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Digital Sound Projector.


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I am interested in acquiring a Digital Sound Projector as it is less obtrusive than having the conventional surround sound speaker set up not to mention the space that they take up.

This is the type of model that I am after click here.

My questions are:

1. Does anyone currently have a model like this and how do you compare the surround sound quality to that of the aforementioned conventional set up.

2. Is there a particular brand that you would recommend.

3. Do you know of the general availability in Thailand of such models.

Any other comments or pertinent information would also be appreciated. Good and bad. Thanks.

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The projectors rely on bouncing sound of the walls of your room. I would imagine an empty rectangular/square room is the ideal.

They can't provide the same experience as a real set up for 6 or 7 speakers but then again its just 'one' speaker (actually its many, many tiny speakers bouncing their sound!) so you have a compromise.

Only one I know of are the Yamaha line. As for Thailand no idea if they are available. Around 400 quid in the UK

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Thanks for the info. I have looked at the Yamaha Global website and they are available in Bangkok. I guess it is a trade of between having a slightly reduced sound experience against not having many speakers set up around the room.

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Ben do you mean in conjunction with a conventional set up ie) two stand alone speakers each side of the TV and in-ceiling speakers for the rear as opposed to with a Digital Sound Projector ?

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