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Is this bar girl keen? Maybe a different story here


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On 06/03/2019 at 6:38 PM, A1Str8 said:

All this never try to take the bar out of the girl is nonsense. I have seen many, i mean many, that were eager to leave with a man like you(based on your description), nice looking, well dressed, etc and never look back.

The girlfriend of hers phoned her immediately when you showed up and she wasnt there, because Kate obviously told her friend, that wow, i really like this guy. Thats why they gave her the intel right away, your guy is here. If she wasnt into you, that would have never happened. You gotta watch the subtle signs, which they think you dont notice.
Of course, do not by any means trust her and think that oh yeah, she loves me. But you already know that. But if you like her and she clearly likes you, why not see where it goes. You just have to get clear with yourself from the beginning: you wont make fool moves! as in no money to her family, no moving to isaan, nothing goes under her name, not giving her large amounts of money, not believing everything she says and not letting her control any aspect of your life.
Here is how their brain works: if he is nice with me i am nice with him. if he gives me some money, i will be still forced to go with other guys. if he gives me more dough, then i wont have to. i can stop being a bar girl. if he leaves me, i will go back to the bar. if he cheats on me, i will take revenge. Pretty simple.
All you have to do is clearly let her know by your actions and words the next time you meet her, that you are not one of these clowns that she can take advantage of. Have fun with her, get to know her  but keep a keen eye on her. Never mind what she says. By their actions you shall know them.
And who cares if she is a slut. Every girl is, i know from experience. They just wont say it ,like these girls do. And what would you do if you were in their shoes? You either work at 7-11 and never make ends meet or use the only asset you were given and go with guys.
Its actually quite easy to see, whether she is the type of bar girl, that would leave this job behind, the moment she gets a chance or the one that has no aspirations and is totally hopeless. Watch her behaviour. How does she conduct herself? Watch the things she does for others. Is she a shrewd little thing or a pleasant one to be around? Does she do drugs? A lot of them do. If yes, run. She wont quit. Its actually so simple to read people, especially women, because they are more emotional by design. Which is easy to read. 

Though a fair bit of truth in this post. Question is, why would you possibly choose a bar girl to have a relationship with? You're in Thailand <deleted>. Young guys can find a girl who is at least a slightly better bet within a day or two. 

Why back Burnley to win the premier League when you can back Man city? 

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On 3/6/2019 at 11:44 PM, Hansuman said:


Could this girl genuinely be interested in me?

What's the catch?

I jokingly said she should come visit me in my country and she said she might do it next year. 




Of course she could be keen. You're a young guy, cleanly shaven, you sound innocent and serious - you're just what the girls want.


But there are about a million prettier girls you could probably get in Thailand.


She knows this so she'll be possessive fearing you'll meet someone better.

If she's working in a bar, it's probably because she has some problem, a kid, sick relative, gambling, etc. If she's not working bar then she needs to get the money from somewhere, it'll probably be you (or some other guys), whether she likes you jing or not.



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