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Britain in Brexit chaos - parliament crushes May's EU deal again


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1 minute ago, vogie said:

The mess has a lot to do with Corbyn, if you get the chance to watch a repeat of last nights 'Newsnight', Emily Maitland grilled MPs from every persuasion, she was magnificent and one thing that was said was, "Prime Minister May has lost her voice and the leader of the opposition has nothing to say. 

Corbyn is playing politics and not bothered one ha'pence about the nation. What a shambles the lot of them.

I wish Brexiteers would be a little more consistent in who they are blaming for the failure of their Brexit.


Brexit has been managed by the PM and her cabinet, I’m not aware Corbyn has a seat at that table.


Perhaps Brexiteers know differently.

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


Remaining in the Customs Union and Single Market would cost us a lot of money, subject us to EU rules and controls, and mean we have no say in the making of those rules.

Much better to have the people's vote again, now many are better informed. Having said that, I know a lot of people who still swallow all the hard Brexit bull shit and think all these current problems are the EU's fault!

Corbyn's proposal, like all the others, does not command a majority in the Commons.

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8 minutes ago, Orac said:


I didn’t realised there were still people around that actually believed this nonsense that someone made up.

Well you can believe some of it then. Several items on the list already in effect and at least some of the others will come into effect. These alone are enough reason to come out.

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57 minutes ago, Grouse said:

No. It was always a 3 day event

I am not addressing lengths of events


but may-deal and no-deal being sorted the first day


never mind - not important - can't be bothered to wade back through the threads


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3 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Well you can believe some of it then. Several items on the list already in effect and at least some of the others will come into effect. These alone are enough reason to come out.

Peddling a bag of half-rotten fruit.

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Just now, vogie said:

We have had the peoples vote, we are not playing tennis at Wimbledon where it's the best of 5 sets. 


It wasn't a People's vote. It was an advisory referendum. 


No matter how much you like the result and want to make it seem otherwise.

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

We have had the peoples vote, we are not playing tennis at Wimbledon where it's the best of 5 sets. 

"You cannot be serious!"...........Unfortunately the referendum didn't provide guidance re exit process, which is why we are where we are.

Edited by SheungWan
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5 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I thought as leader of the position and as a poster pointed out (not you) that he could possibly be the next PM. Are you jumping in on a debate???


Before you start celebrating drinking Pina Coladas, just hold on and wait.


It ain't over until the fat lady sings as they say, although I have the feeling you are frothing at the mouth at the possibility of whatever your views are.

And Corbyn isn’t leading Brexit, therefore not the cause of its failure.


But scatter the blame why don’t you. 

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15 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Remaining in the Customs Union and Single Market would cost us a lot of money, subject us to EU rules and controls, and mean we have no say in the making of those rules.


Much better to have the people's vote again, now many are better informed. Having said that, I know a lot of people who still swallow all the hard Brexit bull shit and think all these current problems are the EU's fault!

OK lets for arguments sake there is another referendum. What will the outcome parameters be. more than 50% of the vote. Do we have another one in 3 years after the outcome?


Either way all the answers I am foreseeing would have probably been mentioned in the first one.


I would prefer a GE if the MPs won't act on the first referendum result and watch the "squeeky bum time' and see who gets elected.


The EU won't want that as a brexiteer might become the next PM. No the plan all along was to frustrate the vote and hope the UK will change their minds which has  shown that it has not, regardless of a referendum.


If parliament cancel the result then I believe this will be suicide for the politicians and the country.


My opinion again would have been the EU to stay friends with the UK.  Let it go its own way. Due to those who run the EU they just can't allow it and are as responsible as the British MP's who put themselves before constituents.

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9 minutes ago, vogie said:

We all know the theory side of things BB, but in reality 500 MPs voted for art 50 to take us out of the EU, or was that advisory too.

If you check the footage it was quite obvious what was on the table. Cameron gave a speech and it was unequivocal about what was being voted on, the seriousness of it and the fact it would be permanent


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3 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

No deal will come into play again after 29 March.

BBC news just now looks like there will be an extension.

Maybe an general election, there was big cheer from MP's when TM mentioned another referendum vote. 

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4 hours ago, Basil B said:

No it wont happen, even JC stopped short of calling for a no confidence vote, a general election at this time will almost certainly lead to a hung parliament, Tories will loose seats, may see the ERG spitting and becoming UKIP2, Labour will be lucky to get any more seats, smaller parties will make gains, which ever party forms the next government will probably be looking to more than one party for support.

Exactly - an election will only bake in the stand-off. Remember that the vote in the referendum was close and many voting remain voted remain but . . . and many voting leave voted leave but . . . 


In other words, the situation is not as black and white as some politicians would like you to believe. In such a situation I would suggest the following:


Go somewhere along the road towards Brexit now, right now, and work out the details of where the UK wants to go later. In other words, leave the Single Market and move to Custom's Union right now - call it Brexit 1. That means no backstop and no problem at the Irish border. It gets over the problem of what the country wants in the future. And it would stop the haemorage of business confidence and investment to other countries.


Yes, it would not solve the freedom of movement, fisheries and the freedom to sign separate trade deals with other countries. But it would give the country the most valuable commody of all - time - rather than being rushed into some deal or other which could cause huge problems in the future.



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