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What if verifiable income exceeds that required?

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I have a retirement Visa and have lived here in Thailand for 14 years.  My basic retirement income (Social Security) exceeds the 800,000 baht requirement under the new Thai Immigration rules.

The new rules (see below) state that one must have (3) evidence of income no less than 65,000 baht, or (4) 800,000 in a Thai bank, or, (5) a combination of income and money in the bank that totals 800,000 baht.  The "or" word is critical here!

The "or" to me means that if you don't have (3), then you must have (4) or (5);   If you don't have (4), then you must have (5).  So, if I meet the requirement of (3) and have verifiable income of over 65,000 baht per month, why would that alone not qualify for the retirement visa renewal?  Item (3) says nothing about having to have this income in a Thai bank.  My Social Security is Direct Deposited each month to my Bank of America account in the U.S.  Nevertheless, I still transfer from Bank of America each month most of the income I receive to Bangkok Bank as means for my support.

Anyone else have this situation?  Your thoughts and comments regarding my logic about this are appreciated.



The requirements for a retirement extension according to the new police order are promulgated as follows:


(1) Must have been granted a non-immigrant visa (Non-Im)

(2) Must be 50 years of age or over

(3)  Must have evidence of having income of no less than THB 65,000 or;

(4) At least 2 months prior to filing date, and at least 3 months after being granted permission, the alien must have fund deposited in a bank in Thailand of no less than THB 800,000. The alien can withdraw the fund 3 months after being granted permission and the remaining balance must be no less than THB 400,00 or;

(5) Must have an annual earning and fund deposited with a commercial bank in Thailand totaling no less than THB 800,000 until the filing date. The said fund must remain in the account prior to and after the permission is granted and the alien can make a withdrawal under the same conditions as stated in (4).

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New rule says you must show more than 65k in foreign transfers a month into a Thai bank... If you are using the BK Bank ACH method to transfer from Bank of America account  This method will effectively end in April 1st...

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How are you going to prove your income? If you can get an "income letter" from you embassy, that will suffice and don't need to deposit any money in a Thai bank. But oops, you cant' I think, hence, monthly transfer in a Thai bank from oversees. 

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1 hour ago, hgarwood said:

(3)  Must have evidence of having income of no less than THB 65,000 

The previous rules have not changed as far as what the basic requirements are.

Everything is a or statement meaning you only need one of the 3 options. That is the same as it has been for years.

For income it was changed by doing an amendment to the police order for the documents required.



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6 hours ago, sfokevin said:

New rule says you must show more than 65k in foreign transfers a month into a Thai bank... If you are using the BK Bank ACH method to transfer from Bank of America account  This method will effectively end in April 1st...

No, as I read it, the rule says you must have verifiable income of no less than 65,000 baht -- then it goes on to say, after "or", what you must have if you don't have income of no less than 65,000 baht.  Rule says nothing about having to have the income placed into a Thai bank.  As to verification, I have a letter from the U.S. Social Security Department that shows what my monthly income is.

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22 minutes ago, hgarwood said:

No, as I read it, the rule says you must have verifiable income of no less than 65,000 baht -- then it goes on to say, after "or", what you must have if you don't have income of no less than 65,000 baht.  Rule says nothing about having to have the income placed into a Thai bank.  As to verification, I have a letter from the U.S. Social Security Department that shows what my monthly income is.

Keyword here is verifiable,i do not believe the Thai immigration office will accept that.That is where the letter from the embassy came in and that is no longer an option.

Please see what Ubonjoe posted,he knows his stuff.

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2 hours ago, hgarwood said:

No, as I read it, the rule says you must have verifiable income of no less than 65,000 baht -- then it goes on to say, after "or", what you must have if you don't have income of no less than 65,000 baht.  Rule says nothing about having to have the income placed into a Thai bank.  As to verification, I have a letter from the U.S. Social Security Department that shows what my monthly income is.

Ask Ubonjoe if they will accept a SS letter without you ever transferring the money to Thailand. Verification to Thai IM means in a Thai bank account or by the home country Embassy. Not from the source (SSA) issuing the monies. No one has yet to confirm that Thai IM would accept documentation from a source as verifiable proof. Why don't you go ask Thai IM or try to get your extension done with just a SS letter. I'm sure there are thousands that have SS letters and pension letters (me too) that would love for IM to accept without having to xfer monies to a Thai bank. I am not going to chance it and then have to leave the country because I didn't make the monthly xfers or have the 800k in the bank...

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2 minutes ago, JohnnyBD said:

Do you know of and have 1st hand knowledge of any IM offices that are accepting SS letters as proof of income? Or, is above just your opinion?

First question, no. "is above just your opinion?" Not an opinion, fact. How long have you lived in Thailand? Don't you know that banks, government offices, Immigration offices etc, all make up a lot of their own rules?

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14 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

First question, no. "is above just your opinion?" Not an opinion, fact. How long have you lived in Thailand? Don't you know that banks, government offices, Immigration offices etc, all make up a lot of their own 

Where is the proof to support your so called fact?

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1 minute ago, JohnnyBD said:

Where is the proof to support your so called fact?

I know how to answer that but I won't. I will ask you again though. Assuming you live in Thailand, how long has that been for?

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4 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I know how to answer that but I won't. I will ask you again though. Assuming you live in Thailand, how long has that been for?

Long time. But, why can't you answer where is your proof that IM is NOW accepting SS letters without having to transfer funds into Thai bank or having to provide an income affidavit? False information doesn't help anyone.

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4 minutes ago, JohnnyBD said:

Long time. But, why can't you answer where is your proof that IM is NOW accepting SS letters without having to transfer funds into Thai bank or having to provide an income affidavit? False information doesn't help anyone.


4 minutes ago, JohnnyBD said:

Long time. But, why can't you answer where is your proof that IM is NOW accepting SS letters without having to transfer funds into Thai bank or having to provide an income affidavit? False information doesn't help anyone.

I have never said anything about SS letters or transfer funds as I leave the bulk of my money in the UK.

For your sake I will repeat it again. Different Thai immigration offices have their own interpretation of the rules, that means, some will allow this and some will allow that.

That is my last word on this debate.

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20 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I have never said anything about SS letters or transfer funds as I leave the bulk of my money in the UK.

For your sake I will repeat it again. Different Thai immigration offices have their own interpretation of the rules, that means, some will allow this and some will allow that.

That is my last word on this debate.

Understand. You are not US citizen, therefore you don't know anything about SS letters which is what the OP was asking about. Enough said.

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5 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Is it correct that long term (ie 20 years plus) stayers need only 200k in the bank ?

Only if they were on extensions of stay based upon retirement in October 1998, were 55 to 60 years old and have remained on continuous extensions since them.

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29 minutes ago, JohnnyBD said:

Understand. You are not US citizen, therefore you don't know anything about SS letters which is what the OP was asking about. Enough said.

Did I say I did???? Enough said again. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

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20 hours ago, hgarwood said:

No, as I read it, the rule says you must have verifiable income of no less than 65,000 baht -- then it goes on to say, after "or", what you must have if you don't have income of no less than 65,000 baht.  Rule says nothing about having to have the income placed into a Thai bank.  As to verification, I have a letter from the U.S. Social Security Department that shows what my monthly income is.

Mr. hgarwood (OP),

This is a Memorandum that was issued on Dec 26, 2018. It states "since the cancellation of income certification by embassies" (no more income affidavits being issued by the US embassy after Jan 1, 2019), you must show transfers of 65k per month or more into a Thai bank. You cannot use your SSA letter as verification for your extension renewal. This was the document I was hoping someone would post for you. It took me a while to find it. With kind regards...

Urgent Memorandum Letter.jpg

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