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Britain in Brexit chaos - parliament crushes May's EU deal again


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56 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

the longstanding original plan for this week was

day1 - debates - vote may-deal if fails - debates vote no deal


but maybe MPs got scared of missing closing time




there is a bar in the House

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59 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

the longstanding original plan for this week was

day1 - debates - vote may-deal if fails - debates vote no deal


but maybe MPs got scared of missing closing time




They got scared of missing the mass debate because they are all a bunch of winkers

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It isn't a dream it was a democratic referendum result. I believe you are gloating but I don't know why. It is certainly not over by a long way. There are many possibilities that can happen but not leaving the EU one day, is not one of them. It might not happen on the 29th March but it will. To think that is really dreaming.

It certainly isn’t over.


As Farage himself said:


’A 48:52 result would be unfinished business’.



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1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:

the longstanding original plan for this week was

day1 - debates - vote may-deal if fails - debates vote no deal


but maybe MPs got scared of missing closing time




No. It was always a 3 day event

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3 hours ago, vinny41 said:

If the Tory remainers  in Leave voting areas are removed at the next General Election and replaced with new leaving candidates  there will be no split 

Brexit Barometer shows ten point lead for Conservatives


According to these estimates, around 75% of constituencies that were won by the Conservatives in the 2017 general election voted to Leave, while around 61% of Labour constituencies voted to Leave.13 Jul 2018


What if they stand as independents, and split the vote?

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

Politicians want to leave with no deal and that is what they are insisting on and that is why this deal was rejected , Leave means Leave , no deal

Well your predictive ability gets tested today ... it will be no surprise to TV observers that it will be found wanting.

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4 hours ago, AlexRich said:

What a calamity! So the ERG have implemented yet another "cunning plan" that would make even Baldrick squirm. Tomorrow "no deal" is off the table and the next day an extension of Article 50 will be voted for ... eventually parliament will come round to a second referendum to break the impasse. And we'll have no Brexit at all.


Mrs May will be voting to reject "no deal", and her MP's will be given a free vote. Anyone thinking that the UK is leaving with "no deal" on the 29 March 2019 hasn't been paying attention.


A plague on both your houses.


The EU have already stated that they will not offer a short extension, if we do request one then it will most likely be another 2 years, after which time the demographics will have changed by about 4 million people, which is 10% of the eligible voting population, it would be very wrong to deny them the choice in another referendum.

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4 hours ago, sanemax said:

More likely that a General election will be held to get new M.P's in to break the deadlock


Only if that happens there's every chance Comrade Corbyn might scrape in, on a minority or very small majority government; backed by the SNP and other minority parties.


He doesn't like the EU but favors a soft Brexit, staying in the custom's union etc. 


More deadlock with a dangerous lunatic throwback at the helm!


The Tories factions will be fighting hard to get their chosen leader in the seat to replace May. Might just break their party up. Ironic as this whole mess came about because of efforts to stop them fracturing.

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