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What Brexit game is EU playing? British parliament leader Leadsom asks


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14 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"Well, if you knew the NHS intimately, you would know that it's nowhere near enough money."


I'm pretty sure that's because a govt. (Blair's? or was it Thatcher's?) decided the NHS required MANY more layers of admin...... ☹️


Agree with the second para., but as a result of the brexit referendum I don't think they'll be brave enough to try this for a while.

The "layers of admin" have been repeatedly reduced over the last 20 years. It's because the Government is persuing a policy of privatising the NHS by stealth, with more and more work being outsourced. The first one was cleaning which produced a national epidemic of hospital borne infections.

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17 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

That is one view.  The other view is that the EU have discovered the Achiles Tendon of the UK which is the Northern/Southern Ireland Border issue.  UK has made creditable proposals on how to manage the Border Crossing and lets face it modern technology could easily overcome this, but the EU have said no.  Why?  Because they are very angry that the UK has the temerity to leave and to stop the massive payments to this "Jobs for the Boys" autocracy.  They also want to make an example of the UK to frighten off the other Members from even thinking of leaving the EU.  I have my doubts as to how long the EU will remain a creditable Union of the 27 Countries who are currently Members, some of whom have already expressed thoughts of leaving.

Would make sense if not for the fact that the issue is being driven by the ROI on the EU's side and by May's red line on the British side.

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49 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

That is one view.  The other view is that the EU have discovered the Achiles Tendon of the UK which is the Northern/Southern Ireland Border issue.  UK has made creditable proposals on how to manage the Border Crossing and lets face it modern technology could easily overcome this, but the EU have said no.  Why?  Because they are very angry that the UK has the temerity to leave and to stop the massive payments to this "Jobs for the Boys" autocracy.  They also want to make an example of the UK to frighten off the other Members from even thinking of leaving the EU.  I have my doubts as to how long the EU will remain a creditable Union of the 27 Countries who are currently Members, some of whom have already expressed thoughts of leaving.



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38 minutes ago, vogie said:

Necessity is the mother of all invention.

If you have 999 chances in 1000 that the thing will fail, so hurry to do the 999 first tests, because the 1000th will probably be the right one."

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55 minutes ago, vogie said:

Do you feel the need to use "failure to plan" in every one of your posts today?


It hasn't been invented yet because it wasn't necessary, now it is necessary it will be easily invented. Please don't say 'that aint necessarily so'

Right now the necessity facing Brexit is the absence of a plan.


Get to it, you’re running out of Brexit.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

It hasn't been invented yet because it wasn't necessary, now it is necessary it will be easily invented. Please don't say 'that aint necessarily so'

You cannot honestly expect that any sane person would sign-off something that is necessary but hasn’t been invented, purely based on crystal ball promises of the same people who couldn’t even get their numbers on NHS contribution or immigrants from Turkey right. 


May I offer you to invest your life savings in a new technology that will give you 150% returns? It hasn’t been invented yet, but as you invest in my new technology, it will become necessary so it will easily be invented. 

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

It will be not be necessary for me to invest in your company, but thank you for your kind offer, I feel the need to tell you that after reading many of the eumainers posts I smell severe negativity and severe pessimism, which is not a quality I am looking for in business partners, it is the same quality that the EU possesses and has been pulling the UK down for many years now. If in the future attitudes changes I may re-think my decission, but as of this time thanks, but no thanks.

Wait, 150% returns on investing in a super-duper technology that just hasn’t been invented yet, and you don’t want to invest? I smell severe negativity and pessimism. 


How glad I am that we are represented by proper politicians and not castles-in-the-sky architects like


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4 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Wait, 150% returns on investing in a super-duper technology that just hasn’t been invented yet, and you don’t want to invest? I smell severe negativity and pessimism. 


How glad I am that we are represented by proper politicians and not castles-in-the-sky architects like


Proper politicians you say, ????????????




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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

Proper politicians you say, ????????????




You can mock people for their looks or their age as you like if that’s your thing. At the end of the day, it’s results that count. Look where your UK stands in that department. Let’s revisit the same question in one, two and five years from now. ???? 

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

Do you feel the need to use "failure to plan" in every one of your posts today?


It hasn't been invented yet because it wasn't necessary, now it is necessary it will be easily invented. Please don't say 'that aint necessarily so'

Next you’ll be telling us that Mexico is paying for it too...

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

I don't have a problem with his age, or looks, it is the plum wine he has a problem with. Does he not embarrass you at all with his antics.

No, I couldn’t care less. They are all just faces who are in it for the money and power; as long as they deliver, the deal works for me. And don’t ask about the things I do; plum wine would be the least problem I have in that department. 

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46 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

None-the backwards Europeans just can't read English signalling circa 1805.





Blimey, I thought SKC (forces telly) hadn't started until 1941 when Alan Whicker hit North Africa with Monty ????

Edited by evadgib
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12 hours ago, robertson468 said:

That is one view.  The other view is that the EU have discovered the Achiles Tendon of the UK which is the Northern/Southern Ireland Border issue.  UK has made creditable proposals on how to manage the Border Crossing and lets face it modern technology could easily overcome this, but the EU have said no.  Why?  Because they are very angry that the UK has the temerity to leave and to stop the massive payments to this "Jobs for the Boys" autocracy.  They also want to make an example of the UK to frighten off the other Members from even thinking of leaving the EU.  I have my doubts as to how long the EU will remain a creditable Union of the 27 Countries who are currently Members, some of whom have already expressed thoughts of leaving.

Managing the border is not the problem. That was agreed. The problem is about the ending of the backstop agreement. The UK first agreed this and now wants it changed because the Government doesn't have agreement on its own side. The UK has made zero credible new proposals re ending the backstop agreement. Your meanderings fails to address this very matter but never mind.

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On 3/10/2019 at 7:43 PM, Loiner said:

May’s surrender agreement will be voted down. Rees-Mogg said again this weekend that he won’t support it.
Neither a delay or second referendum is necessarily the next step. IF it were to be a delay, JRM’s opinion was that “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

More if this and if that's.

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On 3/10/2019 at 7:42 PM, LucysDad said:

I don't think the EU played at all.

Mourinho style - they just parked the bus.

An agreement was made between the UK and the EU. The UK came back for more but to-date have failed to produce a single proposal that makes any sense re the ending of the backstop. PS, Hard Brexiteers have hardly a credible record themselves when it comes to buses so might be best advised for a little shush in that arena.

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10 hours ago, vogie said:

I don't have a problem with his age, or looks, it is the plum wine he has a problem with. Does he not embarrass you at all with his antics.

No, but the Hard Brexiteers do. Sober or not.

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20 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

They're all as bad as each other, and I can't see any way out of this as it's the rare politician that genuinely cares about ordinary people.


The vast majority are obsessed by power and wealth.....☹️


I've said for decades that those that want to be politicians - are the very last people that should be allowed to be politicians.


Unfortunately (and understandably), most decent people aren't interested in becoming politicians.

Jo Cox proved you wrong until an extremist in the Brexit camp murdered her.

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11 hours ago, SheungWan said:

More if this and if that's.


1 hour ago, Loiner said:

That agreement of May’s is going to be rejected again.
If they can’t get an amendment through to delay the 29th March in our Withdrawal Act, then it’s happy days No Deal.

And there goes another one! (Yes to amendment extension: 1/5)

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