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Just Heard A Really Really Loud Bang .


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i family just got back from the airport sending my sister off .

and i am at home doing my work .

just when my parent came back . and close the door and went back to sleep .

The we all heard the LOUD bang . - wake up my mother and at first i was thinking something in my house explored . but the loud sound seem so distance .

then i think my sister flight at 9 am . and so on .. just wondering if anyone hear it .. Cos is not normal noise .. is one LARGE sound of only one instant . sound like .- KA-ROoom ..

kinda worry me cos is the single loudest sound i heard so far .. is at least 5-10 time louder then then usually prank firecracker nosie i hear in the norning or some gunshot gun . i hear before when i went to the gun club .

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I have heard extremely loud bangs when fireworks are let off at cremation services...but its a bit early in the day...cannot think what it could have been, I will ask the maid if she heard it...on second thoughts I won't..She is as deaf as a post !

Someone else on TV MUST have heard it if you did TA?

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When electric transformers blow up, the bang is pretty loud, and it happens fairly frequently. Could be something else too, of course.

That they do. Have had them blow up near my office and very loud and the whole office vibrated from it. Happened 3 or 4 times near me with one time a waterfall of fire coming from one of the transformers.

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- is kinda Odd. , what worry me cos is sound kinda unfamilar from the usually loud noise aroind this area . is common . that i hear firecracker , and even some weird bang sound like gun shot or sometime incombustion exhust from car. i heard it before .

it kinda come with a vibration . also . as the feeling is kinda earth and sound - is along th super highway .

some month ago a car crash created a large bang but it still softer then the one i hears .

is very near a petrol station . - i rush out to have a look . but see no smoke or anything .

is almost an hour now and hear no police car or amubulance siren . so i am assuming is notthing .

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is almost an hour now and hear no police car or amubulance siren . so i am assuming is notthing .

So it happened around 8:30...

I was in the area at that time. I didn't hear any loud bang, didn't see any smoke.

No accidents, no police cars, no ambulances, no unusual traffic jams.

Everything was just fine.

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One of the pole mounted transformers will do that every time. Had one go off just down the road last week, and sounded like a 155mm Howitzer going off, the whole house shook. Alternatively you could stop eating mushrooms that early in the day :o

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I rush out to have a look and my younger brother went to the second floor and try to see some distance .

and i got back and make the post . my computer clock is 8:44am . so i estimate the loud Bang sound is at 8:41 am .

is very un-usual .

i was thinking Sonic boom from JET as it near the airforce

but it sound like a Land thing . , you know how you felt when you can indent the direction of the sound . and everyone my my family point to one direction . ahead .

i sure hope is something usual . - and can be fix and nobody hurt .


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Alternatively you could stop eating mushrooms that early in the day :o

I always thought that Baked Beans had a more dramatic effect than mushrooms

Baked bean and cabbage curry is the most formidable substance to produce foul odours, but I was referring to the mushroom variety that makes you see and hear things that aren't there :D

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whahaha i don't really take " Mushroom "

My mom do enjoy hutning down herb all over chiangmai . and brew up specical cocktail . which is suppose to cure you of certain illness .

some is really nice , but some relaly make your fart smell like can't even find the words for it ..

is as Bad as it sound .

My mom and father is really into herbal cure and know alot of the plant and flower that can cure alot of stuff ..

ok back to topic .

happy to know i am wrong about any danger and everything is fine :o

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then i think my sister flight at 9 am . and so on .. just wondering if anyone hear it .. Cos is not normal noise .. is one LARGE sound of only one instant . sound like .- KA-ROoom ..

Not a good feeling at all ... pleased that it seems nothing to worry about.

I hear strange explosions from time to time, that cannot be written off as crackers or gunshots :o. I have wondered about D.I.Y. renovations with explosives.

I wasn't aware of the mounted transformer syndrome.

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