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'Brexit in peril' as PM May faces heavy defeat


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22 minutes ago, IssanMichael said:

I see posts on here saying Brexiteers failed to plan, how can 17m of the public plan anything? We voted to leave and leave we will. No deal no problem the Eu loss not ours, a difficult transitional period perhaps and then watch the UK FLY

It’s never to late to learn from past mistakes.


I urge you to undertake your pre-flight checks and please..... don’t forget your flight plan.

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1 hour ago, mfd101 said:

Well, I just watched all 40 minutes of this, the longest I'v ever listened to Mr Farage. I think it bears watching by everyone on this & related threads.


As an Aussie, with a healthy dose of scepticism towards most things English, I found it informative and - what is important in our globalizing & multicultural world - complexifying. That is, he represents 'the other side' in an ongoing difficult argument about our democratic & 'Western' futures in a hugely complex world. For that alone, everyone should watch & listen.


He is himself obviously intelligent, well-informed & very articulate. It would be wonderful to sit down with him and have an argument on almost any subject. At least one's brain cells would get a good working over.


I do wish however that he wouldn't say "Let's be honest" quite so often.

I’d love to sit down with Farage and get a full and honest answer to the question ‘What was he doing in the Ecuadorian Embassy?’.

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33 minutes ago, teacherofwoe said:

Well said, albeit obvious.

This is par for the course for Sky news, part of the anti-christ's "Media" portfolio. It says it is news, but it is simply a biased opinion piece masquerading as news, rather unconvincingly read direct from the autocue. God I thought the BBC was biased, but poor Aussies having to listen to this nonsense day after day. Brains quite understandably turn into cabbages.

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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I’d love to sit down with Farage and get a full and honest answer to the question ‘What was he doing in the Ecuadorian Embassy?’.

Delivering payment from Putin and Trump to their servant Assange, and giving him their next instructions, I would guess.

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5 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

it is possible that the UK Can withdraw art. 50 and can resign from the EU at a later date. The two-year waiting period will come to fruition. How often theoretically the UK can do this game is not regulated.

Good luck with that.

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29 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

Farage opines that the 29th is supposed to be a great day.

Well, after this evening in HoC it should be clear if the 29th will be smth to celebrate, in his view.

Well maybe. It is still not game over even if the PM is voted down followed by no-deal Brexit being voted down. 

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2 hours ago, IssanMichael said:

I see posts on here saying Brexiteers failed to plan, how can 17m of the public plan anything? We voted to leave and leave we will. No deal no problem the Eu loss not ours, a difficult transitional period perhaps and then watch the UK FLY

Like a 737 MAX?

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7 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:



...I see a whole population being held hostage....


...only for the biggest connivers to profit at the end....




...a disgrace....


...another crime against humanity....




"Crime against humanity," 55555555 ???? Only a small majority voted for brexit and the opinion will have changed to stay by now which is why the brexiters are running scared of a new referendum. Commerce in the UK is already moving to Europe, chiefly Ireland and Holland but Frankfurt and Paris are also happy winners, it's about billions and billions, they won't be back either way, keep shooting that foot.

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24 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Delivering payment from Putin and Trump to their servant Assange, and giving him their next instructions, I would guess.

Steady on, Nigel - I'm the conspiracy theorist on this forum!!!


(Well, that's what "they" keep telling me!).

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6 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Of course I do. But that does not excuse the PM and Parliamentarians of all stripes from promising they will deliver Brexit and then doing completely the opposite.


The way they have ratted on the referendum result is the last nail in the coffin of our broken political system and self-serving career MPs.


It's all about what is possible, the plebs wanted bread and circus without end, it is the politicians job to shove reality into their faces, the referendum was an irresponsible mistake, Oh well back to watching 'Eastenders' and 'Love Island'

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16 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

The plan was always to fly Brexit into the ground. Fasten your seat-belts, tuck your head between your legs and get ready to kiss your ass and our self-serving political system goodbye.

Not everybody got on the Hard Brexit plane.

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41 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Well maybe. It is still not game over even if the PM is voted down followed by no-deal Brexit being voted down. 

no, not really game over, but hardly anything for Farage to celebrate



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So apparently leading Tories are now urging May to cancel the meaningful vote and instead let parliament vote on a fantasy deal including fantasy technology. Being confronted with the fact that the EU has already explained  it will not discuss such proposals, their response, apparently, is that this doesn’t matter, because it’s what the UK voted for. 


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