many of the people in the southern provinces.

Thailand is his country, it is their country. Let they (the Thais) decide what they want

Yes, on this I agree... :o

Now I am wondering if Thailand's new leader will remember the mandates of Islam and begin to dismantle the "Red Light Districts", rekindle the social order campaign and begin to slowly introduce laws and policies that will bring a not so happy ending to a massage that use to bring-on a happy ending?

Thank you we need more Americans like you.

Edited by HenryB
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My focus was not so much on him as it was on his message.

Yes I see that, and I get his message.

He's a right wing Jew spouting <deleted> about Muslims in a country I doubt he has ever visited and in which they (the Muslims being discussed) are citizens.

Oh but of course, if he's accused of being bigoted he claims to have been provocative in the interest of debate.

He does that better than you do, but it's still feeble thinking.

The bottom line is, the current leader of the Thai military government is two things, he's a Muslim AND he's Thai.

Just like very many of the people in the southern provinces.

Thailand is his country, it is their country. Let they (the Thais) decide what they want for Thailand and let American Talk Radio be known for what it is ... little more than Septic Tank Venting.

Dead on! :o

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I don't know... This is over my head... But the president of the USA is not all that Powerful. He does not write law, he only has a chance to veto a law. He can declare war and issue pardons but the real power is in Congress... Those who control the money are those who control the power. I like to think of the President of the USA much like you would look at the star on top of a Christmas tree. Some look good and some don't, neither truly effect the overall look of the tree and they all have parts of that tree so far up them that they can't move and if they could move they would lean and fall.... Prime Ministers have more power than a President would have if your using the USA as a model.

Isn't the office of Thai Prime Minister similar to that of the PM in the UK in that he's primes inter pares (first amongst equals) rather than having power in the same way that the President of the USA does?
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I know that most people would read your posts and hope I skip over it, but I don't have a problem typing a reply to a person that worked so hard to get my attention. :D

Who's that person that is working too hard??? :o

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Not worrie about 'the woman on the other side USA',she likes to provoke herself a lot more then you ever will be!I think she just have to try to stay on topic,cause it is going nowhere now!!!! :o


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Michael Savage has about zero credibility on any topic. Read the two paras below (from a Salon.com article profile):

March 5, 2003 | At first glance, Michael Alan Weiner seems like an improbable candidate to be America's angriest, most vicious conservative radio host. Born 60 years ago in the Bronx, Weiner has lived in Northern California for most of his adult life, making a living as an herbalist and nutritionist. He communed with Fijian traditional healers, got married in a rain forest and studied ethno-medicine at the University of California at Berkeley. He swam naked with Allen Ginsberg, dreamed of being the next Lenny Bruce and wrote a rambling novel about a half-mad alter ego. His son's middle name is Goldencloud. For years, he made a name cranking out a pile of books on alternative medicine, recommending bizarre remedies such as using vitamin C to stop AIDS and kicking cocaine with coffee enemas.

These days, Weiner's more interested in purging the body politic. Using the pseudonym Michael Savage, he's launched a one-man mission to save America from its enemies at home and abroad, which on any given day includes liberals, gays, academics, the homeless, the Clintons, immigrants, feminists, CNN, the American Civil Liberties Union, Muslims and other minorities. Broadcasting three hours a day, five afternoons a week, from a rented studio in downtown San Francisco, he gives voice to the right wing's darkest fantasies. He muses about launching preemptive nuclear strikes on the Middle East ("I wish to God the hatches were open and the missiles were flying!"), suggests gunning down illegal immigrants ("If we had a government, we'd blow them out of the desert with airplanes!"), dreams of dispatching with "commies, pinkos and perverts" and other undesirables ("I say round them up and hang 'em high!") and even paraphrases a remark attributed to Nazi leader Hermann Goering ("When I hear someone's in the civil rights business, I oil up my AR-15!")

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